
  1. 口腔医学技术专业实践性教学环节改革方案的探讨

    The Stomatology Technology Specialized Practical Teaching Link Reforms the Plan the Discussion

  2. 构建能力本位的高职口腔医学技术实践教学体系

    Construction of the Practice Teaching System of Ability Standard in Higher Vocational Education of Dental Technology

  3. 培养与企业零距离无缝对接口腔医学技术应用型人才模式研究与实践

    Study and practice : models of practice teaching of zero distance and seamless connection for training applied talents of stomatology technology

  4. 实践教学是高职口腔医学技术教育的重要组成部分,在培养学生的职业能力和职业素养养成方面有着不可替代的作用。

    Practice teaching , an important part in higher vocational education of dental technology , plays an irreplaceable role in cultivating students'vocational ability and quality .

  5. 目的进行口腔治疗师医学技术岗位和教育现状分析,提出我国口腔治疗师培养的初步规划。

    Objective Through the analysis on working task and education for oral medical staff , the aim was to establish the preliminary planning on dental hygienist training .

  6. 目的研究国内首台由卫生部口腔医学计算机应用工程技术研究中心与中国科学院自动化所共同研制开发的三维颅颌面数据激光测量与重建系统的可靠性和稳定性。

    Objective To study the stability and the reliability of the first 3D laser cranio-maxillofacial reconstruction system in China .

  7. 牙齿矫正导向结构的制作也初步探索了口腔医学与快速成型技术结合发展的思路。

    The manufacture of tooth rectification oriented structure explores the way of the unite development of Stomatology and RP technology .