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  1. 回顾分析了近5年来中医药治疗经前期综合征(PMS)的文献,认为PMS的基本病机为脏腑功能失调,治疗多以辨证论治、单方加减为主。

    In retrospective analysis of the literature about premenstrual syndrome ( PMS ) treated by Chinese medicine in recent years , it is believed that the basic pathogenesis of PMS is the visceral dysfunction and its treatments were given mainly with one prescription modified on the basis of pattern identification .

  2. 针刺效应与脏腑功能失调程度的关系

    Relationship between Acupuncture Effect and Degree of Dysfunctional State of the Viscera

  3. 认为肺癌久咳是脏腑功能失调的综合表现。

    It is pointed out that the lasted cough due to lung carcinoma was caused by disfunction of zang-fu organs .

  4. 从心理应激的角度来研究情志、情志疾病和脏腑功能失调的本质在理论上有着坚实的基础。

    There are reliable proofs to study the mechanisms of emotions and emotional diseases from the view of the psychological stress .

  5. 脏腑功能失调多见于心、肝、脾、肾、胆、胃等;

    The dysfunction of zang-fu organs were mainly observed in heart , liver , spleen , kidney , gallbladder and stomach .

  6. 结论:益妇康口服液能有效地改善围绝经期综合征的临床症状,证明围绝经期综合征的病机在于肾精不足,脏腑功能失调;

    Conclusion : Yi-Fu-kang oral liquid can effectively improve perimenopausal syndrome symptoms , proved Perimenopausal Syndrome Pathogenesis essence lies in lack of organs dysfunction ;

  7. 痰浊产生与外感、内伤及情志多种因素影响脏腑功能失调密切相关。

    Phlegm is turbid to produce with outside sense , internal injury and feelings will various factor influence the function imbalance of internal organs is related closely .

  8. 本病病位虽在肠,但与肝、脾、肾等诸脏腑功能失调关系密切。

    Though IBS occurs in bowel , yet it has close relationship with the functional imbalance of liver organ , spleen organ , kidney organ and so on .

  9. 在肺癌发病机制中,痰、瘀是邪毒侵肺、脏腑功能失调的病理产物,又是正气亏虚、肺部积块形成的致病因素。

    In the pathogenesis of lung cancer , pathogens invade the lung , and dysfunctional organs product stagnation of phlegm and blood , resulting in vital-Qi deficiency and bump in lung .

  10. 脏腑功能失调以肺脾肾之虚损为主,其病主要在肺,但与脾、肾有密切的关系。

    The dysfunction of zang fu organs mainly manifests as the deficiency of lung , spleen and kidney , the location mainly concerns lung and is closely related to spleen and kidney .

  11. 由于肝脏与五脏六腑关系密切,肝脏的生理功能失调则会导致其他脏腑功能失调,从而表现出不同的临床症状。

    For the close relationship between liver and other zang and Fu organs , the dysfunction of liver will lead the dysfunction of other organs , which consequently lead to different symptoms of insomnia .

  12. 痰是机体水液代谢障碍所形成的病理产物,同时也具有致病作用,能导致脏腑功能失调,从而产生各种复杂的病理变化和临床表现。

    Phlegm is the body fluid disease caused by metabolism disorder ; the pathology of products also has pathogenic effects which will cause the pathological disorder of the viscera function , resulting in various and complex clinical performances .

  13. 痰一般分为有形之痰和无形之痰两类,其生成涉及五脏六腑。外感六淫,饮食不节,或情志不畅等,均可导致脏腑功能失调而生痰。

    Phlegm is generally divided into tangible and intangible ones , of which the formation involves the insides , the six evils of the monograph , not festival dieting , or modern , all can cause Phlegm viscera dysfunction .

  14. 部分中学生心理“应激状态延续”越过了所能承受的极限,导致脑功能轻度的紊乱,以致造成脏腑功能的失调。

    In some of the middle school students , the " continuity of stress condition " surpasses their tolerant limit , resulting in mild dysfunction of the brain and functional disturbances of the viscera .

  15. 其次,应重视明确病变的脏腑定位,糖尿病与高血压病并存患者的发病与肝肾及脾胃心等脏腑功能失调均有关系,与肝肾的关系最为密切。

    Secondly , attach importance to the positioning of viscera of definitely pathological changes . The access of patients with diabetes and hypertension has relation with the disorders of liver , kidney , spleen , stomach and heart , especially liver and kidney .