
  • 网络conversion;Coal Conversion
  1. 高效清洁煤炭转化技术现状

    The Present Situation of the High-efficiency and Clean Coal Conversion Technology

  2. 球红假单胞菌的微波诱变及对煤炭转化的影响

    Influence on Microwave Mutagenesis of Spheroid Rhodopseudomonas and Coal Conversion

  3. CERA的报告还说,新型生物燃料以及将天然气和煤炭转化成清洁燃油的其他高成本项目也有可能受到不利影响。

    Other high-cost ventures , such as new biofuels and projects that seek to turn natural gas and coal into clean-burning transportation fuels are also likely to be affected , the CERA report said .

  4. 限制土焦是山西煤炭转化的当务之急

    The pressing matter ── restriction of indigenous coking in Shanxi

  5. 功率超声在煤炭转化中的应用

    The Application of Power Ultrasound in the Coal Conversion

  6. 其中,将煤炭转化为电力是最主要的措施。

    The most important measure of clean coal is to convert coal into electricity .

  7. 煤炭转化新方向&二甲醚

    New Direction of Coal Conversion & Dimethyl Ether

  8. 煤中低分子化合物及对煤炭转化性能的影响

    The Lower Molecular Weight Compounds in Coal and their Effect on the Conversion Behavior

  9. 未来数年,投向中国大型煤炭转化项目的资金可能会急剧增加。

    Investment in big-budget Chinese coal conversion plants is likely to soar over the next few years .

  10. 二甲醚是一种理想的洁净燃料和气雾剂推进剂,是煤炭转化的新方向。

    Dimethyl ether is an ideal clean fuel and aerosol propellant , and the development of dimethyl ether is the new direction of coal conversion .

  11. 从保证我国能源安全和环境双重角度出发,认为由我国资源相对丰富的煤炭转化为汽车清洁代用燃料是符合我国国情的重要途径。

    To ensure energy safety and environment protection in China , it is an important to convert coal resource to the clean fuel for vehicles .

  12. 采用先进的煤炭转化技术来发展我国的现代煤化工和洁净的煤技术发电,以及改造我国现有的以煤为原料的固定层煤气化工艺的化肥厂,已显得极为迫切。

    It is in our urgent need of developing modern coal chemical industry , clean coal power generation and reforming medium sized coal based fertilizer plant with advanced coal conversion technology .

  13. 根据我国国情,通过煤炭转化,发展基于煤气化的煤基能源和化工系统是实现高效、环保和经济目标的最有效的技术途径。

    According to this fact , the development of coal energy based on coal gasification and chemical industry is the most effective technological approach to achieve the goal which requires high efficiency , environmental protection and economy .

  14. 因此,必须优化进口途径,保障石油安全供应,同时应积极采取有效措施,加快煤炭转化的技术与经济研究。

    Petroleum safety circumstances is very strict , so import channel should be optimal to secure the safety of petroleum supply and effective measure should be taken to speed the research on coal transforming and economic development . 7 .

  15. 实验结果表明,与黑山烟煤单独液化相比,煤油共处理具有氢耗低,气产率低,油产率高的特点,渣油适量的添加可以促进煤炭转化,提高油产率。

    The results show that compared with the liquefaction result only by Heishan bituminous coal , coal-residual coprocessing has the characteristics with low hydrogen consumption , low gas and high oil yield . Coal conversion and oil yield was increased with proper addition of petroleum residual .

  16. 煤炭清洁转化制甲醇燃料和综合利用的发展战略

    Developmental Strategy of the Coal Clean Conversion Making Methanol Fuel and Comprehensive Utilization

  17. 菌种的选育及用于煤炭降解转化试验研究

    Experimental Study of the Cultivation and Application of Fungus for Transformation and Biodegradation of Coal

  18. 煤炭生物转化研究及发展

    Research and development of coal biodegradation

  19. 煤炭微生物转化技术研究状况与前景分析

    Survey on bioconversion technology of coal

  20. 煤炭生物转化技术研究及其进展

    Study on Bioconversion Technology of Coal

  21. 21世纪我国煤炭的转化和综合利用必将高速发展。

    Coal conversion and Coal comprehensive utilization must be developed at a high speed in the 21st century in China .

  22. 燃烧后的除尘技术与煤炭的转化技术,针对我国煤炭的燃烧效率不高和污染严重问题提出了解决方案。

    The article have puts forward the solution to the low combustion efficiency and seriously polluted problem of the coal in our country .

  23. 通过正交试验研究了白腐真菌在煤炭降解转化过程中煤样粒度、菌液用量、降解作用时间等各因素对其降解率的影响。

    The influence of coal granularity , quantity of white rot fungus liquid , and time of degradation on biodegradation percentage was studied by orthogonal test .

  24. 在分析永煤集团煤炭加工转化现状的基础上,论述永煤集团适应市场需求,进行洗选加工技术改造,调整产品结构,积极发展煤化工。

    Washing processing technical and development coal chemical were discussed for suitable for market demand based on the analysis of Yongcheng Group present coal processing conversion situation .

  25. 随着煤炭加工转化技术以及煤炭工业化应用的不断发展,迫切需要全面深入地认识煤中惰质组的结构特征以及煤中氧的赋存形态。

    With the development of the coal processing and conversion technologies , it is necessary to understand the structure of inertinite and the characteristics of oxygen functional groups in coal .

  26. 煤质特性一直是煤科学研究的重要组成部分,对煤质特征的深刻理解与认识是优化现有煤炭加工转化工艺和开发新的煤高效洁净转化技术的前提和基础。

    Coal characteristics is an essential part of coal science . A full realization of coal characteristics is the prerequisite and the foundation for the promotion of the current coal conversion procedures and the development of the high-efficiency clean coal technologies .

  27. 煤炭生物降解转化新菌种基因工程的构建研究

    Study on Modified New Culture Genetic Engineering in Biotransformation of the Coal

  28. 宁夏煤炭深度加工转化的现状及发展趋势

    Development and its trend of deep - processing for conversion of Ningxia coal

  29. 白腐真菌对煤炭的降解转化试验

    Experimental of coal biodegradation by white rot fungus

  30. 本课题以氧化反应为手段,在高温水中将煤炭和生物质转化为具有高附加值的化学品,在此方面开展了一系列研究。

    This study focuses on the selective oxidation of coal and biomass into high-valued chemicals in hot water .