
  • 网络Military civilian integration;civil-military inosculation
  1. 采用龙头企业带动模式发展产业集群,是西安实现军民融合科技的最佳选择。

    Leading enterprises model is the best choice to realize army-civilian integration technology .

  2. 军民融合由军转民到军民一体化是一次制度变迁过程。

    From transforming military into civil to civil-military integration is a process of system vicissitude .

  3. 在这种背景下,国有军工企业军民融合的取向构成了本论文研究的主要目的。

    Under such a circumstance , military and civilian integration forms the main purpose of this thesis .

  4. 随后,世界各国纷纷掀起了国防工业向军民融合转化的热潮。

    After that , the upsurge of military and civilian integration has been pervaded all over the world .

  5. 基于军民融合的国防科技创新组织系统的构建

    The Research on Construction of Organization Systems for National Defense Science and Technology Innovation Based on Civil-Military Integration

  6. 让科技与人文在工程中融合加快建设军民融合的国家创新体系

    Let Sci-tech and Humanities Integrate in the Field of Engineering Redesign and Reconstructing China 's Civil-Military Integrating National Innovation System

  7. 五是坚持走军民融合之路,解决路径问题。

    Fifthly , to insist on the path of civil-military integration , so as to resolve the problem of approach .

  8. 坚持国防建设和经济建设协调发展,促进军民融合深度发展。

    We will coordinate national defense development and economic development and deepen the integration of the military and civil sectors .

  9. 当前,随着军民融合式发展的深入推进,营区流动人口呈增多趋势。

    With the deepening of civilian and military fusion at present , the number pf floating population tends to keep increasing .

  10. 对军民融合经济动员模式的实现途径作了五个方面的战略性分析探索。

    The author made a strategical consideration on the approach of realizing the civil-military integrated economic mobilization mode from five aspects .

  11. 推动军民融合式发展,加强国防科研和武器装备建设。

    We will promote integrated military and civilian development , increase defense-related research , and strengthen the development of weapons and equipment .

  12. 党的十七大指出,要走出一条中国特色的军民融合式的发展道路。

    From the seventeenth Party Congress , we need to get out of the path of development of a Chinese military and civilian integration .

  13. 认为:军转民是军民融合的初级阶段,其高级阶段是军民一体化,民转军是军民融合的又一种表现形式。

    And also see that transforming military into civil is the primary stage of military and civilian integration , and its advanced form is civil-military integration .

  14. 但本文试图从军工企业的结构层面研究军工企业如何利用民用先进的高技术来提高自己的技术能力的军民融合问题。

    This paper attempts to study the civil-military integration of how the military enterprises improve their technical capabilities use the civilian high technical from structural level .

  15. 重点推进一批军民融合发展项目,带动和促进国防交通战备工作整体水平提升。

    Priority has been given to a number of projects that combine military and civilian purposes , giving impetus to an overall improvement in transportation combat-readiness for national defense .

  16. 创新发展人民战争战略战术,推进军民融合式发展,提高国防动员和后备力量建设质量。

    They constantly bring forward new ideas for the strategies and tactics of people 's war , advance integrated civilian-military development , and enhance the quality of national defense mobilization and reserve force building .

  17. 这些经验对于今天在新的历史条件下加强军粮供应系统的建设和走中国特色军民融合式发展道路,具有重要借鉴意义。

    These experiences are still of important reference value for improving the army provisions supply system and following the path of integrated military and civilian development with Chinese characteristics under the new conditions today .

  18. 军民融合式国防科研投资涉及国防、经济和社会三个系统的复杂关系。

    Civil-military integration of national defense R & D investment , referred to the complex relations between national defense system , economic system and social system , is a stative condition rather than the process .

  19. 最后将国防科技工业军民融合体系运用于湖南省,并结合湖南省自身的优势和特色,建立湖南省区域军民融合系统,并提出了相应的对策建议。

    Finally , by using this system in Hunan province and combining with their own advantages and characteristics of hunan province , we set up regional featuring military and civilian integration system , and puts forward the corresponding countermeasures .

  20. 提出了军民融合实现形式应该具有阶段性和多样性的观点,军转民、军民一体化都是军民融合在不同环境下不同时期的不同发展形式。

    This paper proposes the viewpoint that the realization form of military and civilian integration is diversified and has different phases . Transforming military into civil and civil-military integration are the different forms in different environment and different times .

  21. 但是军民融合企业的发展过程中,受其早期顾客市场单一化、确定性、趋稳等特征的影响,顾客忠诚度和品牌资产都未被足够重视。

    But in the process of the development of the civil-military integration enterprise , by the influence of the early single customer market , deterministic , features such as stabilization , customer loyalty and brand equity have not been enough attention .

  22. 我国正处在市场经济体制正在逐步完善的时期,逐步开放军品市场,建立科学、高效的军民融合互动机制,充分发挥民用高技术对军用技术的推动和促进作用是一个长期的过程。

    China is in the market economy gradually improved during the gradual opening up military market , to establish a scientific and efficient civil-military interaction mechanism , give full play to the civilian high-tech military technology to facilitate and promote the role of a long process .

  23. 改革开放以来国有军工企业对军民融合的探索也逐步从初级阶段向高级阶段转变,而这种转变的过程实质就是一种渐进式的诱致性制度变迁过程。

    Since the adoption of reform and opening-up policy , the exploration of military and civilian integration by state-owned military enterprises has gradually progressed from primary stage to advanced stage , and this process of progress actually is a gradual and alluring process of system vicissitude .

  24. 进一步提炼顾客满意度、转换成本、关系信任和购买风险作为影响顾客忠诚的四种典型因素,探讨了他们在品牌资产提升方面的作用,并提出了军民融合企业提升品牌资产的建议。

    It further refines customer satisfaction , switching costs , relationship trust and risk of purchase as the four kinds of typical factors affecting customer loyalty ; discusses the role of brand equity promotion and puts forward some suggestions of civil-military integration enterprise promoting the brand assets .

  25. 经过多年的努力,航天技术应用产业在卫星应用、信息技术、新材料与新能源、航天特种技术应用、特种车辆及零部件、空间生物等重点领域,形成了军民融合的发展格局。

    AlphA civil-military integration development pattern of aerospace technology applications has been formed in Satellite applications , information technology , new materials and new energy , aerospace special technical applications , special vehicles and spare parts , space biology and other key areas after years of effort .

  26. 军工企业军民产品融合发展策略系统仿真研究

    A System Imitation Research on the Amalgamation Development Strategies of War Industry Enterprise 's Army and Civilian Product

  27. 提出了技术的军民两用性与企业的军民通用性决定了我国军工企业可以走军民融合之路来提升其军用技术的研制力。

    It is proposed that the technology dual-use with military and civilian versatility decided military enterprises in China can upgrade its military technology from the road of civil-military integration .