
  • 网络marketing;development;Marketing develop;Market Development;Marketing development
  1. 同时许多企业也意识到了SEO对于市场开发的重要性。

    Same time , many enterprises have realized the importance of SEO for market development .

  2. 在3G和三网融合的利好之下,移动互联网的发展地位毋庸置疑,所以手机搜索市场开发前景还是巨大的。

    In3G and three net fusions , under the good development status of mobile Internet undoubtedly , so mobile phone search market development prospects or huge .

  3. 功率型LED是一种极具市场开发价值和社会效益的新型固态照明光源。

    Power type LED is a new solid-state lighting source , which has great market value and social benefits .

  4. 医学科技期刊广告市场开发的SWOT分析

    SWOT analysis to the development of medical sci-tech journals

  5. 本文结合美国NBA经营和开发的资料,对我国篮球市场开发中存在的问题进行了分析。

    With the literature of NBA , this paper conducted analysis on development of professional basketball marketing in china .

  6. 在数据采集系统中采用目前先进的CPLD技术实现数字逻辑电路,具有非常广阔的市场开发前景。

    Since the advanced CPLD technology is used to produce digital circuit and the data transmission is finished with the EPP technology , extensive market prospect is placed .

  7. 为圆满完成中原油田销售分公司CNG市场开发及管理模式的研究任务,本文主要采用理论与实践相结合、市场调研与分析的研究方法。

    In order to finish this paper successfully , such research methods as combination of theory and practice research , market research method are used .

  8. 在这种情况下,如何在中国市场开发并管理好适合自己企业的供应商作为其OEM合作伙伴,实现真正意义上的双赢,是当今跨国公司面临的一个新问题。

    Under this case , how the multination corporate ( brand company ) to develop and manage the professional feasible suppliers in China market is a focus .

  9. 叙述了TR极压润滑膏的研究与应用情况,讨论了润滑机理,并对其市场开发前景进行了分析。

    The research and application of extreme pressure lubricating paste TR are described . Its lubrication mechanism is discussed , and its market prospect is also analyzed .

  10. 以NBA职业篮球市场开发中完成的重大业绩和市场规模变化为依据,将NBA职业篮球市场的发展过程划分为起步、巩固提高、全面发展和国际化四个阶段。

    According to the great achievement and market great change , the process of NBA market development has been divided into four stages : beginning , improvement , overall development and internationalization .

  11. 如今CBA联赛现已成长为国内形象、声誉、影响力、商业前景和市场开发潜力较大的职业联赛。

    Now CBA league has now grown to the professional league with the best domestic image , the best reputation , most influential and the largest business prospects and market development potential .

  12. 以消费者需求为中心,提供优质的竞赛产品是NBA市场开发成功的根本;建立全球化的市场战略是NBA市场开发成功的关键。

    The premise for NBA 's successful market exploitation is to own its special operational mechanism , the essence for its success is to provide consumers with high contest products with high quality and the key point for its market success is to establish a global market strategy .

  13. 硅橡胶膜生物反应器(SRMBR)用于连续发酵制造乙醇,在目前被认为是最具有市场开发前景的清洁能源技术之一。

    Ethanol production by a continuous fermentation in silicone rubber membrane bio-reactor ( SRMBR ) is one of the most promising technologies for clearer-energy development .

  14. 因此,在去年4月报名印度商学院(isb)mba课程仅仅数月后,这对夫妻搭档就做出决定:为印度市场开发健康饮品确实是一个机会。

    So just a couple of months after the husband and wife team enrolled on the Indian School of Business MBA in April last year , they decided there was a real opportunity to be had in developing healthy drinks for the Indian market .

  15. 中国汽车零部件国际市场开发战略探讨

    Study on Developing Strategy of International Market of China Automotive Components

  16. 中小型汽轮发电机市场开发展望

    The Future of Market Develop of Middle and Small Size Turbogenerator

  17. 邮政速递的市场开发策略探讨

    A Discussion on the Market Development Tactics of Companies in EMS

  18. 吉林省跆拳道俱乐部经营管理及市场开发策略研究

    Taekwondo Club Management in Jilin Province and Market Development Strategy Study

  19. 我国老年旅游市场开发对策

    Countermeasures on the Exploitation of the Old-age Tourism Market in Our Country

  20. 旅游客源市场开发是区域旅游发展的基础。

    Tourist market exploitation is fundamental to regional tourism development .

  21. 峨眉山旅游商品市场开发的思考

    Thinking on the Development of the Tourist Merchandise Market of E-mei Mountain

  22. 中老年服装设计与市场开发

    Garment Desi & n and Market Development for the Middle and Old

  23. 教育旅游市场开发初探

    A study of developing the education tourism market in China

  24. 我国地理信息系统产业发展与市场开发探讨

    A discussion of GIS Industry and market development of China

  25. 我国保健酒市场开发策略研究

    Research on Developing Strategy of Chinese Health Protection Drink Market

  26. 南狮市场开发的策略研究

    On the Strategies of the Market Development of South Lion Martial Arts

  27. 合肥美菱公司在云南市场开发案例

    Case : Yunnan Local Market Development of Hefei Meiling Corporation

  28. 我国三农保险市场开发探讨

    Tentative Discussion of Developing Insurance Market Concerning Agriculture , Countryside and Farmers

  29. 教育旅游市场开发存在的问题及其对策

    On Developing Tourism Market in Education : Existing Problems and Its Countermeasures

  30. 南京农业旅游市场开发研究

    The Study on the Marketing Development of the Agritourism in Nanjing City