
  • 网络Telegrapher;Telegraph operator;radio officer
  1. 这孩子的父亲正好是站长,他很感激,主动提出要教会汤姆成为电报员。

    The father who happened to be the stationmaster was so grateful that he offered to teach Tom to become a telegraph operator .

  2. 参考书上的翻译是:为了保持独立的经济来源,爱迪生不得不去当夜间电报员。

    Q9 Deprived of the financial means to remain independent , Thomas Edison was compelled to seek employment as a night telegraph operator .

  3. 大使决定把患病的无线电报员遣送回国。

    Ambassador decided that he must invalid his sick radio-officer home .

  4. 我想象着是巴黎和德国的电报员。

    I was imagining their operatives in Paris and germany .

  5. 电报员嗲声嗲气、故作可爱地说,“你可以在电报里再加一声‘汪汪汪’,价钱一样的。”

    The clerk says in a cutesy voice ," But you can add another'Bow wow wow'for the same price . "

  6. 这就结束了这场玩笑,爱迪生也赢得了他的职位,同时还赢得了西联电讯公司最快电报员的称号。

    That ended the joke , and edison won his job , as weil as the title of fastest telegraph operator in the Western Union Company .

  7. 伦敦市警察局则委派一名无线电报员通过限制大众用户的通讯服务来保证救援人员通讯无阻。

    The City of London Police , for its part , asked one wireless operator to favour certain rescue workers by limiting service for ordinary users .

  8. 爱迪生去到了波士顿,在那里有人答应给他电报员的工作,主要因为他的求职信中字迹写得工整。

    Edison went to Boston 's where he had been promised work as telegraph operator , mainly because of the neat handwriting in his letter of application .

  9. 他在车站夜晚关门后,每周给他上四次课,三个星期之后爱迪生便成为比他老师更好的电报员了。

    He gave him lessons four days a week after the station had closed for the night and in three weeks Edison was a better telegrapher than his teacher .

  10. 在儿子参战之后,她总是害怕在家附近看到电报投递员。

    After his son joined the battle , she was always afraid of seeing any cable messengers near her house .

  11. 一天,电报局没几个顾客,电报员悠闲地往柜台外面一看,看到一只小狗正在排队等着发电报。

    A Dog 's TelegramOn a slow day with few customers , a clerk at a telegram office looks down from her counter and sees a dog waiting in line .