
  • 网络Foaming at the mouth;froth at the mouth
  1. 患狂犬病的动物常常口吐白沫。

    Animals with rabies often froth at the mouth .

  2. 这家伙在口吐白沫。

    The creature was foaming at the mouth .

  3. “不!不!绝不!”他气得口吐白沫。

    ' No ! No ! Never ! ' he froths

  4. 他口吐白沫,看上去像个疯子。

    He looked like a madman , foaming at the mouth .

  5. 为了上次香烟广告案,我到现在都还累得口吐白沫、脑汁干涸。

    I 'm still burnt out from that last cigarette ad campaign .

  6. 他气得差点儿口吐白沫。

    He was so angry he was almost frothing at the mouth .

  7. 她气恼极了&简直要气得口吐白沫。

    She was more than annoyed-she was almost frothing at the mouth .

  8. 那只病狗口吐白沫。

    The sick dog foamed at the mouth .

  9. 那只狗染上狂犬病,口吐白沫。

    The rabid dog foamed at the mouth .

  10. 接着他癫痫发作,眼睛不断睁大,同时开始口吐白沫。

    He suffered multiple seizures , dilated eyes and began frothing at the mouth .

  11. 要躲避口吐白沫的狗,这种狗带有病毒。

    Avoid any dog that is foaming at the mouth , it has a dangerous disease .

  12. 他突然发现女儿口吐白沫,陷入昏迷状态。

    He suddenly noticed that his daughter was foaming at the mouth and falling into a stupor .

  13. 一条狗向我们蹒跚走来,口吐白沫,我立刻就想起了狂犬病。

    A dog staggered towards us , foaming at the mouth , and I immediately thought of rabies .

  14. 疯狗有时会口吐白沫。他善于找借口[辩白]。

    A mad dog sometimes froths at the mouth He is adroit at [ in ] making excuses .

  15. 方法:78人毒鼠强中毒临床症状主要以头昏、恶心、呕吐等为主,严重者出现四肢抽搐、昏迷、口吐白沫等,依据毒鼠强中毒临床表现及中毒程度分级作为法医学鉴定的参考标准。

    Methods : Clinical symptoms is graded according to the degree of poisoning as the reference standard of the forensic medicine identification .

  16. 所有报道都显示和叙述遭攻击的人呼吸困难,抽搐痉挛,咳嗽,心跳加速,口吐白沫,丧失知觉,死亡。

    All of them show and report victims with breathing difficulties , people twitching with spasms , coughing , rapid heartbeats , foaming at the mouth , unconsciousness and death .

  17. 当时27岁、刚刚完婚的米尔娜抱怨咖啡“特别苦”,然后就倒在了地上,口吐白沫、不停抽搐,当时餐厅里还有库马拉以及另一个朋友哈尼。

    The 27-year-old newlywed reportedly complained that her coffee tasted quite bitter before she fell to the ground , started foaming at the mouth and convulsed while at the restaurant with Ms Kumala and another friend Hani .

  18. 然后它抽搐翻滚,口吐了点白沫。

    Then it twitched all over and foamed a little at the mouth .