
ɡuó fánɡ lì liànɡ
  • national defense capabilities
  1. 促进了边疆地区经济的发展和国防力量的增强;

    Promotes the economic development and the strength of the national defence ;

  2. 任何可以增强欧洲国防力量的举动,现在都受到美国的欢迎。

    Anything that sees the continent strengthen its defence capabilities is now welcome .

  3. 巨额石油收入加强了国防力量,缓解了内外矛盾;

    The large oil income strengthens the national defence .

  4. 现在,我们有了一定的国防力量。

    Our defence capabilities have attained a certain level .

  5. 国防力量业已增强。我已经给我自已保了人寿险以防事故。

    Our national defence has been strengthened . I have insured myself against accidents .

  6. 增加经验、权势、力量、重量国防力量业已增强。

    Gain experience , power , strength , weight Our national defence has been strengthened .

  7. 这是新加坡建立一支有实力且专业的国防力量的决定性一步。

    And this was a decisive step in building up a credible and professional defence force for Singapore .

  8. 在未来的几十年里她将成为我们国防力量的奠基石。

    and she will serve as a cornerstone of our national defense for decades and decades to come .

  9. 我们从零开始,需要紧急地建设国防力量。

    We were starting from zero base ; we needed to build up an armed forces urgently from scratch .

  10. 此外,还有三百五十万优秀儿女直接投身于国防力量。

    Added to this , three and a half million men and women are directly engaged in the defense establishment .

  11. 巩固国防力量、促进进取精神,这些成就才不会付诸东流,正是它们使我们赢得了国内的繁荣和世界的尊重。

    the strong defense and spirit of enterprise that have made us prosperous at home and respected throughout the world .

  12. 在我们的国家财政受到严重挑战的时候,这些条约还可以帮助我们维持并增强国防力量。

    This will also help us to maintain and strengthen our defenses at a time when national finances are severely challenged .

  13. 国家加强武装力量的革命化、现代化、正规化的建设,增强国防力量。

    The state strengthens the revolutionization , modernization and regularization of the armed forces in order to increase national defence capability .

  14. 防空导弹作为我国重要的国防力量,在整个军事体系中占有非常重要的地位。

    The antiaircraft missile takes our country important national defense capability , holds the very important status in the entire military system .

  15. 随着信息化时代的来临,无线通信技术的强弱成为了衡量一个国家国防力量和综合国力的一个主要指标。

    As the information age comes , the wireless communication technology has become a very important indexation to measure the national defense forces of one country .

  16. 这项立法还将使海外维和行动成为日本国防力量除了国防和国内赈灾以外的经常活动。

    The legislation would also make overseas peacekeeping activities a regular part of the defense forces ' activities along with defense and disaster relief at home .

  17. 近几年来,国家军品市场化,更多民营高科技型企业参与军品市场竞争,与此同时,随着我国国防力量不断提升,军工科研所也积极参与国际军品市场的竞争。

    In recent years , as national military product began to adopt the market principle , more and more civil high-tech enterprises participated in military product market competition ;

  18. 大型锻件是机器设备的关键和核心部位,是重大装备的制造基础件,是衡量一个国家工业水平和国防力量的重要标志之一。

    As key and basic parts of large scale equipments , the level of production of the heavy forgings are proved to be an important symbol of national industry and defense force .

  19. 如果说经济实力依然强大、拥有先进国防力量的日本尚且不能站起来与中国对抗,那些与中国存在领土争议的众多小国还有什么希望?

    If Japan , with its still-powerful economy and sophisticated defence force , cannot stand up to Beijing , what hope for the many smaller countries that have territorial disputes with China ?

  20. 周三,五角大楼发布的军力报告称中国专注于对南海地区海上交通线和矿藏丰富地区的保护,不断加大对海上国防力量的投入。

    Pentagon report on Wednesday said China is increasingly focused on naval power , as it places a growing priority on securing strategic shipping lanes and mineral-rich areas in the South China Sea .

  21. 整个交通部,黎巴嫩国防力量,黎巴嫩海军,驻黎扮嫩联合国军队都团结一致进行搜救工作。

    " The whole ministry of transport , Lebanese defense force , the Lebanese navy , United Nations military that is based in Lebanon are all cooperating in the rescue effort ," Wake said .

  22. 诚然,从硬实力投射的角度来说,英国在欧洲居首。但与欧盟其它成员国一样,英国的国防力量根本不足以维系其对于华盛顿的吸引力。

    To be sure , Britain is Europe 's leading state when it comes to projecting hard power . But Britain 's defence establishment , like those of other individual EU members , is simply not sizeable enough to sustain its allure in Washington .

  23. 同时,南宋还重视发展军事技术,改革军事制度,加强军队建设,从而使国防力量有所增强,从屡战屡败到胜多败少,战略形势逐渐向有利于南宋方面转化,曾一度出现北进的较好形势。

    It also attached great importance to developing military hardware , reforming the military system and increasing the army , s manpower . As a result , the situation became more favourable . However , the Southern Song pursued a policy of suing for peace and had no plan to recover the Central Plains .

  24. 高素质国防后备力量建设问题,在社会国防建设中占有十分重要的位置。

    The problem of high quality reserve force is important .

  25. 国防后备力量建设审计工作面临的问题及对策

    Auditing in national reserve forces construction : problems and Solutions

  26. 高素质国防后备力量管理机制研究

    Study on Management of High Quality Reserve

  27. 这些游击队本身的壮大与战斗力的增强,还逐渐成为正规的劲旅,实际上扩大了国防的力量;

    By expanding and strengthening their combat effectiveness , these guerrillas have gradually become regular forces , adding to our national defence capability .

  28. 大学生是国防后备力量的高层次人才,其数量质量结构,在后备力量中居重要地位。

    University students are a high-level talent of the reserve force of the national defense , its quantity quality structure , occupy the important position in reserve force .

  29. 要加强国防后备力量建设,发展国防科技工业,完善国防动员体制。

    We should strengthen the building of our national defense reserves , develop the science , technology and industry of national defense and improve the system of national defense mobilization .

  30. 中国坚持现代条件下的人民战争思想,实行精干的常备军与强大的国防后备力量相结合。

    China adheres to the concept of people 's war under modern conditions , and exercises the combination of a streamlined standing army with a powerful reserve force for national defense .