
kǒu kǔ
  • bitter taste
口苦 [kǒu kǔ]
  • [bitter taste] 指口内常有苦味的感觉。属实热症。多因肝胆有热,胆气蒸腾而致。《伤寒论》:少阳之为病,口苦,咽干,目眩也。《灵枢.四时气》:胆液泄则口苦。宜分实热虚热论治

口苦[kǒu kǔ]
  1. 治疗组腹胀、口苦、乏力、纳呆症状的改善明显优于对照组(P0.05或P0.01)。

    Improvement of abdominal distention , bitter taste , fatigue and anorexia in treatment group was superior to those in control group ( P0.05 or P0.01 ) .

  2. 治疗组腹胀、口苦、胁痛各级别量化指标治后较治前明显改善,经统计学检验有显著性差异(P0.05)。

    Classify quantization index of abdominal distension , bitter taste , hypochondriac pain of the treatment group decline obviously after treatment compared with before . There is significant differences in statistics ( P0.05 ) .

  3. 治疗组在改善咽干口苦、心烦易怒等伴随症状方面优于对照组(P<0.05);

    Symptoms such as dry throat with bitter taste and irritability were more markedly relieved in Group ll as compared with Group I ( P 0.05 ) .

  4. 出现率较低的伴随症状包括鼻塞、打鼾和口干口苦,这些症状的出现率均在30%-40%之间。(4)反流症状:12.5%的GERC患者没有出现任何反流症状。

    Nasal obstruction , snoring , dry mouth and bitter mouth were less common ( 30-40 % )( 4 ) Reflux symptoms : 12.5 % of patients did not have any reflux symptoms .

  5. 广州市花城制药厂-消化不良,脘腹胀满,口苦口臭。

    Pharmaceutical Factory , Guangzhou , Flower City-indigestion , abdominal distention , pain bad breath mouth .

  6. 第二组因子,胃脘胀满、口干、口苦、乏力。

    The second group of factors , epigastric fullness , dry mouth , mouth pain , fatigue .

  7. 纳差痰多加脾,口苦、善叹息加肝胆穴等。

    To add to liver - gall if with bitter taste in the mouth and sighing usually .

  8. 其四大主证之口苦、咽干、目眩三证在柴胡证辨证中应统为一证,不宜单列。

    The three syndromes as mouth-bitterness , throat-drying and eyes-dazzling should be classified into one syndrome in Chaihu syndrome dialectical .

  9. 第三类为口苦、口干、口渴喜饮、便秘、小便黄属于脾胃湿热。

    The third type of mouth pain , dry mouth , thirst-hi drinks , constipation , urinary yellow is Spleen .

  10. 观察组中伴有口苦症状者均患有胆汁反流性胃炎,非胆汁反流性胃炎者则无口苦症状;

    In observation group , bitter taste of mouth was a typical symptom in every patient with bile reflux gastritis ;

  11. 肝火炽盛特征症状群包括:目赤、咳血、口苦、头痛、心烦、数脉。

    Characteristics of Liver flourishing syndrome include : conjunctival congestion , hemoptysis , pain , headache , upset , a few veins .

  12. 小柴胡汤的主证大体包括三项:口苦、咽干;往来寒热;胸满、胁痛。

    Xiao Chai Hu Tang master card generally includes three groups : bitter mouth , throat ; chills and fever ; chest full hypochondriac .

  13. 对照组腹胀、口苦、胁痛各级别量化指标治后较治前无明显改善。

    Classify quantization index of abdominal distension , bitter taste , hypochondriac pain of the control group have no decline after treatment compared with before .

  14. 口干或口苦9例中治愈0例,好转5例,有效率为5/9;

    In nine patients with xerostomia or bitter taste , no one was cured , five improved , and the effective rate was 5 / 9 ;

  15. 吉林俊宏-清热化湿,醒脾消滞,用于脾胃伏火引起的消化不良,脘腹胀痛,不思饮食、口苦口臭等症。

    Ji Chun-Hung Lin-heat Huashi , Xing Pi Xiaozhi , V for stomach indigestion caused by the fire , abdominal pain , abdominal distension , no appetite , I suffer bad breath embolism .

  16. 结果两组病人口干、口苦、恶心呕吐、食欲差、便秘等项阶段评分比较,差异有显著性意义(P<0.05),便秘的各阶段及总分与对照组比较,均P<0.05。

    Results There was significant difference in xerostomia , bitterness , nausea , vomit , anorexia and astriction , especially in astriction , between the two groups ( all P < 0 01 ) .

  17. 肝郁证为:胸胁作胀或痛、精神抑郁、烦躁易怒、口苦、胸闷、善太息、脉弦;

    Syndrome of stagnation of liver-qi are in terms of fullness or distending pain in the hypochondrium , depression or irritability , bitter taste of mouth , chest distress , sighing frequently , wiry pulse ;

  18. 实证的主要症状:肛门灼热,脓血便,口苦,食少纳呆,腹胀,里急后重,苔黄腻,乏力,腹痛拒按,小便短赤。

    Evidence of the main symptoms : anal burning , blood and pus , mouth pain , food less anorexia , abdominal distension , abdominal pain , refused to press , tenesmus , yellow and greasy coating , weak , short red urine .

  19. 丹栀逍遥散对脾虚辨证有特征意义的症状,如食欲下降、腹胀等的疗效明显优于劳拉西泮,对改善睡眠、口苦口干亦有明显疗效。

    Dan zhi xiao yao san on spleen deficiency syndrome with features of significant symptoms , such as loss of appetite , abdominal distension , curative effect is obviously superior to lorazepam , to improve sleep , mouth xerostomia have obvious curative effect .

  20. 5经检验,脂肪肝组出现的有意义阳性症状为身热、自汗、手足心热、食凉腹泻、口苦、胁胀、矢气、排便不爽;

    3.5 The results of Chi-square test showed that the significant symptoms of Fatty Liver people included fever , spontaneous perspiration , feverish sensation over the palm and sole , diarrhea due to cool food , bitter feeling in the mouth , distending pain in the hypochondria and so on ;