
  • 网络Dirty Bomb;rdd
  1. 作者们总结说,支出如此巨大的原因在于,这是针对诸如脏弹这样真正具有破坏性的袭击的一项保护政策;

    The authors conclude that spending is high because it is an insurance policy against a truly devastating operation such as a dirty bomb ;

  2. 我们知道,恐怖主义分子和犯罪团伙仍有觊觎之心还包括制作脏弹的放射性材料。

    And we know that terrorists and criminal gangs are still trying to get their hands on it & as well as radioactive material for a dirty bomb .

  3. 保罗•莱特福特,AL数码媒体有许多关于“脏弹”以及化学和生物武器袭击的报告,而碉堡是受到保护的。

    PAUL LIGHTFOOT , A.L. DIGITAL There has been a lot in the media about dirty bombs , chemical and biological attacks , and the bunker is protected .

  4. 好吧,我们得把沃斯和脏弹

    All right , we need to get Voss and the package

  5. 那么我们只是在处理一枚脏弹喽。

    So what we 're essentially dealing with is a dirty bomb .

  6. 那是个颗脏弹,完全探测不到

    It 's a dirty bomb , completely undetectable

  7. 对脏弹恐怖袭击初始响应人员防护干预行动的一些讨论

    Discussion on protection and intervention actions in aftermath of a " dirty bomb " attack

  8. 他们刚刚在纽约州北部从两个中情局特工手里偷了一颗脏弹

    They just stole a dirty bomb off of two CIA operatives in upstate New York .

  9. 2006年,三名英国人在国内受到起诉,罪名是寻找红水银试图制造脏弹。

    In2006 , it featured in the British trial of three men accused of trying to make a dirty bomb .

  10. 媒体有许多关于“脏弹”以及化学和生物武器袭击的报告,而碉堡是受到保护的。

    There has been a lot in the media about dirty bombs , chemical and biological attacks , and the bunker is protected .

  11. 脏弹恐怖袭击烟团剂量计算方法空间武器能用电子手段劫持飞行中的巡航导弹,并使其改变袭击目标。

    Dose calculation method using the puff model during radiological dispersal devices attack Space weapons can electronically hijack a cruise missile in flight and redirect it .

  12. 还有更多的其他一些放射性材料,如废弃的X光机以及燃料残渣,都可以用来制造脏弹。

    And that larger amounts of other radioactive material , from discarded X-ray machines to spent fuel , might be used to make a dirty bomb .

  13. 这个系统是通过监控所谓“脏弹”和其他没被确认的核原料的运动来追踪和监测辐射源。

    The system relates to the detection and tracking of radiation emitted by the movement of so called " dirty bombs " and other unauthorized nuclear materials .

  14. 其破坏形式主要有四种:袭击核设施、爆炸完整核弹、爆炸粗糙核装置,爆炸脏弹等。

    Nuclear terrorism takes four forms : attacks on nuclear facilities , detonation of a complete nuclear weapon , detonation of an improvised nuclear device , and detonation of a " dirty bomb " which contains radioactive material .

  15. 首先,把核废料放在火箭上是非常危险的,因为火箭在发射时偶尔会发生爆炸,使得任何充满核废料的爆炸火箭都会变成一枚巨大的脏弹。[qh]

    Well , first , it 's really dangerous to put nuclear waste on a rocket , since rockets have a tendency to occasionally explode while launching , making any nuclear-waste-filled exploding rocket into a really big dirty bomb . [ qh ]