
  • 网络international press;Journal of International Communication
  1. 联合国秘书长在4月29日向国际新闻界发表的新闻公报中提及了此事。

    It is mentioned in press communiqu é of29 April by the UN Secretary-General .

  2. 通过建立与国际新闻界的友好联系,争取更多的国际舆论支持,营造良好的国际舆论氛围。

    Through friendly relations with the global press , we aim at creating an atmosphere of favorable international public opinion .

  3. 他的名作《红星照耀着中国》一书轰动一时,影响了一代中国青年,同时也为他自己赢得了震撼国际新闻界的名声。

    His masterpiece The Red Star over China caused great sensation for a time and influenced the whole generation of young people , which also won him a global fame in the news world .

  4. 李辉表示,本次峰会受到国际社会和新闻界的广泛关注。

    Li noted that the summit has drawn wide attention from the international community and the media .