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zānɡ huà
  • swearing;obscenities;obscene language
脏话 [zāng huà]
  • [dirty words] 污秽不堪入耳的话;不文明的语言

  • 别说脏话

  1. 她冲着法官高声骂了一连串的脏话。

    She screamed a string of obscenities at the judge .

  2. 他不出声地朝我们骂了几句脏话然后离去。

    He mouthed a few obscenities at us and then moved off .

  3. 这部电影因有脏话而受到批评。

    The movie has been criticized for strong language .

  4. 他喝醉时就满口脏话骂人了。

    He became abusive when he was drunk .

  5. 他满嘴脏话!

    He has a foul mouth on him !

  6. 他因说脏话而被开除。

    He got the sack for swearing .

  7. 我听到这脏话很震惊。

    I was shocked at the swearing .

  8. 独立电视公司一般都会删掉故事片里的脏话。

    ITV companies tend to censor bad language in feature films .

  9. 与众不同之处在于他的骄傲自大和满嘴脏话。

    The things that stuck out were his cockiness and his four-letter words

  10. 一个大块头的得克萨斯州红脖子正对阿里骂着脏话。

    A large Texan redneck was shouting obscenities at Ali .

  11. 这项调查发现几乎90%的人都会为不堪入耳的脏话所触怒。

    The survey found almost 90 percent of people were offended by strong swearwords

  12. 一个女人对那家人大骂有种族歧视的脏话。

    A woman had hurled racist invective at the family

  13. 他从小就被教育不要在女性面前说脏话。

    He has been brought up not to swear in front of women .

  14. 他是一个粗俗无礼、满嘴脏话的恶棍。

    He 's a coarse , foul-mouthed bully .

  15. 我碰到了一些非常粗鲁的家伙,他们用各种脏话骂我。

    I met some very ignorant people who called me all kinds of names .

  16. 在成人节目时间之前出现的脏话深为众人憎恶。

    Bad language before the watershed is widely resented

  17. 孩子说脏话是完全不能容忍的。

    It is totally unacceptable for children to swear

  18. 他一边哭一边尖声咒骂着脏话。

    He was shrieking obscenities and weeping .

  19. 他爱说脏话。

    He had a foul mouth .

  20. 他是个粗鲁的老头,但他从来不在女人面前说脏话。

    He was a vulgar old man , but he never swore in front of a woman

  21. 我说了一句脏话。

    I said a bad word .

  22. 克拉默愤愤地骂了一句脏话。

    Cramer spat an obscenity .

  23. 这孩子的脏话使母亲震惊不已。

    The child 's bad language shocked his mother .

  24. 在这个家里我无法容忍骂人的脏话。

    I will not tolerate bad language in this house .

  25. 我不想听这些脏话。

    I do not hear this dirt .

  26. 他满口脏话侮辱那位妇女。

    He insulted that woman by language .

  27. 在人滔滔不绝的咒骂或说脏话前后不经意的咕哝的一句话(一般有老人或者小孩子在场的情况)→swear/swer/诅咒;咒骂;发誓→totalkabluestreak:滔滔不绝的说话

    Phrase mumbled1 insincerely immediately after or before one swears a blue streak2 within earshot of the elderly , the young , or the simply uptight3

  28. 我觉得这些脏话玷污了我

    I felt defiled by the filth .

  29. 那位演员不再受人爱戴的原因是他满口脏话而且还总迟到。

    The actor 's fall from grace was due to his foul1 mouth and poor timekeeping .

  30. 下一次有人在街上对你骂脏话,甚至别回头了。

    The next time someone cusses you out on the street , don 't even look back .