
  • 网络Gene Ontology;Gene Ontology GO
  1. 基因本体(GO)是一套具有动态形式的控制词汇,其结构为有向无环图。

    GO ( Gene Ontology ) is a set of dynamic controlled vocabulary , its structure is DAG ( Directed Acyclic Graph ) .

  2. 论述了一个基于基因本体论(GeneOntology)的生物信息个人数据库平台BIO。

    A bio information personal database platform based on Gene Ontology BIO is discussed here in detail .

  3. 其中主要任务是建立一个通用的基于XML技术和GeneOntology(基因本体)整合的生物信息学数据库系统。

    The main task is to build a integrated bioinformatics database via XML and Gene Ontology .

  4. 针对基因本体的需求,利用Java技术,以模块化设计的方式实现了基因本体工具包GO4J。该系统包括4个模块。

    Aiming at the requirement of gene ontology , a toolkit for gene ontology based on Java is designed and implemented .

  5. 通过比较模糊C均值和基于本体的模糊C均值结果的有效值,发现基因本体的应用有助于取得具有更好的类内紧凑度和类间分离度聚类结果。

    By comparing the validity of the results of fuzzy C means and ontology-based fuzzy C means , we found the application of gene ontology helps to achieve clustering with better compactness within cluster as well as better separation between clusters .

  6. MGD与生物信息学社区在生物医学本体论的开发和使用上合作,例如基因本体论和哺乳动物表型本体论。

    MGD collaborates with the bioinformatics community on the development and use of biomedical ontologies such as the Gene Ontology and the Mammalian Phenotype Ontology .

  7. 基于基因本体论的生物信息个人数据库平台

    Bio-information Personal Database Platform Based on Gene Ontology

  8. 基于关联基因本体论注释的蛋白质相互作用预测

    Protein-protein Interaction Prediction With Correlated Gene Ontology

  9. 并根据基因本体论从生物信息学的角度预测了15个蛋白质的新功能。

    Based on Gene Ontology , new functions of 15 proteins are predicted from bioinformatics aspect as well . 3 .

  10. 基因本体论收集了若干不同物种的分子功能,生物学过程,及细胞组分的信息。

    Gene ontology gathers information for molecular function , biological processes , and cellular components with a number of different organisms .

  11. 最后比较不同算法的聚类结果的质量,证明了基因本体可以大大地提高聚类的质量。

    Finally , while comparing the performance of results produced by different clustering algorithms , it proves that the Gene Ontology can greatly improve the performance of clustering .

  12. 论文通过一个基于基因本体论的统一语义框架解决转化医学集成的不同数据库之间的语义异构问题。

    Besides , it also employs a unified semantic framework based on Gene Ontology , which is used to solve the semantic heterogeneity between different databases in the integration of translational medicine .

  13. 此外,利用树形结构构造自顶向下的分类器在训练过程中考虑了目标类别之间的关系,因此可以解决分类结果与基因本体结构不兼容的问题。

    Additionally , the top-down classifier based on a tree structure takes the relationship of target classes into consideration and thus can solve the incompatibility of the classification results and the Gene Ontology structure .

  14. 该方法将多种信息作为络合物发现特征,如基因本体信息,权重聚类系数等,构建了含有十八个特征的特征集。

    In this method , different information is used as the features , including gene ontology information , weighted clustering coefficient and so on . Totally , there are eighteen features in the feature set finally .

  15. 该数据库平台根据自身研究的需要,用基因本体论中的相关的规范术语来对基因序列信息进行注释,从而可以让用户从基因本体论的角度对生物信息序列进行查询。

    According to our research goal , the gene sequence in the database platform is explained by the related terms of Gene Ontology so that users can find the gene sequence in terms of Gene Ontology .

  16. 利用基因本体资源中的层次关系来调整训练样本,减轻了正负例样本之间的非平衡性,同时通过保留易混淆的训练样本来增强分类器的区分能力。

    The hierarchical relationship of Gene Ontology resource is made use of to adjust the training samples and relieve the imbalance of the positive and negative training samples . Meanwhile the discriminating ability of classifiers is enhanced by preserving the easily confused training samples .

  17. 本研究还对鲤重叠群和斑马鱼基因进行了基因本体(GeneOntology,GO)和KEGG通路的功能注释,发现了一些富集在鲤中的生物过程和生物通路。

    We annotated the common carp contigs with Gene Ontology terms and KEGG pathways . Compared with zebrafish gene annotations , we found that a set of biological processes and pathways were enriched in common carp .

  18. 此外,对同一表型术语下的基因的有关基因本体信息进行了统计和分析,找出其中的对应规律,为发现更多的与此术语相关的基因提供依据和线索。

    Last but not least , the genes which belong to the same terms are analyzed in order to discover more rules and evidence between them .

  19. 该方法将基因表达、基因本体的相似性度量值按大小排列的顺序给定序号,将序号作为融合系数进行数据的融合。

    The method gives a number to every similarity value of gene expression and GO , which are sequenced in a descending order , and uses the number as coefficient to calculate the fusion data .

  20. Blast是基本的预测新基因功能的工具,但是仅通过Blast的原始搜索结果,尚无法获得相关基因本体论(GeneOntology,GO)注释信息。

    Blast is a basic tool to predict novel gene function , but scientist can not based on the raw result of blast to find gene ontology ( GO ) annotation . 4 new genes were obtained .