
  • 网络Clinical Stomatology;Clinical Science of Stomatology
  1. CBL全英语教学在口腔临床医学教学中的应用

    The application of case-based learning in English in teaching of clinical stomatological courses

  2. 口腔临床实习是医学生通过临床实践理论联系实际、化知识为能力的关键阶段。

    The clinical practice of oral medicine is the juncture phase for medicine students to integrate theory with practice and convert capability from knowledge .

  3. 为了探索口腔基础课的教学模式,通过问卷的方式调查分析口腔临床医学五、七年制学生对口腔基础课开展双语教学的态度和要求。

    To explore the teaching model of basic-curriculum of stomatology , this study investigated student 's attitude on bilingual teaching in the undergraduates and seven-year masters by a questionnaire .