
jūn huǒ kù
  • arsenal
  1. 他们在中校罗伯特·E·李的指挥下向军火库发起猛攻,布朗绝不会束手就擒,

    They storm the arsenal under the command of Colonel Robert E. Lee . Brown won 't go down without a fight .

  2. Mullen说,美国所了解的巴基斯坦核武器的问题有限,但是,他说,伊斯兰堡近年来已经在核军火库方面取得了引人注目的进展。

    Mullen acknowledges there is a limit to what the United States knows about Pakistan 's nuclear weapons , but he says Islamabad has made dramatic improvements in the arsenal 's security in recent years .

  3. PaloAlto的市销率已达10倍,随着业界巨头增添其安全领域的军火库,未来可能发生一些高价收购交易。

    With Palo Alto trading at 10 times revenues , some high-priced acquisitions seem likely as the industry giants add to their arsenal of defences .

  4. 德尼萨苏-恩格索(denissassou-nguesso)总统在该军火库附近有一处寓所,但爆炸发生时不在那里。

    President Denis sassou-nguesso has a residence near the arms depot , but was not there when the explosions began .

  5. 对于那些想获得更新奇更奢华体验的客户,这家公司也在德国冷战时期的军火库中建立了VivosEuropaOne,其宣传语为“现代的诺亚方舟”。

    For clients looking for something further afield and more luxurious , the company also offers Vivos Europa One , billed as a " modern day Noah 's Ark " in a former Cold War-era munitions storage facility in Germany .

  6. VivosxPoint是这些售罄的社区避难所之一。这座靠近南达科他州布拉克山的避难所由575个军用地堡构成,在1967年前用作军火库。

    One of those shelters , Vivos xPoint , is near the Black Hills of South Dakota , and consists of 575 military bunkers that served as an Army Munitions Depot until 1967 .

  7. “挖掘者”成员奥莱尔·塞尔居(AurelSercu)最近来到战壕,向大家解释了这条沟渠如何把战壕与地下泵房、更衣区、工作间和军火库连通起来,而这些空间如今均已被水淹没。

    Aurel Sercu , one of the Diggers , walked the site recently , explaining how tunnels had led away from the trenches to an underground pump room , a changing area , a workroom and a stock of ammunition , all underwater now .

  8. 敌人的军火库那时已暴露了。

    The enemy 's arsenal had been uncovered by that time .

  9. 这就是为什么我们盯着军火库

    That 's why we were staking out the armory .

  10. 3.arsenal兵工厂,军火库敌人的军火库那时已暴露了。

    The enemy ' s arsenal had been uncovered by that time .

  11. 在南威尔士发现一处秘密军火库。

    An arms cache was discovered in South wales .

  12. 我们今晚要再去一次军火库

    we 're going back to the armory tonight .

  13. 军队计划袭击敌人的军火库。

    The army planned to attack enemy arsenals .

  14. 德里克乘混乱之机,放火烧了军火库。

    Derek cashed in on the turmoil to set the munition depot on fire .

  15. 美国转变为一个民主的军火库

    America transforms into an arsenal of democracy .

  16. 这个小房子,说得正确些,就是诺第留斯号的军火库和储藏衣服的地方。

    THIS CELL , properly speaking , was the Nautilus 's arsenal and wardrobe .

  17. 我们不会再回去下一个目标是阿克顿军火库

    We 're not going back . Our next objective is the Acton armory .

  18. 核武器被储存在美国和苏联的军火库中

    were part of the arsenals of the United States and the Soviet Union .

  19. 但我们拿下阿克顿军火库之后

    And after we take the Acton armory ,

  20. 军火库空气调节系统

    The Air Regulating System in the Arsenal

  21. 根据巴基斯坦核军火库的历史,至少有三个理由值得人们担心。

    The history of Pakistan 's nuclear arsenal gives at least three reasons for concern .

  22. 我说你去军火库侦查完毕就可以去找你儿子了

    I said you could go look for your son after you checked out the armory .

  23. 卡扎菲宣称要做出反击,并打开军火库武装人民以捍卫利比亚。

    Gaddafi has vowed retaliation and said he will open arms depots to the people to defend Libya .

  24. 自吸式空气预混合燃烧器德里克乘混乱之机,放火烧了军火库。

    Air inspirated premix burner Derek cashed in on the turmoil to set the munition depot on fire .

  25. 不行原定计划是侦查完军火库我们就去搜寻本

    No , our agreement was that we would be going after Ben once we scouted the armory .

  26. 消息传开,当地民众开始攻击军火库,没有一个奴隶加入布朗的队伍。

    Word gets out and local townsfolk attack the arsenal . Not a single slave joins brown and his men .

  27. 它提供了一个大型军火库的载体,我们如线,椭圆,路径和其他图形类型。

    It provides us with a large arsenal of vector graphic types such as Line , Ellipse , Path and oth .

  28. 预见到可能发生的问题,避难所监督用他个人的终端远程锁定了避难所军火库。

    Foreseeing problems , the Overseer had a remote link to the armory lock installed on his terminal , denying access .

  29. 2009年12月31日,李俊被带到重庆某军火库一处专门建造的审讯室。

    Mr Li was taken to a specially constructed interrogation cell at the Chongqing arsenal storage military facility on December 31 2009 .

  30. 他意图攻占弗吉尼亚州哈珀斯镇的联邦军火库,这个南方最大的武器库。

    His plan , to capture the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry , Virginia , the biggest collection of weapons in the South .