
  • 网络Ardisia mamillata Hance
  1. 以虎舌红当年生的幼茎及芽为外植体,接种于不同激素配比的MS培养基上诱导不定芽,继代并进行伸长增殖培养。

    The steins and buds of Ardisia mamillata Hance were used as explants and incubated on three kinds of 1 / 2 MS media with different hormone combinations for inducing adventitious buds .

  2. 以虎舌红(ArdisiaMamillataHance)幼嫩茎尖为外植体,采用正交设计及方差分析对影响虎舌红植株离体培养的因素进行了优化研究。

    The influencing factors of Ardisia mamillata Hance in vitro cultivation were optimized by orthogonal design and variance analysis using tender stem apexes of A.

  3. 虎舌红茎、叶解剖学研究

    The Anatomical Structure of Stem and Leaf of Ardisia Mamillata Hance ROSES ARE RED

  4. 虎舌红组织培养及快速繁殖技术体系研究

    Study on the Technique System of Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Ardisia mamillata

  5. 舌红者,有25例,占52%;

    And 25 patients , have reddish tongue , account for 52 per cen ;

  6. 超临界萃取气-质联用分析虎舌红挥发油化学成分

    Analysis of Components in Essential Oil from Ardisia mamillata by GC-MS with Supercritical Fluid Extraction

  7. 虎舌红群体花期长、花粉量大的特点为杂交育种带了方便。

    The characteristic of long florescence and abundant pollen will bring convenience for cross breeding .

  8. 虎舌红的组织培养

    Tissue Culture of Ardisia mamillata

  9. 舌红绛少苔或无苔表示胃气已绝,预后差。

    Bright red tongue with less fur or without fur indicated that there was no stomach qi left and the unfavorable prognosis .

  10. 热毒炽盛证:口腔溃疡、牙龈肿痛、痰涕黄稠、舌红、苔黄、脉弦数。

    The heat-toxin syndromes : dental ulcer , gum boss and pain , brightly red blood-snivel , red tongue with yellowish fur , string pulse .

  11. 视力逐渐减弱,眼睛干涩,头晕失眠,记忆力减退,或伴腰膝酸软者,舌红,脉细。

    Vision is declining gradually , dryness of eyes , dizziness , insomnia , poor memory , soreness and weakness of the lumbar region , red tongue and thready pulse .

  12. 起病急骤,咽喉肿痛,并恶寒发热,头痛,口渴,便秘,舌红,苔薄黄,脉浮数。

    Abrupt onset with swelling pain in the throat , chills , fever , headache , thirst , constipation , tongue is red , tongue coating is thin and yellow , superficial and rapid pulse .

  13. 次症:口干,腹胀,乏力,舌红少苔,中有裂纹或光剥,脉细弦或带数。

    Disease once : The mouth is dry , abdominal distension is weak , red few tongue of tongue , there is crackle or only shell in China , pulse is thin and profound or the area is counted .

  14. 症见夜睡出汗,醒则汗止,五心烦热,或午后潮热,虚烦失眠,口干、舌红少苔、脉细数。

    Zheng Jian sleep the night sweating , just wake up the sweat , five upset hot , or the afternoon hot flashes , insomnia virtual tired , dry mouth , red tongue , little coating , pulse breakdown .

  15. 但舌红苔黄腻并非本证的唯一舌象,认为与患者体质的强弱、胃气的盛衰、邪气的性质以及湿热的偏颇有关。

    However , the red tongue with yellow sticky coating was not the only tongue picture in the syndrome , which might relate to the constitution of the patient , the function of stomach , the nature of pathogen and the partiality of dampness or heat .

  16. 第二类群中医证候符合肝阳上亢证候,主要相关症状有:头晕或眩晕、头胀、头痛、耳鸣、胸闷、恶心呕吐、烦躁,舌红暗,苔黄,脉弦滑。

    The second group in line with traditional Chinese medicine symptoms of liver yang syndromes , mainly related symptoms include : dizziness or vertigo , stretching , headache , tinnitus , chest tightness , nausea , vomiting , irritability , mamillata dark , moss yellow , slippery pulse string .

  17. 西药治疗组中,血沉、腰膝酸软、苔白、关节疼痛、屈伸不利和关节肿胀等与疗效呈正相关,苔黄、舌红、白细胞检测与疗效呈负相关。

    In WM , erythrocyte sedimentation rate ( ESR ), weak waist , white fur in tongue , joint pain , joint stiffness and swollen joint were positively related to the efficacy , and yellow fur in tongue , red tongue , white blood negatively related to the efficacy .

  18. 与淡白舌相比,血液粘度在红绛舌、红舌时增高(P<0.01);

    Comp ared with pale tongue , the blood viscosity is higher significantly ( P < 0.01 ) in donkeys with crimson and reddened tongue ;

  19. 火和紫舌、红舌、黄苔有联系;

    Fire is associated with purple tongue , reddened tongue and yellow fur ;

  20. 糖尿病组的舌质红明显少于非糖尿病组,差异显著。

    Red tongue in Group DM is less than that in Group Non-DM .

  21. 红绛舌,红舌以代偿性呼吸性酸中毒为主;

    Heavy red or red tongue , in most cases , meant compensated respiratory acidosis ;

  22. 肝病实证、热证以舌质红或绛红,舌苔黄或黄腻多见;

    Red or deep-red tongue with yellowish or greasy fur was appeared in excess syndrome of hepatic diseases .

  23. 湿热证的主症为潮红、渗液、水疱、糜烂、心烦、口渴、舌质红、苔黄;

    The chief manifestations of Damp-Heat Type are diffuse redness , exudations on the affected skin , blisters , erosions , anxiety , thirst and red tongue with yellow coating .

  24. 其主要症状为干咳少痰、口渴心烦、舌边光红、苔少而干。

    Its main symptoms are cough less sputum , thirsty upset , tongue-edge red , moss and less dry .

  25. 舌质以红及淡红为主,舌苔以薄黄及薄白为主,脉象以细、弦及弦细为主。

    The tongue in red and pink , with a thin yellow tongue coating and Bo Bai , pulse to fine , fine mainly string and string .

  26. 舌脉常见舌红,苔黄腻多见,以脉滑数多见。

    The tongue and pulse common red tongue , yellow greasy moss to see more , slippery pulse number to see .

  27. 常见的舌、脉象为舌红,苔薄黄,脉弦、数。

    Common tongue , pulse condition are tongue red , moss thin yellow , pulse string and number .

  28. 舌脉象以舌质红或淡,薄白苔,脉弦为主。

    The tongue show the red or tongue pulse condition for pale , thin white moss , stringy pulse .

  29. 舌象主要以舌色红,淡白为主,舌苔以薄白、薄黄、白腻、黄腻为主。

    Mainly tongue red tongue , pale-based , with thin white fur , thin yellow , greasy , greasy yellow-based .

  30. 虚证强直性脊柱炎患者的裂纹舌、齿痕舌和红点舌比例显著高于实证患者。

    The percentage of deficiency syndrome patients ' fissured tougue , teeth-printed tongue and red dot tongue was significantly higher than those with excess syndrome .