
jūn huǒ
  • Arms;munitions;arms and ammunition;ammo;ordnance material;armsand ammunition
军火 [jūn huǒ]
  • [munitions;armsand ammunition] 军队用的一切武器和弹药的总称

军火[jūn huǒ]
  1. 1945年6月,英国仍然有45%的劳动力在部队服役或就职于军火工业。

    In June 1945 , Britain still had forty-five per cent of its workforce in the Services and munitions industries .

  2. 战争因军火不足而失败。

    The war was lost because of a shortage of munitions .

  3. 他根据自己的信条,不投资军火工业。

    He doesn 't invest in the arms industry on principle .

  4. 那家机构充当了从军火工业向他处中转资金的渠道。

    The organization had acted as a conduit for money from the arms industry .

  5. 这家公司公开买卖军火。

    The firm openly traded in arms .

  6. 他仍然声称军火没有被用来交换人质。

    He still claims the arms weren 't traded for hostages

  7. 他吹嘘自己参与过盗窃军火的行动。

    He 's boasted of being involved in the arms theft

  8. 军火堆了遍地。

    There was ammunition lying all over the place .

  9. 警方发现了大批私藏的军火。

    A huge arms cache was discovered by police .

  10. 每一家军火公司都是由高官家族控制的。

    Every single one of the arms companies is controlled by the families of high officials .

  11. 他是靠贩卖军火发迹的。

    He rose [ made a career for himself ] by dealing in munitions .

  12. 自由集团是由私募股权和对冲基金集团塞伯路斯资本管理公司(CerberusCapitalManagement)成立的一家非上市军火集团。

    The company in question is freedom group , a privately-held firearms conglomerate formed by private equity and hedge fund group Cerberus capital management .

  13. 解作以下的句子吗:军火运输的终止给予的喘息的时间(spell)应该给所有战斗员一个重新定位他们自己位置的机会。

    The breathing spell provided by the moratorium on arms shipments should give all the combatants a chance to reevaluate their positions .

  14. 为期三天的横滨海事系统及技术(MaritimeSystemsandTechnology)军火交易会,是二战以来日本首次军火贸易展。在日本推出这一军火交易展之际,亚洲的防务预算及紧张态势正日益增强。

    The three-day Maritime Systems and Technology arms fair being staged in Yokohama is Japan 's first military trade show since the second world war and comes as defence budgets and tensions rise across the region .

  15. 在《秘谍夫妻》中,特工萨曼莎•布鲁姆(SamanthaBloom)不在异国他乡追踪俄罗斯军火贩子的时候,便在洛杉矶经营一家餐馆。

    In'Undercovers , 'special agent Samantha Bloom runs a Los Angeles catering business , when she 's not chasing down Russian arms dealers in exotic locales .

  16. 在帕迪利亚翻拍的影片中,由冷面CEO雷蒙德•塞拉斯(迈克尔•基顿饰演)领导的跨国公司OnmiCorp成为了美国头号军火商。

    Padilha 's remake is set in a world where multinational corporation OmniCorp , led by ruthless CEO Raymond Sellars ( Michael Keaton ) , has become the US military 's major contractor .

  17. 他表示:传统SRI反应的是特定客户的观点,也许是一家教堂或是一个慈善基金表达自己对某些领域的不满,如烟草或军火。

    Traditional SRI reflected the views of specific clients , maybe a church or charity fund expressing its dislike of certain sectors , such as tobacco or arms .

  18. 刚刚过去的这个周末,美国主要的军火供应商洛克希德-马丁公司(LockheedMartin)承认,它曾是一起网络渗透活动的受害者,但表示所受影响不大。

    This weekend Lockheed Martin , a major military contractor , acknowledged that it had been the victim of an infiltration , while playing down its impact .

  19. 反腐竞选人依旧利用TonyBlair2006年的决定拒绝调查与SaudiArabia的一项43亿英镑(70亿美元)的军火交易。

    Anti-corruption campaigners still bring up Tony Blair 's decision in 2006 to abandon an investigation into a ? ? 43 billion ( $ 70 billion ) weapons deal with Saudi Arabia .

  20. 琳达哈德森,作为CEO执掌BAE四年之久,她也是第一个主要军火公司的女性掌门人,她的成长经历自然与众不同。

    Linda Hudson , the CEO of BAE for the past four years , and first woman head a major defense company , grew up very comfortable being unique .

  21. 几年前,佩尔•松丁(PerSundin)与妻子参加晚宴时,妻子叮嘱他:“别跟别人说你是做什么工作的。”松丁既非银行家、二手车销售员,也非军火商,而是瑞典一家唱片公司的主管。

    Don 't tell people what you do , " Per Sundin 's wife insisted as they went to a dinner party several years ago . Sundin wasn 't a banker , used-car salesman or weapons producer , but the head of a record label in Sweden .

  22. PaloAlto的市销率已达10倍,随着业界巨头增添其安全领域的军火库,未来可能发生一些高价收购交易。

    With Palo Alto trading at 10 times revenues , some high-priced acquisitions seem likely as the industry giants add to their arsenal of defences .

  23. 或许A.T.是军火专家的名字缩写

    Maybe A.T. are the initials of the munitions expert .

  24. 仲春份,英国的军火巨头BAE公司经美英联合调查后被罚款400万美元。

    In February Britain 's BAE Systems , a giant arms company , was fined $ 400m as a result of a joint British and American investigation .

  25. 德尼萨苏-恩格索(denissassou-nguesso)总统在该军火库附近有一处寓所,但爆炸发生时不在那里。

    President Denis sassou-nguesso has a residence near the arms depot , but was not there when the explosions began .

  26. 对于那些想获得更新奇更奢华体验的客户,这家公司也在德国冷战时期的军火库中建立了VivosEuropaOne,其宣传语为“现代的诺亚方舟”。

    For clients looking for something further afield and more luxurious , the company also offers Vivos Europa One , billed as a " modern day Noah 's Ark " in a former Cold War-era munitions storage facility in Germany .

  27. 日本最大军火生产商三菱重工(MitsubishiHeavyIndustries)的社长宫永俊一(ShunichiMiyanaga)表示,该公司正寻求扩大对海外的军火销售。为赢得澳大利亚一笔价值360亿美元的潜艇合同,该公司调整了相关努力。

    Mitsubishi Heavy Industries , Japan 's biggest arms producer , is taking aim at more deals to sell its weapons abroad , according to its chief executive , as it revamps efforts to win a $ 36bn submarine contract from Australia .

  28. 总部在三蕃市的海关人员,最近确认Herrmann作为一个国际军火商,曾在1980年,与伊朗合作过,并可能卷入了11月的突袭事件。

    The San Francisco-based Bay Guardian , recently identified Herrmann as an international arms dealer working with Iran in1980 , and possibly involved in the October Surprise .

  29. 目前,军火商洛克希德马丁公司为了测试下一代HULC外置骨骼,已经同美国陆军签订了110万美元的合同。

    Recently defence firm Lockheed Martin has received a $ 1.1 million contract from the US Army to test its next-generation HULC exoskeleton .

  30. 或许我们该把Undershaft的军火想像成力量的象征(做好事和坏事的力量、侵略和防御的力量)。

    Perhaps we should think of Undershaft 's munitions as the symbolic equivalent of power-power to do good or harm , power of aggression and of defense .