
  • 网络the city library;municipal library
  1. 你知道市图书馆在附近吗?

    Do you know if the city library 's near here ?

  2. 市长主持了市图书馆的落成仪式。

    The city library was inaugurated by the mayor .

  3. 太原市图书馆CFG桩复合地基施工技术

    Construction Technique of Taiyuan Library CFG Pile Composite Foundation

  4. 介绍了太原市图书馆的智能化体系设计思路,分别对图书馆的综合布线系统、楼宇自动化系统及Internet应用的设计过程进行了较为详细的介绍,提出了该图书馆智能化设计的最终目标。

    The intelligent design thought of Taiyuan Library is introduced . Detailed descriptions are made according to the integrated distribution system , automatic system , application design of Internet and other aspects as well as the ultimate aim for intelligent design .

  5. 作者通过上海市图书馆的馆藏书目检索系统,对其馆藏图书进行有关网上拍卖的主题词检索。又通过专门帐号查询OCLC的商业数据库,利用词语组配、逻辑符号等进行高级检索和专家检索。

    The writer searched the bibliotheca of the Shanghai Library and searched the commercial database of the OCLC through the special account number by means of superior searching and expert searching etc.

  6. 南京市图书馆新馆钢结构预应力施工技术

    Technique in Prestressed Cable Construction of New Nanjing Library Steel Structure

  7. 厦门市图书馆信息咨询统计分析

    An Statistical Analysis of the Information Consultable Service in Xiamen Library

  8. 太原市图书馆新馆建筑设计与功能特色

    Architectural Design and Functional Features of New Building of Taiyuan Library

  9. 关于佳木斯市图书馆艰苦奋斗开拓进取求发展的调查报告

    The Investigation about Jiamusi Library 's Hard Struggle for Development

  10. 柳州市图书馆数字化建设技术研究与探讨

    A discussion about the digitalization construction technique for Liuzhou Library

  11. 试论太原市图书馆新馆的建设与发展

    Discussion on the Construction and Development of New Building of Taiyuan Library

  12. 试论地市图书馆的专利信息咨询

    On the Consulting Services of Patent Information in District and City Libraries

  13. 全面推进学习型城市建设实现我市图书馆的结构调整

    Building studious city and improving the structural readjustment of libraries in Dalian

  14. 下一趟巴士去市图书馆吗?

    Will the next bus go to the city library ?

  15. 大连市图书馆旧馆改造与新馆室内设计

    Dalian library 's rebuilding and interior design for the expansion

  16. 哈尔滨市图书馆地方文献工作实践与思考

    Local Bibliographic Work Practice and Thinking of the Harbin Municipal Public Library

  17. 数字化时代的文献发展政策探讨&兼谈对中山市图书馆文献发展政策的思考

    Explore the Policy for Document Development in the Digital Age

  18. 汕头市图书馆地方文献工作研究

    Research on the Work of Local Document in Shantou Library

  19. 淮北市图书馆文献资源建设与开发利用

    Construction and Exploitation of Documentary Resources of Huaibei Library Summary

  20. 廊坊市图书馆为盲人读者服务的几点思考

    Some Considerations about the Service for the Blind Readers in Langfang Library

  21. 市图书馆是一个绿树怀抱的美丽的地方。

    City Library is a tree the embrace of a beautiful place .

  22. 攀枝花市图书馆实施总分馆制的构想

    Some Conceptions on Implementing Main-branch Library System in Panzhihua Library

  23. 齐齐哈尔市图书馆藏古籍源流初探

    Research on the Origin of the Ancient Book Collection of Qiqihar City Library

  24. 图书馆呼唤绿色建筑&评廊坊市图书馆建筑设计

    Library is Calling Green Building & analysing the building design of LangFang Library

  25. 太原市图书馆期刊采访工作的探讨

    Probe into the Periodical Acquisitioning Work of Taiyuan Library

  26. 新时期汕头市图书馆的功能定位与发展策略

    Thought on the Function and Development of Shantou Library in the New Times

  27. 佛山市图书馆期刊采访分析报告

    An Analytical Report on Periodical Acquisition of Foshan Library

  28. 建筑·功能·服务&温州市图书馆新馆解读

    Architecture , Function and Service : a Interpretation of the New Library of Wenzhou

  29. 高州市图书馆读者调查报告

    On Investigation Report of Readers In Gaozhou Library

  30. 做实事树形象&淄博市图书馆改善服务工作报告

    A Report on Improving Service of Zibo Library