
  • 网络China Association of Higher Education;CAHE
  1. 高等教育质量多元化与高教评估改革&中国高等教育学会高等教育评估分会2006年学术年会综述

    Multiple Perspectives of Higher Education Quality and Reform of Evaluation on Higher Education

  2. 中国高等教育学会贺词

    Speech of Congratulation of China Society for Higher Education

  3. 数学教育改革的一件大事&中国高等教育学会教育数学专业委员会简介

    A Major Event in Reform of Mathematical Education & Synopisis of Chinese Mathematical Society for Educational

  4. 中国高等教育学会的发起、筹备和成立不仅是中国高教研究史上的一件大事,也是中国教育史上的创举。

    The initiation , preparation and establishment of Higher Education Research Academy of China was not only a great event but also a " pioneering work " in the higher education history of China .