
  • 网络shanxi academy
  1. 山西大学堂对中国近代大学教育的贡献

    On Shanxi Academy 's contribution to contemporary university education of China

  2. 从山西大学堂到山西大学(1902-1937)

    From Shanxi Academy to Shanxi University ( 1902-1937 )

  3. 山西大学堂与壬寅大学堂的兴衰

    The Rise & Fall of Shanxi Grand University and Other Renyin Universities

  4. 1902~1912年山西大学堂的科学教育及其特点

    Shanxi University 's Science Education and the Characteristics between 1902 and 1912

  5. 当时,山西大学堂的许多学生都曾加入同盟会。

    Many students then joined the Revolutionary League .

  6. 李提摩太与山西大学堂

    Timothy Richard and Shanxi Academy

  7. 山西大学堂的英国风

    Britain Trend of Shanxi University

  8. 山西大学堂是清末实行新政后,于1902年(农历壬寅年)创立的众多大学堂中的一所。

    Shanxi Grand University is one of the universities established in the year of 1902 ( Renyin Year on the Chinese Lunar Calendar ) when the Qing Dynasty practiced its new policies .

  9. 20世纪初,在清政府努力推行新政的背景下,山西大学堂派出大量的留学生赴国外学习新式科学。

    At the beginning of the20th century , in the background of Qin Dynasty 's efforts of carrying out the new policy , Shanxi University sent many overseas students to study new sciences .

  10. 在20世纪初风雨飘摇的艰难岁月里,山西大学堂与京师大学堂、北洋大学堂等仅有的几所大学,一起开创了中国近代大学教育的先河。

    In the hard time at the beginning of the20 ~ ( th ) century , Shanxi Academy turned the first page of Chinese modern university education along with Jingshi Academy and Beiyang Academy .