
  • 网络University of New South Wales;Wales University;The University of Wales
  1. 她在威尔士大学教英语。

    She teaches English at the University of Wales .

  2. 它为拥有相同学术水平的海外教育机构颁发威尔士大学学位。

    This enables overseas institutions to offer the University of Wales degree at an equivalent standard to the degree offered in Wales itself .

  3. 加的夫威尔士大学科技学院授予。

    University of Wales Institute of science and technology , cardiff .

  4. 圣大卫之旗帜的颜色被作为威尔士大学的学校之色。

    St David 's flag was adopted as the college colours of the University of Wales , Lampeter in1888 .

  5. 他还在位于斯旺西的威尔士大学任国际海运和贸易法学院的专门顾问。

    He is also a special adviser to the Institute of International Shipping and Trade Law , University of Wales at Swansea .

  6. 对于威尔士大学所提供的认证课程来说,保持其学术标准至关重要。

    The maintenance of academic standards is of paramount importance for validated courses , as it is for courses offered within Wales .

  7. 威尔士大学的朱莉娅。琼斯、班戈和他们的同仁或许将很快给出上述问题的答案。

    Julia Jones of the University of wales , bangor , and her colleagues may soon have the answer to that question .

  8. 位于阿伯里斯威思的威尔士大学的现代史教授威廉·鲁宾斯坦肯定,这种财富的增长是史无前例的。

    William Rubinstein , professor of modern history at the University of Wales , Aberystwyth , confirmed that the growth in wealth was unprecedented .

  9. 伦敦大学、杜兰大学、纽卡斯尔大学(曾经是杜兰大学的组成学院)以及威尔士大学的所有独立分校。这些学校成立于19世纪。

    London , Durham and their former constituent college at Newcastle , and the colleges of the former University of Wales - chartered in the 19th century .

  10. 按照威尔士大学的马克-布拉格罗夫的说法,这项研究可能是考察梦与现实之间关系的第一次实验。

    The study , according to mark blagrove , of the University of wales , is perhaps the first experiment to determine a link between the waking world and dreams .

  11. 2004年,他毕业于四川美术学院油画系,曾在英国威尔士大学卡地夫学院深造。

    In 2004 , he graduated from the Oil Painting Department of the Sichuan Fine Arts Institute and studied at the University of Wales Institute in Cardiff , the UK .

  12. 威尔士卡迪夫大学(CardiffUniversityinWales)普通感冒中心负责人、教授埃克尔斯(RonEccles)解释了为何在办公室中放一件套衫并不是个坏主意。该中心为咳嗽、感冒和流感疗法进行临床试验。

    Professor Ron Eccles , director of the Common Cold Centre at Cardiff University in Wales , which performs clinical trials for treatments for coughs , colds and flu , explains why keeping a sweater at work isn 't such a bad idea .

  13. 他是威尔士卡迪夫大学生物科学院的院长。

    He is director of the School of Biosciences at Cardiff University in Wales .

  14. 威尔士卡迪夫大学的一项早期研究也显示,办公室的植物让人们更快乐、效率更高。

    An earlier , 2014 study by Cardiff University in Wales also showed that plants in the office make people happier and more productive .

  15. 但是,海洋温度的细微变化就能够影响它的迁徙路线,英国威尔士斯旺西大学的海洋生物学家格瑞姆海斯说道。

    Yet it takes just a few degrees'change in the ocean 's temperature for it to turn off course , says Graeme Hays , a marine biologist at the University of Wales Swansea in the U.

  16. 由威尔士卡迪夫大学的两位专家托尼“弗里斯和迈克”爱德蒙德领衔的研究小组在周四出版的《自然》杂志上公布了他们的研究成果。

    The researchers , led by Tony Freeth and Mike G.Edmunds , both of the University of Cardiff , Wales , are reporting the results of their study in Thursday 's issue of the journal Nature .

  17. 可是新南威尔士和昆士兰大学依然面对着要减少外国学生数量的问题。

    But New South Wales and Queensland are also facing a drop-off in foreign student numbers .

  18. 来自拉姆尼的杰西卡今年21岁,三年前,进行宫颈癌治疗前,就把卵子冷冻在了威尔士的加的夫大学医院。

    Jessica , 21 , from Rhymney , had her eggs frozen at Cardiff 's University Hospital of Wales before her treatment for cervical cancer began three years ago .

  19. 杰米·福克斯今年22岁,他刚从威尔士的班戈大学毕业,之后他要依靠尤克里里琴、手风琴和牛铃等乐器来驱赶诺福克郡乡间田地里的山鹑。

    Jamie Fox , 22 , who recently graduated from Bangor University , will use a ukulele , accordion and cowbell to frighten partridges away from a field in Norfolk .

  20. 苏格兰的三所大学出现在了前25名当中:它们分别是爱丁堡大学、格拉斯哥大学和圣安德鲁斯大学。而威尔士最佳的大学是加迪夫大学,排名进入了前30。

    Three universities in Scotland appear in the top 25 : the University of Edinburgh , the University of Glasgow and the University of St Andrews , while the best university in Wales is Cardiff University , ranked just inside the top 30 .

  21. 在营地的边缘,威尔士阿伯里斯特维斯大学(AberystwythUniversity)地理学博士研究生约翰尼·瑞安(JohnnyRyan)用一个类似弹弓的装置把飞机形状的无人机发射出去,然后操控它在一块将近75平方英里的区域上空飞行。

    On the edge of camp , Johnny Ryan , a doctoral candidate in geography at Aberystwyth University in Wales , launched an airplane-shaped drone from a slingshot-like device , then guided it over a nearly 75-square-mile area .

  22. 由威尔士阿伯里斯特维斯大学的罗斯金带领下亚当的英国设计师承认:到目前为止机器人的发明还是“初级类型”。

    Adam 's British designers , led by Ross King at Aberystwyth University in Wales , acknowledge that the robot 's discoveries have been " of a modest kind " thus far .

  23. 官员在一些学校发现了一些非常“严重”的证据,政府也降低了东北威尔士格林杜尔大学的信用等级。

    Officers uncovered evidence of " serious concern " at some campuses , and the government has downgraded Glyndwr University in north - east Wales from its status as a " highly - trusted sponsor " of student visas .