
  • 网络State Administration of Work Safety;SAWS
  1. 国家安全生产监督管理总局(stateadministrationofworksafety)周末期间下令,要求地势低的煤矿检查自己的排水系统,并在大雨期间停止作业。

    At the weekend , the State Administration of work safety ordered low-lying coal mines to check their drainage systems and stop production during heavy rains .

  2. 2003年至2004年,国家安全生产监督管理总局组织了金属非金属尾矿库安全状况的调查,调查了2692座代表性的尾矿库。

    From 2003 to 2004 , State Administration of Work Safety has made an investigation on safety situation of metal and nonmetal tailing pond . 2692 representative tailing ponds have been researched .

  3. 目前国家安全生产监督管理总局已派出工作小组前往事故现场,指导救援工作。

    A work team from the State Administration of Work Safety has been sent to the scene to guide the rescue efforts .

  4. 国家安全生产监督管理总局在其官方网站上发布声明,要求各大公司关闭它们在灾区的油矿和油井,直到情况有所好转,工人可安全返岗后再恢复生产。

    China 's State Administration of Work Safety told companies to shut oil wells and mines in affected areas until conditions improve and workers can safely return to their jobs , according to a statement posted on its Web site .

  5. 为保障企业安全管理人才队伍建设,国家和地方政府以及国家安全生产监督管理总局等部门相继出台了许多法律法规和制度。

    To protect the enterprise safety management personnel , national and local governments and the State Administration of Work Safety have introduced a number of laws and regulations and systems .