
  • 网络radioactive fallout;nuclear fallout
  1. 来自伍兹霍尔海洋研究所的科学家在星期一表示,他们已经检测到源于2011年的福岛核危机的铯134的放射性沉降物,已经到达加利福尼亚北部100英里的Eureka小镇近海。

    Scientists at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution on Monday said they had detected cesium 134 radioactive fallout from the 2011 Fukushima nuclear meltdown about 100 miles offshore of the Northern California town of Eureka .

  2. 倘若低水平的辐射危害性低于预设,那么这些放射性沉降物很可能根本不会引起癌症患病率的增加。

    If low levels of radiation are less harmful , then the fallout might not have caused any increase in the cancer rate .

  3. 考虑蠕变性状的港区软土地基参数反演和长期沉降预测对零的放射性沉降物

    Back analysis of parameters and long-term settlement prediction of harbor soft ground considering its creep behavior

  4. 放射性沉降物轮廓图

    Delineation of fall out contours

  5. 上坡风放射性沉降物

    Anabatic wind fall out

  6. 像菠菜,生菜,韭菜等叶状蔬菜成长在室外,是最先被放射性沉降物污染的食物。

    Leafy vegetables grown in the open like spinach , lettuce and leek are among the first foods to be tainted by radioactive deposits .

  7. 要比较放射性沉降物与疏散行动这两者的附加影响,依赖于“线性无阈值模型”的有效性,而该模型假定,任何剂量的辐射——哪怕它非常非常小——都会造成一定的危害。

    How the added effect of the fallout would have compared with that of the evacuation depends on the validity of the " linear no-threshold model , " which assumes that any amount of radiation , no matter how small , causes some harm .