
  • 网络National Endowment for the Arts
  1. 随后,她负责领导国家艺术基金会(NationalEndowmentfortheArts)民间艺术项目。

    Later , she directed the folk arts program at the National Endowment for the Arts .

  2. 据美国国家艺术基金(NationalEndowmentfortheArts)2008年公布的一份报告显示,截至2005年,男性摄影师的平均收入为35000美元。

    According to a report released in 2008 by the National Endowment for the Arts , the median income for male photographers , as of 2005 , was $ 35,000 .

  3. 国家艺术基金会(NationalEndowmentfortheArts)的总预算不过是康奈尔大学在理工科领域所得到的政府研究及支持资金的一半。

    The total budget for the national endowment for the arts is one half of what Cornell gets from the government in terms of research and support for science and engineering .

  4. 据美国国家艺术基金会(theNationalEndowmentfortheArts),美术馆的参观人数在2002年至2012年十年间下降了5%,期间,去博物馆的人中只有75岁及以上年龄段的人数有所上升。

    Art museum attendance dipped 5 percent from 2002 to 2012 , according to the National Endowment for the Arts . Museumgoers 75 and older were the only age group to increase over that period .

  5. 该报告由美国国家艺术基金及美国教育部提供资金,耗时两年才得完成。

    The report took two years to produce , with funding from the National Endowment for the Arts and the U.S.

  6. 谈到英国现行的国家艺术基金制度时,她说:委员会创造不出高超的艺术作品。

    " Committees do not create good art ," she says , referring to the current system of state-sponsored arts funding in Britain .

  7. 第三部分则阐释了美国国家艺术基金会资助机制与美国电影格局形成之关系,笔者将其概括为涟漪效应与齿轮效应。

    In the third part the author explains the way that The National Endowment for the Arts fund American film . And the author tries to sum up the relationship as the ripple effect and the gear effect .

  8. 第三、四部分先后阐述了美国文化基金会和我国文化基金会的现状和运作机制,并以具体案例美国国家艺术基金会和上海文化基金会做实际支撑。

    The third and the fourth parts describe the current status and the operating mechanism of Cultural Foundation of America and China respectively . And these parts take the specific cases of United States National Endowment for the Arts and the Shanghai Cultural Foundation as the supports .

  9. 本文的第一部分介绍了美国电影管理制度,第二、三部分则分别讨论了美国艺术资助体系与国家艺术基金会资助机制,从全美层面论述至联邦层面逐步推进。

    In the first part , the author describes the American film management system . In the second part , arts funding system and funding mechanism of the National Endowment for the Arts have been discussed , which is from the regional level to the federal level step by step .

  10. 艺术基金会原名为国家艺术收藏品基金会(nationalartcollectionsfund),从事这样的工作已经很久了。

    Formerly called the national art collections fund , the art fund has a long track record .

  11. 上月,英国国家科技艺术基金会(Nesta)力挺这一观点。

    Last month the National Endowment for Science , Technology and the Arts picked up this point .

  12. 即便是现在,招聘与评估程序仍更看重“勤奋”、而非“创新”(英国国家科技艺术基金会,2009年)。

    Even now , recruitment and appraisal processes favour " conscientiousness " over " innovativeness " ( Nesta , 2009 ) .