
shì diàn
  • electric supply
市电 [shì diàn]
  • [electric supply] 指城市里主要供居民使用的电源,电压一般是220伏或110伏

市电[shì diàn]
  1. 本研究项目就是基于上述背景,针对如何识别市电是否闯入通信电缆的问题开展研究。

    Based on the above background , the problem of recognizing whether there is electric supply intruding into telecom cables is solved in this research project .

  2. 本课题的研究是基于风光互补地埋式感应监控系统,此系统在不使用市电的情况下采用风能和光能提供整个系统运行所需的所有能源。

    Without using electric supply , this system can adopt both wind and solar energy to provide all the energy needed to run the whole system .

  3. 提出了一种使用市电的大功率LED照明整流电源的电路方案。

    An AC / DC power supply for high power lighting LED is proposed .

  4. 市电畸变情况下三相UPS的一种锁相方法

    A Phase-locked Method for Three-phase UPS under distorted Utility Conditions

  5. EV捕获单元捕获市电,逆变器的频率。

    EV capturing element captured the frequency of electricity and inverter .

  6. 仿真和实验的结果基本验证了Delta变换型UPS对市电电压、电流的调节和补偿功能。

    Simulation and experimental results verify basically that Delta transform type UPS has voltage and current adjustment and compensation for power grid .

  7. 第五章简要介绍了静态开关及其控制电路,静态开关是UPS市电供电和逆变器供电之间相互转换的桥梁。

    Chapter Five introduces simply the static switch and its control circuit . Static switch is the bridge between electric power supply and accumulator supply .

  8. 第二章主要阐述了恒流UPS在市电供电时的工作原理,解释了其能实现电网侧高功率因数的原因。

    Chapter Two expatiate mainly the function principle of the UPS with constant current as the electric power is available , interpreting how the UPS can realize high power factor .

  9. 最后对仿真和实验结果进行分析,验证了串并联补偿式UPS可以改善电网侧功率因数、补偿市电电压以及稳定输出电压,达到了预期的结果和研究目的。

    Finally it analysis the results of simulation and experiment and verifies that the Series-Parallel Compensated UPS can improve the grid-side power factor , compensate for mains voltage and stable output voltage .

  10. 目前,我们现有的市电系统存在不稳定因素,为保证计算机和网络系统的供电正常,应使用UPS不间断供电电源。

    At present , Urban electricity system exists unstable factor , for guaranteed the normal supply of power for computer and network system , UPS should be used to supply uninterrupted electric power .

  11. 在市电不稳定时,UPS可避免被供电设备遭受突然断电、浪涌冲击等危害,使其较为稳定地工作。

    When electricity is instable in the city , UPS can avoid the equipment suffering from a sudden power failure , surge impact and other hazards , in order to make them work more stable .

  12. 目前,LED均采用直流驱动,因此需在市电与LED之间加一个电源适配器,即LED驱动电源,它的作用是把交流供电转换为合适的直流供电。

    At present , LEDs are driver by DC , so we need to add a power adapter between electric supply and LEDs , it is called LED drive power and its role is to convert AC power supply to suitable DC power supply .

  13. 此机器可用2个R6(3号)电池,亦可利用选购的交流电压适配器使用市电。

    This unit can be powered by two R6 ( size AA ) batteries or AC house current using an optional AC adaptor .

  14. 针对某设备振动模态测试中,市电对测试信号产生的50Hz工频及其谐波干扰,设计了阻带带宽极狭窄(小于1Hz)的V型数字带通滤波器,并完成了相应的数字滤波。

    A notch filter to digitally filter out 50 Hz power frequency and its harmonics are designed for the testing signals of vibration modal experiment .

  15. 市电频率Hum,主要原因包括灯丝线路走线导致的不平衡;供给灯丝的电源变压器(缺陷)导致电源杂波耦合进入信号通道,等等。

    Line frequency hum , primarily induced by imbalance in the filament circuit wiring , the transformer used to power the filament , coupling into the signal leads , etc.

