
  1. 以促进山西民歌的时代性,加强科学性也继承了民族性。

    In order to promote the times of shanxi folk songs , strengthen scientific also inherited nationality .

  2. 而左权民歌作为山西民歌的代表性歌种,更有着独特的魅力特征。

    Zuoquan folk songs , representative of Shanxi folk songs , have more unique and charming features .

  3. 总结出为适应时代审美需求,山西民歌这块宝贵的艺术遗产在当代艺术舞台上的发展趋势。

    Summed up to adapt to the social aesthetic demand , shanxi folk song this precious artistic heritage in contemporary art stage development trend .

  4. 山西民歌作为中国民歌的一个重要分支,因其质朴的语言,丰富的内容,浓郁的地方特色,独特的演唱方式和艺术特征而深受听众喜爱。

    As an important branch of Chinese folk songs , Shanxi folk songs are popular with listeners for their plain language , rich content , full-bodied local color , unique singing style and artistic features .

  5. 本文主要是对山西民歌的两大流派,即左权民歌与河曲民歌的发展现状及发展前景做一探析与对比研究。

    This paper is mainly to the shanxi folk songs of the two great schools , namely ZuoQuan folk songs and folk songs in hequ area of the present situation and development prospect this and comparative study .

  6. 山西民歌是山西大学生最为熟悉和亲切的歌曲,它具有深厚的历史文化底蕴,是一种具有很高审美价值和人文研究价值的文化财富,是山西人民精神气质的象征。

    Shanxi 's songs are what university students from Shanxi are most familiar with . It has a very high value of appreciating beauty and has a meaningful value of humanity study , which is rich cultural wealth .

  7. 文章以小见大,通过分析当前山西民歌乃至我们整个民族传统音乐的发展现状后,尝试着提出了一些我国传统民间音乐今后在保护和发展的道路上应采取的一些措施和建议。

    At last , after analyzing the current development of Shanxi folk songs and even the national traditional music , a number of measures and recommendations are proposed to preserve and help to develop the nation traditional folk music .

  8. 但目前国内许多学者山西民歌音乐本体的研究涉及的甚少,而音乐的调式,结构,旋律、节奏等作为音乐表现手段的另一个侧面,对音乐的表现也具有重要的作用。

    But up to now many scholars ontology of Shanxi folk music rarely involved , and music , melody and structure , melody , rhythm , etc. as a means of musical expression , another side , the performance of the music also has an important role .

  9. 山西的民歌,曲调优美,易于传唱,感情真挚,情真意切,具有自己独特的艺术风格和鲜明的地方特色。

    Shanxi folk songs , tunes and beautiful , easy-to-sung , sincere feelings , sincere , has its own unique artistic style and distinctive local characteristics .

  10. 但是山西地方民歌的翻译却未能得到翻译界和音乐界的足够重视,歌词中大量的方言和大量带有地方特色的文化信息,大大增加了歌词翻译的难度。

    However , the translation of Shanxi folk songs cannot take translation field and music circles seriously enough . A good deal of dialect and local cultural color lyrics containing plenty of cultural information , greatly increase the difficulty of translation .

  11. 作曲家张千一选用大量的山西原生态民歌作为基本的音乐素材,根据剧情的需要,进行重新诠释。

    The composer Mr. Zhang Qianyi chose a lot original ecology music as the basic form , and according to the scenario , he has made re-explanations .