
  • 网络Shanxi Coal
  1. 本文以煤炭资源整合为背景,使用经典的SCP范式对山西煤炭产业进行深入的研究分析。

    Based on the background of coal resources integration , the use of classic SCP paradigm of shanxi coal industry in-depth study .

  2. 入世后,山西煤炭营销战略之我见

    On My View on Shanxi Coal Marketing Strategies after WTO Entry

  3. 加入WTO对山西煤炭工业的挑战

    Influence of Coal Industry in Shanxi while entering WTO

  4. 阐述了山西煤炭经济的发展现状及我国加入WTO对其产生的影响,提出了山西省煤炭经济发展的思路与对策。

    This paper expounds the developing situation of Shanxi 's coal economy and the influence of WTO entry of China on Shanxi 's coal economy , and puts forward some ideas and countermeasures of developing Shanxi 's coal economy .

  5. 洁净煤技术产业化是山西煤炭工业发展的必然选择

    CCT commercialization : the way Shanxi coal industry development must follow

  6. 山西煤炭资源型城市主导产业选择研究

    Study on Choosing Leading Industry for Coal Resources-based Cities in Shanxi

  7. 山西煤炭资源整合和有偿使用状况分析

    Analysis on integration and paid use status of Shanxi coal resources

  8. 基于自主创新提升山西煤炭产业竞争力研究

    Study on Raising Competitiveness of Shanxi Coal Industry Based on Innovation

  9. 山西煤炭资源型县域的界定及其转型的思考

    Defining and Thinking of Transfer on Coal Resource-based Counties in Shanxi

  10. 限制土焦是山西煤炭转化的当务之急

    The pressing matter ── restriction of indigenous coking in Shanxi

  11. 山西煤炭公路营销创新机制研究

    Study on the Innovation of Shanxi Coal Road - Transportation Sale System

  12. 如何使山西煤炭更好地进入国际市场

    How to make Shanxi coal get into international market better

  13. 山西煤炭开发与生态环境预警初探

    Issue on Coal Exploitation and Eco-environment Warning in Shanxi Province

  14. 山西煤炭私营业主生活满意感调查

    A Survey Study Life Satisfaction of Private Coal Owners

  15. 发挥山西煤炭优势积极开拓国际市场

    Utilizing Shanxi coal advantage to open up overseas market

  16. 山西煤炭资源开发的法律保护初探

    About the Legal Protection of the Development of Coal Resources in Shanxi Province

  17. 山西煤炭信息化建设与前景

    Information Construction and Development Prospects for Shanxi Coal Industry

  18. 山西煤炭系统人才资源供求探讨

    An exploration of the supply and demand of talents in Shanxi coal department

  19. 山西煤炭资源开采诱发地面塌陷灾害的防治

    Trial Discussion on Surface Collapse Disaster Induced by Coal Mine Exploitation in Shanxi

  20. 山西煤炭工业实施集中化发展战略的思考

    Integrated Development Strategy in Coal Industry of Shanxi Province

  21. 山西煤炭能源在中国能源发展战略中占有十分重要的位置。

    Shanxi Coal resources possess very important position in China energy development strategy .

  22. 2000年山西煤炭工业的工作重点

    The key works of Shansi coal industry in 2000

  23. 山西煤炭产业集群形成的研究对策分析

    Analysis on the Countermeasures for the Formation of Shanxi 's Coal Industry Cluster

  24. 山西煤炭通信的宽带接入建设

    Construction of Broad Band Communication in Shanxi Coal Industry

  25. 浅谈山西煤炭市场营销策略

    View on the Marketing Countermeasures of Shanxi Coal Market

  26. 发展循环经济对于山西煤炭行业尤为重要和紧迫。

    Developing Circular Economic for Shanxi coal industry is particularly important and urgent .

  27. 山西煤炭工业的持续发展研究

    Sustainable Development of Coal Industry in Shanxi Province

  28. 促进山西煤炭工业多种经营发展的对策与建议

    Proposed measures and recommendations for diversified economy development in coal sector of Shanxi Province

  29. 学生体质健康标准测试结果的分析&以山西煤炭职业技术学院为例

    Analysis of Test Results of Students of Shanxi Tourism College By Physical Health Standard

  30. 最后提出以循环经济推进山西煤炭工业可持续发展的对策。

    Finally , the response for sustainable development of Shanxi coal industry is promoted .