
  • 网络city tree
  1. 榕树是福州市树,因城市广布榕树,别称榕城。

    Banyan is the city tree for Fuzhou and Fuzhou is called Banyan City because that there are many banyans everywhere in Fuzhou .

  2. 采用层次分析法(AHP)对征选树种进行数量化评价,遴选出市树树种,并通过市树来建设城市森林文化。

    Using analytic hierarchy process ( AHP ) to recruit for quantitative evaluation of trees . Selected species , and through linked to build urban forest culture linked .

  3. 市树是城市森林的重要组成部分。

    City-Tree are an important part of urban forest .

  4. 上海市树附生苔藓植物生态位

    Niche of epiphytic bryophytes on trees in Shanghai City

  5. 杭州市树香樟和栀子花木失绿黄化症的研究碧桃切枝冷藏效果初探

    Investigation and Prevention of the Chlorosis of Camphor Tree and Cape Jasmine in Hangzhou City The Preliminary Study on Cold Storage in Cut Flowing Wood of Winter Jasmine

  6. 市树评价指标体系包括树种的生态功能、文化、适宜度和美学4个指标层指标和15个因子层指标。

    The tree of appraisal target system includes of the ecological functions , cultural , or suitable and aesthetics of four target indicators and targets . on 15 factor .

  7. 比利时杜鹃缺铁失绿症形成机理及诊断技术研究杭州市树香樟和栀子花木失绿黄化症的研究

    The Mechanism and Diagnostic Techniques of Iron Deficiency Induced Chlorosis of Leaves of Rhododendron Hybridum Hort ; Investigation and Prevention of the Chlorosis of Camphor Tree and Cape Jasmine in Hangzhou City

  8. 随着城市园林绿化美化与城市文化底蕴的营造工作逐步得到开展,城市园林植物规划与市树的确立也得到政府与市民的日益重视,逐步把市树当成城市森林建设的基础方案之一。

    With the urban landscape and urban beautifying culture of construction work gradually , urban landscape plant plan and the establishment of the City-Tree by the government and the citizens are increasingly attention .

  9. 建议在城区道路广泛种植市树或规划建设市树公园、广场,使之成为城市森林生态文化的标志性工程。

    Suggestions in urban road construction plan or planted widely linked linked park , square . Make it become urban forest ecological culture . ( 4 ) The urban forest coverage for 37.3 % .

  10. 建议尽快遴选出市树,并在今后的规划建设中,加大力度建设道路绿化。(3)遵循市树选择六大原则,构建了市树评价指标体系。

    Proposal as soon as the selection of the City-tree . In the planning and construction , strengthen construction of the road . ( 3 ) Follow the principle of selection , construction of six linked the linked evaluation index system .

  11. 用ICP-MS方法分析攀枝花市木棉树芯中元素含量来研究攀枝花市的工业生产环境污染问题是有效的。

    At the same time , it is effective to analyze the element contents of the ceiba tree-core by ICP-MS to study environmental problems of industrial production of Panzhihua .

  12. 油松是呼和浩特市市树。

    Pinus tabulaeformis is the main afforestation tree in Huhhot City .

  13. 临海市阔叶树采种基地营建与管理技术探析

    Establishment and Management of Broadleaf Tree Seed Base in Linhai

  14. 在我国的黄山市叶树村和西班牙的加泰罗尼亚是一项民俗体育活动。

    In our country village of huangshan city tree leaves and Spanish Catalonia is a folk sports activity .

  15. 攀枝花市麻疯树生殖构件特征与雌雄花配置研究

    The Characteristics of Reproductive Moduli of Jatropha curcas and the Allocation of its Male and Female Flowers in Panzhihua City

  16. 浏阳市株树桥水库自建成投产以来,担负着全市防洪与发电的工作重任。

    Liuyang City Zhushuqiao reservoir since the completion of production has been charged with the work of the city 's flood control and power generation task .

  17. 最后提出了长沙市观花树的木园林应用方式,及园林树木花淡季的丰富对策,以期提高长沙市园林建设水平和丰富城市园林景观。

    Finally , the landscape application of flowering trees and shrub and the enrichment measures of the garden trees in offseason of Changsha had been applied , in order to improve the level of garden construction in Changsha City , and enrich the urban landscape .

  18. 作者于1980年在福建省三明市枇杷树上首先发现,后来又在1981和1984年相继在柑桔和茶树上也发现其为害,现今已成为福建北部山地果、茶园一种颇为重要的虫害。

    The pest was first found on loquat trees in Sanming of Fujian in 1980 , and subseqently also on citrus trees in 1981 and on tea trees in 1984.So far it has become a rather important pest in fruit and tea orchards of northern Fujian .

  19. 佛山市风水林树种组成调查研究

    Investigation of Tree Species Composition of Fengshui Woods in Foshan City

  20. 核桃瘤蛾是北京市郊区核桃树的主要害虫之一。

    The walnut nolid moth , Nola distributa walker , is a major pest of walnut tree in the vicinity of peking .

  21. 江西九江市及郊区冬季树麻雀数量分布的调查

    Investigation on Population and Distribution of Tree Sparrows in Winter in Urban and Suburban Areas of Jiujiang , JiangXi

  22. 他为此联系了费邪特维尔市阿肯色大学利用树的年轮来研究气候的戴维·斯塔堡。

    He contacted David Stable of the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville who uses tree ring data to study climate .

  23. 1987年贵阳市确定的市花为:兰花、紫薇。市树为:樟树、竹子。

    In 1987 the crape myrtle and the orchid were made municipal flowers , and camphor trees and bamboo municipal trees .