
  • 网络qi of zang-fu organs
  1. Yin的地下鳞茎。脏腑之气包括脏腑的阴阳两个方面;

    Qi of viscera includes yin and yang of viscera ;

  2. 通过分析精、气、血、津液的代谢机理,论证脏腑之气的升降出入为生化之机。

    It also was proved that rising and falling of viscera is the key to the body circulation and generation according to the metabolism theory .

  3. 通过正确察脉,可以准确判断经络脏腑之气的虚与实,从而指导针灸治疗。

    Correct pulse taking can accurately assess deficiency or excess of Qi of meridians and Zang and Fu organs , so as to direct acupuncture and moxibustion treatment .

  4. 针刺影响内分泌的实质是“脏腑之气(内分泌)由先天之精气(基因)化生”。

    The essence of acupuncture influencing endocrines is " the vital energy of Zang-and Fu-organs ( endocrines ) is produced by congenital vital essence and energy ( gene )" .

  5. 任何脏腑之气的运动形式,皆非囿于升或者降一方面,而是包括升降出入四个方面。

    Motional form of each qi of zang-fu present not one type of rising or falling but including 4 types of rising , failing , coming out and entering .