  16. 因此,本文讨论了一种供电模式,通过对建筑原有电路进行改造,将光伏发电系统与市电并联,以UPS模式向负载供电。

    Therefore , in this paper , we discussed a sort of mode which make PV system connect with urban power net through rebuilding the old circuit in building then supply power to the load with UPS mode .

  17. 通过对帕金斯自动柴油发电机在市电缺相故障时不能自启动供电的问题分析,提出了对ATS控制屏电路进行改造的方案。

    The article analyses the problem that Parkins auto Diesel is not able to auto-start to supply power at Mains failure , and puts forward the reform solution to ATS control panel circuit .

  18. 用12V干电池取代外置电源变压器供电从而不受市电供电的影响。

    The12V dry cell is used to replace an external power transformer for power supply , which can not be affected by commercial power supply .

  19. 不间断电源(UPS)在计算机、通信系统、医院等一些重要用电系统中占有决定性地位,能在市电正常或故障情况下为负载提供可靠、干净的电源。

    Uninterruptible Power Supply ( UPS ) play a key role in some important electricity systems , such as computers , communication systems and medical systems , it can provide reliable and pure power supply for loads either power good or not .

  20. 由于交流供电在所加电压的每半周是完全对称的,所以这种原理所导致的HUM成分会两倍于市电频率(以及市电频率的偶次谐波)。

    Since heating power is symmetric for each half cycle of applied voltage , the principle component of this hum is twice the line frequency ( and even harmonics of the line frequency ) .

  21. 该智能化UPS系统的关键技术包括8032内部定时/计数器的分配、系统中断、市电和电池供电的同步切换、UPS输出电压的稳定与调整、PWM控制、蓄电池电压过低保护与充电等等。

    The key technology of intellectualized UPS system include the distribution of timer or counter in 8032 , system interruption , synchronous switching of AC / DC , the stabilization and regulation for output voltage of UPS , PWM control , low voltage safeguard of storage battery and charge .

  22. 油气井用磁电雷管抗工频试验是为了检测磁电雷管对加载市电(380V,50Hz)的安全性。

    The purpose of industrial electric frequency resistance tests for magnetoelectric detonators is to test the safety of industrial current ( 380 V , 50 Hz ) loaded on magnetoelectric detonators .

  23. 在光电容积描记法中,用了单色性强的发光二极管作光源,电路上注意了抑制市电的50Hz及其高次谐波干扰。

    In photoelectric plethysmography , a highly monochromic light-emitting diode is utilized as the light source . In the circuit the 50 Hz and its higher harmonic interference are inhibited .

  24. 本文介绍一种将电池直流电压升压后再通过桥路转换成交流220V电压输出电路,经PIC16F73单片机进行控制,使它具有市电掉电检测、空载定时关机、过载保护等智能的功能。

    This text introduce intelligent electrocircuit what direct current of batteries transform to 220v alternating current by rising volt , It has power cut check , timer turn off empty load , over loading protect .

  25. 介绍了以AD7757电能计量芯片为核心,设计一种测量市电有效功率的智能电度表的方法。

    This article introduced take the AD7757 electrical energy measurement chip as the core , designs one kind of survey city electricity active power the intelligent electric meter method .

  26. 电路还能很好地抑制强市电干扰。

    The circuits can reject the strong power line interference completely .

  27. 市电自动切换在独立光伏系统中的应用

    The application of electricity automatic switching in the stand-alone photovoltaic system

  28. 市电,发电,带载状态指示灯。

    Electricity , power generation , indicator light with loading conditions .

  29. 电子仪器使用过程与市电和接地的关系

    The Relation of Urban Power and Grounding in Electronic Instrument Using Procedures

  30. 一种太阳能与市电混合供电装置设计与实现

    The Design of Power Supply Equipment of Solar Energy and Commercial Power