
  • 网络Singer-songwriter;Singer/Songwriter;singer-song-writer;Songwriter
  1. 约翰尼·卡什(JohnnyCash)之女,唱作人罗珊娜·卡什在美国根源音乐领域获得三个奖项,这是她自1986年获得格莱美奖之后首次再度获奖。

    Rosanne Cash , the singer-songwriter whose father was Johnny Cash , won three prizes in the American roots field , her first Grammys since 1986 .

  2. 70年代,格芬与唱作人雪儿(cher)保持了很长一段关系。

    In the 1970s Mr Geffen had a long relationship with the singer-songwriter Cher .

  3. 变化多端、极具前瞻性的唱作人大卫·鲍伊(DavidBowie)身上戏剧性、形象与人格的力量令一代代音乐人从中受益。据其发言人消息,他于周日去世,距离他69岁的生日刚刚过去两天。

    David Bowie , the infinitely changeable , fiercely forward-looking songwriter who taught generations of musicians about the power of drama , images and personae , died on Sunday , two days after his 69th birthday .

  4. 空手而归的艺人们当中,有不少是初次入围格莱美的新面孔,其中包括流行歌手与唱作人梅根·特莱诺(MeghanTrainor)和霍奇尔,他的真名是安德鲁·霍奇尔-伯恩(AndrewHozier-Byrne)

    Among those who went home empty-handed were a cohort of fresh faces up for their first Grammys . Those included the pop singer and songwriter Meghan Trainor and Hozier , whose real name is Andrew Hozier-Byrne .

  5. 现年28岁她,作为一名唱作人,永远对音乐充满着激情。

    The 28-year-old singer / song writer always had a passion for music .