
jūn bèi kònɡ zhì
  • arms control
  1. 他们的会谈预计会集中讨论军备控制问题。

    Their talks are expected to focus on arms control

  2. 我们与俄罗斯基于《削减战略武器新条约》((NewSTARTTreaty)这是近20来最为全面的军备控制协议正在削减我们的核武库。

    With Russia , were now reducing our arsenal under the New START Treaty & the most comprehensive arms control agreement in nearly 20 years .

  3. 关于军备控制的谈判完全陷入了僵局。

    The talks about arms control have reached complete deadlock .

  4. 我们希望下一场军备控制会谈会取得更大的成功。

    We hope the next round of arms-limitation talks will be more successful .

  5. 艾森豪威尔政府军备控制政策(1953-1956)

    Eisenhower Administration s Arms Control Policy ( 1953-1956 );

  6. 军备控制作为美国社会生活中一个重要的议题是美国宗教所无法回避的。

    Arms control is one prominent issue , which American religion cannot avoid .

  7. 军备控制和区域安全工作组;

    Arms control and regional security working group ;

  8. 核军备控制研究的现状与前景

    Status and Prospects of Nuclear Arms Control Study

  9. 国际军备控制向何处去?

    Where is international arms control heading for ?

  10. 谈判人员在军备控制会谈上取得了戏剧性的突破。

    The negotiators have achieved made a dramatic breakthrough in the arms control talks .

  11. 积极推动国际军备控制与裁军

    Actively Promoting International Arms Control and Disarmament

  12. 军备控制必须成为一项多边行动。

    Arms control needs to become multilateral .

  13. 全面军备控制和裁军概念

    Comprehensive Concept of Arms Control and Disarmament

  14. 军备控制和裁军法委员会

    Committee on Arms Control and Disarmament Law

  15. 它使军备控制成为我们不能推卸的义务。

    It imposed an obligation for arms control that we had no right to shirk .

  16. 军备控制伦理研究

    Research on the Ethics of Armament Control

  17. 我国自始自终地参加了联合国有关裁军、军备控制和外层空间的工作。

    Our country is fully involved in UN disarmament , arms control and outer space work .

  18. 中国的军备控制与裁军

    Arms Control and Disarmament of China

  19. 国际军备控制与裁军研究是一门科学,也是一门斗争的艺术。

    International arms control and disarmament is a branch of science and an art about struggle .

  20. 军备控制与裁军

    VII . Arms Control and Disarmament

  21. 当前的军备控制谈判

    On current arms control talks

  22. 分区域军备控制协定

    Agreement on Sub-Regional Arms Control

  23. 重新推行基于条约的军备控制这是奥巴马政府受到莫斯科欢迎一项要务可能有所助益。

    The resumption of treaty-based arms control a priority of the Obama administration that Moscow welcomes can help .

  24. 两年来,我们已为下一步将采取的这些军备控制措施打下了基础。

    In the 24 months since we have laid the foundation for these next steps in arms control .

  25. 他的理论尚未成熟。但是他却是一个道德楷模-激励着那些关心进行军备控制的科学家们。

    But he was a moral compass -- an inspiration to scientists who were concerned with arms control .

  26. 地基强激光试验功率的核查是军备控制中的一个重要物理问题。

    The verification of testing power of ground - based high power laser is an important physical problem in arms control .

  27. 专家们把此与核武器研制成功后、但军备控制条约签署前的早期那段时间相比较。

    Comparisons have been made with the early years after the discovery of nuclear weapons , before the establishment of arms-control treaties .

  28. 地雷问题是国际军备控制与裁军领域的重要议题之一。

    Restrictions and prohibitions on the use of mines has become a very important issue in the international arms control and disarmament process .

  29. 国务院最高军备控制官员希望本月末在莫斯科讨论出新的计划来减轻俄罗斯忧虑。

    The State Department 's top arms control official expects to discuss new proposals to ease Russian concerns later this month in Moscow .

  30. 军备控制专家在帮助定义和应对这一挑战方面起到有用的作用,但他们的行动步伐却慢得让人沮丧。

    Arms control experts are also playing a useful , but frustratingly slow , part in helping define and respond to this challenge .