
  • 网络national defence student;national defense students;National Defensive Student
  1. 国防生学员担负着新军事变革生力军的重任,是我军人才队伍的重要组成部分。

    National defense students are not only a new vital force in the new military revolution , but an important component of the talent team .

  2. 国防生具有普通大学生和未来军官的双重身份。

    National defense students have in common college students and future officers of double identity .

  3. BPR理论对改进高校国防生教务管理的借鉴意义

    References of BPR Theory on Teaching Management for National Defense Major Students in Universities

  4. 普通高校国防生培养模式的探索与实践

    The Exploration and Practice of Cultivating the Students for National Defense

  5. 高校国防生战斗精神的培养探讨

    Study on the Struggle Spirits of Higher School National Defence Students

  6. 基于层次分析法的国防生淘汰因素分析

    An Analysis on the Factor of ROTC 'S Elimination based AHP Method

  7. ②有中度及中度以上明显心理问题的国防生占参测总人数的5.28%;

    The incidence of serious and less serious psychological problems is5.28 % .

  8. 国防生心理健康的现状对心理健康教育提出挑战。

    The present situation of national defense students'mental health constitutes a challenge .

  9. 国防生干部综合素质状况调查与分析

    The Investigation and Analysis of the Comprehensive Qualities of National Defense Student Cadres

  10. 国防生应对压力时主要采取积极的应对方式。

    The national defense college students mainly adopts positively cope with the stress .

  11. 国防生的心理素质培养

    The Cultivation of National Defence Students ' Psychological Quality

  12. 我校国防生教育与管理的问题及其应对措施

    A Brief Discussion about Education and Management of National Defense Students in Our University

  13. 地方院校国防生思想政治教育的现状与对策

    Current Situation and Countermeasures of Ideological-Political Education of National Defense Students in Local Universities

  14. 国防生模拟连排建制管理的教育功能

    The Educational Function of National Defence Students Management Modeling Company and Squad Management System

  15. 对高校国防生价值观教育的理论探索与对策思考

    Explore the Theory of Values Education and Countermeasures to National Defense Students in Colleges

  16. 通过十年的探索与发展,国防生这个群体的教育培养和管理已初见成效。

    The training and management has achieved initial success after a decade exploration and development .

  17. 结论国防生较本科学员有较好的人格和健康心理。

    Conclusion The college students of national defenses ' mental health and personality are satisfactory .

  18. 空军国防生军政理论课教学实践与模式探讨

    Teaching Practice and Model Discussion on Military and Political Theory Course of Air Force National Defense

  19. 高校院系国防生培养工作现状分析与对策

    An Analysis of Cultivation of National Defense Students in Universities and Colleges and Countermeasures for Its Improvement

  20. 国防生已成为我军军官队伍的重要来源。

    The national defense students have been the important sources of the military officers in our army .

  21. 在抓国防生能力素质建设时,要加强心理素质的培养力度,努力锻造国防生过硬的军事心理素质。

    We should strengthen the training of both capability and psychology to help them have strong military psychology .

  22. 就现代高校国防生教务管理流程再造的基本原则和策略进行了初步探索。

    The basic principles and strategies of BPR in teaching management for national defense major students are explored .

  23. 开展毕业任职培训打牢国防生入伍任职素质基础

    Carrying out Graduation Training in Office to Lay a Solid Quality Foundation of Defense Cadet in Military Service

  24. 培养国防生就是依托地方高等院校为部队培养干部。

    The cultivation of national defense students means to rely on local universities to train officers for military .

  25. 国防生接受心理的特殊性表现在:能动性与受动性、递进发展性、实践活动性。

    The audience 's psychological features are reflected in their activity and passivity , progressive development and practical activities .

  26. 但是,由于国防生培养仍处于起步阶段,存在的一些问题需要引起我们的高度重视。

    However , because of this training model is still in its infancy , some problems should draw our attention .

  27. 但只凭借我国的军事院校培养的数量,已经远远满足不了现在的需求,这样就产生了国防生。

    But the number of military academies has been far from meeting the demand , thus the national defense students appear .

  28. 毕业国防生的综合素质如何,是军委总部、部队用人单位和签约高校十分关注的问题。

    The overall quality of the national defense students ' is focused on by Military Commission general department and their universities .

  29. 高校国防生既是地方大学生,又是未来的军官,其战斗精神,对未来战争的胜负具有重要影响。

    Higher school national defence students are students and veterans , and their struggle spirits are vital to our future war success .

  30. 国防生作为国家军事人才的重要来源,在这样复杂的战斗背景下承受的心理压力尤为突出。

    The national defense students as an important source of national military talents has particular stress in such a complex combat background .