
wēi shè
  • deterrence;deter;force de dissuasion;terrorize with force;intimidate militarily
威慑 [wēi shè]
  • [deterrence;terrorize with military force] 用武力、威势使恐惧

  • 官方会议赞同核威慑概念

  1. 因此逐步升级是威慑和危机处理的一个方面

    Escalation is thus an aspect of deterrence and of crisis management .

  2. 奥萨马本拉登(OsamabinLaden)对于威慑或其它形式的殊死谈判毫无兴趣。

    Osama bin Laden has no interest in deterrence or other forms of deadly bargaining .

  3. 判处长期徒刑可对违法者起到强有力的威慑作用。

    Long prison sentences can be a very effective deterrent for offenders .

  4. 这项严厉的新法将起到威慑作用。

    The tough new law should act as a deterrent .

  5. 调集了两个装甲兵团去威慑、控制人群。

    Two regiments of cavalry were called out to tame the crowds .

  6. 高速公路旁将安装仿真巡逻车以威慑那些超速驾车者。

    Dummy patrol cars will be set up beside motorways to frighten speeding motorists

  7. 他们真的相信死刑具有威慑作用。

    They seriously believe that capital punishment is a deterrent

  8. 对大多数罪犯来说,最大的威慑力量是警方可能会破案并将他们逮捕。

    The most important deterrent for most criminals is the likelihood of detection and arrest .

  9. 这最后一项条款明显是对那些可能会无视法令之人的威慑。

    This last clause is a thinly-veiled threat to those who might choose to ignore the decree .

  10. 没有可以取代核威慑力量的可靠办法。

    There 's no credible alternative to the nuclear deterrent .

  11. Capslockvoice指平时冷静沉默的人在对某人或某事忍无可忍的时候转而采用的一种提高了音调且颇有威慑力的说话语调,这种方式相当于在网上聊天时用全部大写的方式表达自己激烈情绪,所以,就叫“大写锁定语调”。

    Caps lock voice refers to the authoritative and raised tone used by a normally calm and quiet person when he / she has had enough of someone or something . It is the equivalent to using the caps lock key in the digital world to show your strong emotion .

  12. 是否有可以取代核威慑力量的可靠办法?

    Is there a credible alternative to the nuclear deterrent ?

  13. 俄罗斯的进攻其目的不在于废黜他的政权,而在于威慑他

    Russia 's offensive could be aimed at threatening Mr Lukashenka rather than deposing him .

  14. START谈判与美国实战威慑核战略

    Start and america 's war-fighting nuclear strategy

  15. 刑事诉讼被视为一种威慑,但是,BP更有可能会寻找同时解决刑事和民事惩罚的全球性的解决方案。

    A criminal prosecution is seen as a deterrent , however , it is more likely that BP will pursue a global settlement that resolves both criminal and civil penalties .

  16. 自二战以来,博弈论者一直在思考战略、威慑与大决战(Armageddon)。

    Since the second world war , game theorists have pondered strategy , deterrence and Armageddon .

  17. murchison还购入了midwest10%的股份,以威慑竞争性投标人。

    Murchison has also built a stake of 10 per cent in Midwest in order to deter to rival bidders .

  18. 本文所指惩罚性赔偿,是在punitivedamages语境下的惩罚性赔偿。其基本含义是,惩罚性赔偿是指由法院做出的赔偿数额超出实际的损害数额的赔偿,其目的在于威慑、遏制不法行为。

    The " Punitive damages " in this article refers to the punitive damages under the contexts of " Punitive Damages " which essentially imply that the amount of compensation decided by the court exceeds the actual amount by damage with its purpose to deter and control illegal acts .

  19. 美国参谋长联席会议副主席詹姆斯卡特赖特上将(jamescartwright)表示,美国把网络支出的90%用在了防御领域,只有10%放在了威慑方面,这与传统的武器平衡相反。

    The US spends 90 per cent of its cyber spending on defence and only 10 per cent on deterrence , the opposite of the balance for traditional arms , said Gen. James Cartwright , vice chair of the Joint Chiefs of staff .

  20. RPW项目是做为可选择的,来延长目前的w76-1弹头寿命并且降低由于单一模式而造成的失败对美国SLBM威慑力的削减所带来的风险。

    The RRW programme has been started as an alternative to follow-on life extension for the existing W76-1 warhead and to reduce the risks of single-mode failure undercutting the US SLBM deterrent force .

  21. 网络安全公司CrowdStrike的联合创始人德米特里•阿尔佩罗维奇(DmitriAlperovitch)表示,他看好新的制裁措施,它们将“增加我们的网络对手的成本,建立一个更有效的威慑框架来惩罚那些行为主体。”

    Dmitri Alperovitch , co-founder of cyber security firm CrowdStrike , said he was optimistic the new sanctions would " raise the cost to our cyber adversaries and establish a more effective deterrent framework to punish actors . "

  22. 惩罚性赔偿具有惩罚、威慑和补偿功能。

    Punitive damages possess functions of deterring , penalizing and compensating .

  23. 有人怀疑核子威慑力量的可信度。

    There were doubts about the credibility of the nuclear deterrent .

  24. 他们的导弹被视为一种防卫和威慑力量。

    Their missiles are viewed as a defensive and deterrent force .

  25. 威慑么你要去澳大利亚见老板?

    Why 'd you go to Australia to meet the boss ?

  26. 一些人认为死刑具有威慑作用。

    Some people say that capital punishment acts as a deterrent .

  27. 一是民事执行威慑机制的实践情况。

    First , the practice situation of civil enforcement deterrence mechanism .

  28. 强调农民间的互动约束,而法律约束作为威慑和底线。

    Make legally binding as a deterrent and the bottom line .

  29. 它有打击效用,威慑效用和政治效用。

    It has the attack effectiveness , deterrent effectiveness and political effectiveness .

  30. 基于博弈分析的军事威慑理论研究

    The Research of Military Deterrence Theory Based on Game Analysis