
méi qì dēng
  • gas lamp;gas light
煤气灯 [méi qì dēng]
  • [gas burner;gas lamp] 一种带喷嘴或有一组出气口的装置,通过它放出可燃气体并燃烧

  1. 一盏煤气灯吊挂在天花板上。

    A gas lamp hung from the ceiling .

  2. 煤气灯逐渐为电灯所代替。

    The gas lamp gradually lost ground to electric lighting .

  3. 走廊里的煤气灯应该是开着的,调得比较暗。

    The gaslights in the passage would be on , turned low .

  4. 相反,他划了根火柴,点亮了煤气灯。

    Instead , he struck a match and lighted the gas .

  5. 在现代家庭里,电灯已经取代了煤气灯。

    Electric lights have superseded gas lights in modern homes .

  6. 他坐在那里,眼睛直望着那煤气灯唧唧低吟的黄色火焰。

    He sat staring at the yellow , singing gaslight .

  7. 旧式煤气灯照明已经为电所取代了。

    The old gas lighting has been replaced by electricity .

  8. 你们的公寓是用煤气灯还是电灯?

    Is your flat lit by gas or by electricity ?

  9. 一盏没灯罩的煤气灯照亮了这间房间。

    A gas-jet without a globe lit up the place .

  10. 我们经过稀稀拉拉的几家点着煤气灯的铺子。

    We went past a scatter of gas lit shops .

  11. 克拉斯在点煤气灯,冷得直抖。

    Crass shivered with cold as he lit the gas-jets .

  12. 一盏煤气灯嗡嗡地响着.从顶棚投射出暗淡的光。

    A hissing gas lamp suspended from the ceiling cast a dull light .

  13. 和在冬天夜晚煤气灯的光圈里。

    And the evening circle in the winter gaslight .

  14. 你有没有听过这些话,有没有被别人“煤气灯操纵”过?

    Have you heard any of these statements or been gaslit by someone ?

  15. 当时巴黎的街道上一盏煤气灯也还没有。

    At that epoch there were no gas-jets in the streets of Paris .

  16. 店铺里的煤气灯点亮。

    Gas begins to start up in the shops .

  17. 我们说过,“煤气灯操纵”者喜欢把事情推到别人身上。

    Remember how we said gaslighters love to flip the situation onto you .

  18. 他点上了煤气灯,坐了下来。

    He lit the gas and sat down .

  19. 煤气灯是一项多么了不起的发明啊!

    What a glorious discovery is the gaslight !

  20. 他习惯于每天夜里提着煤气灯,巡视大院。

    He is used to carrying gas lamps and patrolling the yard every night .

  21. 屋里点着两盏煤气灯。

    The room was illuminated by two gas-lights .

  22. 请把煤气灯开大一点,我想继续看书。

    Please turn up the gas a little , I want to go on reading .

  23. 你将听到王小姐给出如何正确使用煤气灯的说明。

    You will hear miss wang give instructions on how to use a Bunsen burner .

  24. 简单来讲,“煤气灯操纵”是一种简单且经常被忽视的心理虐待行为。

    Simply put , gaslighting is a simple and often overlooked kind of psychological abuse .

  25. 他点亮煤气灯,坐了下来,准备等一小会儿。

    Lighting the gas , he sat down , preparing to wait a little while .

  26. 她走到梳妆台前,划了根火柴,点亮了煤气灯。

    She went over to the dresser and struck a match , lighting the gas .

  27. 它给点煤气灯的城市和点蜡烛的乡村带来了一种安全的新光源。

    It brought a new , safe light to the gaslit cities and candlelit countryside .

  28. 我过去野营时经常坐在煤气灯旁读书。

    When I was camping I used to read by the light of a gaslamp .

  29. 煤气灯吹灭了。

    The gas lamp blew out .

  30. 煤气灯投下一片片幽暗的光。

    Gaslights cast a shadowy glow .