
kǒu qín
  • harmonica;mouth organ
口琴 [kǒu qín]
  • [mouth organ;harmonica] 一种小的长方形的管乐器,上面有许多并列的小孔,里面装着簧片,用口吹小孔发声

口琴[kǒu qín]
  1. 小提琴的音色远比口琴丰富。

    The timbre of the violin is far richer than that of the mouth organ .

  2. 换句话说,就是对于一支D调曲子要用一支C调口琴,以此类推。

    In other words , for a tune in the key of D , use a C harmonica , etc .

  3. 他口琴吹得很好。

    He played quite well on the mouth-organ .

  4. 吹了二十多年口琴以后,我不再为新口琴的做什么特殊处理,至于我的口琴能用多久,这难以确定。现在我仍然在吹一些LeeOskar最早的口琴。

    After more than twenty years of playing , I now no longer bother to give them any special treatment when they are new and my harps seem to last almost indefinitely .

  5. 小白从口琴草堂买的MR200已经入手,请问该怎么处理后才可以开始吹奏。谢谢!

    My first harmonica of Suzuki MR200 from Harmonica University has just arrived , so I want to know how to clean it before playing , thanks .

  6. 这是一只口琴,它小而漂亮。

    This is a harmonica . It 's little and beautiful .

  7. 一并送给我的,还有一支只有七个音孔的小口琴。

    He gave me a old clockwork frog and a harmonica .

  8. 汽车换热器用铝合金口琴管挤压模具

    Extrusion Die for Aluminium Harmonica - tube for Automobile Heat Exchangers

  9. 喜欢感谢谢口琴草堂创造了这样一个场所!

    Like and thank Hu for providing such a sharing space .

  10. 然后他们请小杨吹口琴。

    Then they called on Xiao Yang to play the harmonica .

  11. 一个舅舅送给他的外甥一个口琴。

    An uncle gave his nephew a harmonica as a gift .

  12. 假充在音乐上内行的人经常嘲笑口琴作为严肃乐器的事实

    Musical snoBs often deride the harmonica as a serious instrument

  13. 为什么一个牢犯用过的口琴还有人要呢?

    Why would anyone want a prisoner 's used harmonica ?

  14. 罗伯特弹钢琴的时候你别吹口琴。

    Don 't play the harmonica while Robert is playing the piano .

  15. 过了些日子,舅舅问外甥喜不喜欢送他的口琴。

    Few days later , uncle asked nephew if he like it .

  16. 来自益阳,擅长竹笛和口琴演奏。

    From yiyang , to be good at bamboo flute and harmonica .

  17. [译文]音阶口琴为何有不同的调?

    Why are chromatic harmonicas made in several different keys ?

  18. 我是通过自学学习口琴的。

    I once had taught myself to play harmonica .

  19. 您也可以让风文书,如梳子口琴或卡祖笛。

    You can also make wind instruments such as comb harmonica or kazoo .

  20. 爱好长笛和口琴,喜欢读书和旅游。

    Like to play flute and harmonica , interested in tour and reading .

  21. 口琴是我的好朋友,我非常喜欢它!

    The harmonica is my good friend . I like it very much !

  22. 我用我的口琴跟你换

    I 'll give you my harmonica for him .

  23. 他用玉米棒子做了一把口琴。

    He made a harmonica out of the corncob .

  24. 你总是在吹口琴。

    Always got that harmonica stuck to your face .

  25. 整天坐着吃口琴呢。

    To sit all day and play the harmonica .

  26. 我还有个竖琴和一个口琴。

    I had a harp , a harmonica .

  27. 食死徒不能吹口琴。

    No Death Eater shall play the harmonica .

  28. 内凸筋口琴管连续挤压模具

    Conform Die for Extruding Harmonica-Shaped Tube Inner Ribs

  29. 这种基本的口琴是一种全音的乐器。

    The basic harmonica is a diatonic instrument .

  30. 于是我把口琴贴在嘴唇上,他也开始弹首新的曲子了。

    I brought it up to my lips and he started a new song .