
The regional national autonomy is a basic political institution .
It is a basic political system of China .
Chapter one illustrates the basal political pattern of Soviet Union and its abuses .
The Ordering of the Private Entrepreneur Owner 's Political Participation and Our Basic Political System
Regional national autonomy is a basic political system to solve the national minorities 's questions in china .
To find the basal political pattern is our basis and precondition on studying non - institutionalized phenomena in Soviet Union political life .
Our party and country pass long-term exploration , ask for and determine a basic political system of country as system of national regional autonomy .
Constitution is a basic political system frame of modern country ruled by law . But in our traditional taxation structure , constitution spirit and culture were utterly ignored .
In practice , to rule the country by socialist virtue is : firstly , to persist in socialist fundamental political system and maintain ethical reasonableness of political power ;
The manorial system , basic political system , the western European medieval in medieval Western Europe social formation of the large attachment relationship is one of the most important part .
In the long run , it is very significant to adhere to and perfect Chinese political systems , promote material , political and spiritual civilizations of socialism , and develop harmoniously .
Scientific development concept as another guiding principle of china 's reform and development has been established , and the regional autonomy for minority nationalities as one of basic politic systems in our country should be firmly implemented .
As an important part of national basic political system , the national audit , as an immune system , plays the prevention , reveal and resisting function in national administration and helps country in achieving sustainable development .
In cooperation institution , policy turned to basic political system ;
Higher school leadership system is a basic political policy in higher schools .
The CSC firm will exist in a long time for the being of immature market , community share and basic political system .
The villagers self-government as a of our country basic political system , is in the socialist market economy with rural economic reform and the formation of .
The idea and model of local self-government have influenced other Euramerican nations and Japan .
The author thinks the bottom line of the domestic stability in China is that China 's basic political and economic regimes can 't be threatened .
The constitution is a window from which the history and politics of the state are understood , the basic political and economical institution , the basic human right of the citizens , the organization of the nation structure can also be known from it .