
xíng xiàng
  • image;figure;form;profile;vivid
形象 [xíng xiàng]
  • [image;form;figure] 用有效和生动的语言刻画和描写的有形或可见的表现

  • 创造英雄形象

形象[xíng xiàng]
  1. 这个公司想摆脱它面向低消费阶层的形象。

    The company wants to break away from its downmarket image .

  2. 这些广告旨在提高公司的形象。

    The advertisements are intended to improve the company 's image .

  3. 他在公众心目中的形象与他真实的本人截然不同。

    His public image is very different from the real person .

  4. 博物馆一直努力改变自己沉闷的形象。

    Museums have been trying hard to shed their stuffy image .

  5. 他们希望这家商店具有小城镇那种朴实热情的形象。

    They wanted the store to have a folksy small-town image .

  6. 这家公司正试图塑造一个充满活力的年轻形象。

    The company is trying to create a young energetic image .

  7. 剧中国王的形象是一个恶棍。

    The king is represented as a villain in the play .

  8. 该镇仍在努力改变自己的单调形象。

    The town is still trying to cast off its dull image .

  9. 他希望改善报纸略有受损的公众形象。

    He hopes to improve the newspaper 's somewhat tarnished public image .

  10. 在这个故事中神以鹰的形象出现。

    In the story the god assumes the form of an eagle .

  11. 这个行业正在设法使自身形象更加吸引人。

    The profession is trying to sex up its image .

  12. 公司已决定,必须展现出更加现代的形象。

    The company has decided it must present a more modern image .

  13. 工党于20世纪90年代重塑形象,改称新工党。

    In the 1990s the Labour Party rebranded itself as New Labour .

  14. 那位候选人的形象因丑闻而受到严重损害。

    The candidate was seriously damaged by the sleaze factor .

  15. 传记刻画出了他的正面形象。

    The biography shows him in a favourable light .

  16. 香槟公司的成功在于他们的品牌形象。

    Champagne houses owe their success to brand image .

  17. 这个政党已经摆脱纯工人阶级的形象。

    The party has shed its cloth cap image .

  18. 足球界的形象需要改善。

    Soccer needs to clean up its image .

  19. 这场病损害了他那爱打拼的形象。

    The illness damaged his Action Man image .

  20. 他们就如何加强树立公司的良好形象征询意见。

    They sought advice on how to project a more positive image of their company .

  21. 过去的那位摇滚狂人已经改变形象,成了一位体面的爱家的男人。

    The former wild man of rock has reinvented himself as a respectable family man .

  22. 他的公开形象与书中描写的恋家男人相去甚远。

    His public persona is quite different from the family man described in the book .

  23. 这些形象有损妇女尊严。

    Such images demean women .

  24. 他不同于人们一般印象中穿黑色西装、提公文包的商人形象。

    He doesn 't conform to the usual stereotype of the businessman with a dark suit and briefcase .

  25. 人类需要有强于自身的形象,上帝就是这个想法的投射。

    The idea of God is a projection of humans ' need to have something greater than themselves .

  26. 菲利普在地板上踱来踱去,一副典型的神经紧张的准爸爸形象。

    Philip paced the floor , a typically nervous expectant father .

  27. 他的形象因为那桩储蓄信贷丑闻而受损。

    His image was tarnished by the savings and loan scandal .

  28. 预计叛乱将会进一步破坏这个国家的形象。

    The rebellion is expected to further damage the country 's image

  29. 他难以把刻在脑海中的形象抹去。

    He could not dislodge the images imprinted on his brain .

  30. 这样大发脾气与他所树立的个人形象不相称。

    The outburst was inconsistent with the image he has cultivated .