
chànɡ piān yè
  • record industry
  1. 能决定由哪些乐队来录制节目的是那些唱片业的大佬们。

    It is the movers and shakers of the record industry who will decide which bands make it .

  2. 这也是国内唱片业迄今为止最大的一笔索赔数额。

    This also is domestic record industry up to now number of the largest brushstroke claim for compensation .

  3. 用唱片业的行话来说,就是他想买下那首歌曲的版权,然后包装推出。

    In record-business lingo , that means he wanted to buy the rights to the song and market it .

  4. 尽管百代认为深层连接(deeplinking)属于非法行为,但它已撤出了国际唱片业协会拟对百度提起的上诉。

    Though EMI considers deep linking illegal , it has pulled out of the IFPI 's planned appeal against Baidu .

  5. 里德离开唱片业,进入了现场音乐行业,现在负责领导全球演唱会承办商LiveNation的欧洲分部。

    Mr Reid left the recorded music industry for live music and now leads the European operations of global concert operator , Live Nation .

  6. 美国唱片业协会(RecordingIndustryAssociationofAmerica)表示,在2010年,也就是在线音乐服务业进行了数据统计的最近的年份,在线音乐服务业总收入约为2.01亿美元。

    Online music subscription revenues were about $ 201 million in 2010 , the most recent year the data is available , according to the recording industry association of America .

  7. 美国唱片业协会(RecordingIndustryAssociationofAmerica)的数据显示,在美国,CD总销量已从2004年的7.67亿张下降至2014年的1.41亿张。

    In the US , the total number of CDs sold fell from 767m in 2004 to 141m in 2014 , according to figures from the Recording Industry Association of America .

  8. 国际唱片业协会(InternationalFederationofthePhonographicIndustry)的数据显示,尽管中国音乐市场规模巨大,但在全球仅仅排在第19位。

    Despite its size , it is only the 19th biggest music market in the world , according to the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry .

  9. 然而,国际唱片业协会(ifpi)董事长兼首席执行官约翰肯尼迪(johnkennedy)警告称,保持平行业务模式具有挑战性。

    However , sustaining parallel business models will be challenging , warns John Kennedy , chairman and chief executive of the IFPI , the music industry association .

  10. 全球唱片业中一些最为知名的公司已就涉嫌音乐盗版问题,对雅虎(Yahoo)的中国关联企业提起诉讼。雅虎是美国主要的互联网门户网站。

    Some of the biggest names in the global recording industry have launched a lawsuit against the Chinese affiliate of Yahoo , the leading US internet portal , over alleged music piracy .

  11. 国际唱片业协会指控百度支持盗版,因为它让歌迷易于找到并下载未获授权的音乐曲目。这一诉讼得到SonyBMG、华纳音乐(WarnerMusic)和环球音乐(UniversalMusic)的支持。

    The IFPI suit , which is backed by Sony BMG , Warner Music and Universal Music , accused Baidu of supporting piracy by making it easy for fans to find and download unlicensed tracks .

  12. 英国音乐家戴夫•斯图尔特(DaveStewart)曾是Eurythmics乐队成员。如今,他将录音及制作与现代唱片业顾问的角色结合起来,为O2等公司服务。

    English musician Dave Stewart , formerly with Eurythmics , now combines recording and production with advisory roles about the modern industry for companies such as O2 .

  13. 通过苹果(Apple)的iTunes等合法服务,唱片业仅夺回了因网络盗版而损失的部分资金。该行业如今正试图开发一种针对音乐视频的高级模式。

    The music industry , having clawed back only a fraction of the money lost to online piracy through legal services such as Apple 's iTunes , is trying to develop a premium model for music video .

  14. 据国际唱片业协会(IFPI)调查显示,2006年至2008年,音乐共享数量翻了一番。

    The International Federation of the Phonographic Industry ( IFPI ) estimated that music-sharing doubled between 2006 and 2008 .

  15. 上月,由国际唱片业协会(IFPI)发布的一份报告透露,一段音乐每合法下载1次,就会被非法下载40次。

    A report released last month by the International Federation of Phonographic Industries revealed there were still 40 illegal downloads for every legal one .

  16. 其中包括环球音乐集团和国际唱片业协会(IFPI)的有关负责人。

    Among the organizations he met with are Universal Music Group and the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry , the trade group representing the music industry worldwide .

  17. 国际唱片业协会(IFPI)称,它已经收到百度和搜狗(Sogou)一案的判决书。百度是中国最大的在线搜索引擎,搜狗规模较小。

    The International Federation of the Phonographic Industry said it had received verdicts in a case against Baidu , China 's largest online search company , and Sogou , a smaller one .

  18. 根据全球音乐产业协会国际唱片业协会(IFPI)最近一份报告,音乐产业内增长最快的是订阅服务,这类服务的营收在2013年增长了50%,达到11亿美元。

    Subscription services are the biggest growth area for the music industry , with revenues increasing 50 per cent to $ 1.1bn in 2013 , according to a recent report by the IFPI , the global music industry association .

  19. 国际唱片业协会(IFPI)周二(2月26日)公布的数据显示,2012年全球唱片销量额为165亿美元(见图表),尽管增幅仅有0.3%,但实现了1999年以来的首度增长。

    According to data released on February 26th by the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry , sales of recorded music grew in 2012 for the first time since 1999 , albeit only by 0.3 % , to $ 16.5 billion ( see chart ) .

  20. 音乐共享网络令唱片业陷入恐慌。

    Music-sharing networks have the record industry in a panic .

  21. 声音记录下的社会变迁&论20世纪初叶至1937年的上海唱片业

    Social Changes of Sound 's Documentary-The Recording Trades of Shanghai from 1900 to 1937

  22. 是的,唱片业在没落,但好音乐并不会因此死去。

    The industry are mortal , while good music will always find its way .

  23. 唱片业的专家说,浦雷斯利的唱片在全世界的销量超过10亿张。

    Music industry experts say more than one-thousand-million of Elvis 's recordings have sold throughout the world .

  24. 北京一家法院去年11月对此案作出有利于百度的判决,但国际唱片业协会已郑重表示将提起上诉。

    A Beijing court ruled in Baidu 's favour in November but the IFPI has vowed to appeal .

  25. 日本唱片业估计,在日本,每合法下载1首歌,就会出现大约10首盗版。

    The Japanese record industry estimates that for every song legally downloaded in the country , 10 are stolen .

  26. 他说,如今的唱片业正在与谷歌之类的公司争抢员工。

    Today , he says , the recorded music industry is competing with the likes of Google for staff .

  27. 由于唱片业现在开始起诉那些在网上共享音乐的孩子,这项发明就显得十分便利。

    It 's a handy invention now that the recording industry has taken to suing kids who share music online .

  28. 为了复兴唱片业,唱片公司开始进而制作音乐录像盒带作为扩大其唱片市场的工具。

    To fight back , record companies stepped up the production of video clips as a marketing tool for their records .

  29. 在南非,而唱片业尝试这回一点点,但互联网服务供应商告诉他们忘记它。

    The recording industry of SA tried this a little while back , but the ISPs told them to forget it .

  30. 王建明的带领增长的一个主要经济指标,玉柴唱片业的一个奇迹倍。

    Wang Jianming in the lead , Yuchai record business into a major economic indicators of growth in times of a miracle .