
  • 网络formal discipline
  1. 同时看过这两部电影的影迷肯定会被电影中执着的形式训练所打动,而正是这种形式训练将两位风格迥异的导演联系在了一起;

    Anyone who sees both " Blood Simple " and " Noodle Shop " will be struck by the obsessive formal discipline that unites these otherwise disparate filmmakers , and also by Mr.

  2. 三种不同形式训练课都能引起男子武术套路运动员肾功能的改变,TP、Alb、β2-MG有不同程度的变化,不同形式训练课造成运动员不同部位和不同程度的损伤。

    The kidney function of wushu routine male athletes had all changed after three different kinds of exercise . Urine Tp , Alb , P j-MG increased . The different exercises changed kidney function in different degree and different parts .

  3. 不同形式训练课对武术套路运动员肾功能的影响

    Effects of Different Exercises on Kidney Function of Wushu Routine Athletes

  4. 目前关于不同形式训练课对男子武术套路运动员肾功能影响的研究尚未见报道。

    It has not been reported for the effects of different exercises on kidney function of wushu routine athletes .

  5. 从作文教学的现状分析,说明并指出初中作文教学中存在教材上的形式训练体系;

    Start by analyzing present composition teaching condition , the author points out that there is superficial practice system in textbooks and that there is big gap between reading and writing in teaching ;

  6. 本研究首先以中日比较研究的视角,提出现代儿童生活中存在的问题;同时,剖析我国小学语文教学中存在的形式训练的作文教学,以上述两个方面的问题作为研究的出发点。

    The research from the view of comparative studies between China and Japan puts forward the problems existing in modern children 's life , analyzing the problems of formal training in Chinese composition teaching at the same time as a starting point .

  7. 详细地分析了不同网络结构的训练效率和以不同样本形式训练的网络对相同故障症兆的故障原因的识别能力。

    It introduces systematically how to identify the fault reasons of the unstable idle speed by means of neural network , and analyzes detailedly the training efficiency of different neural network construction and the recognizing ability of different type data samples for same fault reason .

  8. 而他在北京开设管理研究院的目的正是基于此。作为富二代培训机构之一,该机构旨在以授课的形式训练这些超级富豪的继承者。

    That ` s where his Beijing Business Management Scientific Research Institute comes in . The institute is among several that offer training courses to groom heirs of the super-rich , known here as the " wealthy second generation ," in the ways of their class .

  9. 回顾“形式训练说”与“实质训练说”的演进,进而从知识论、学力论的角度,检视课程思潮的变化所带来的课程发展模式的演进,使我们借以认识新课程的思想背景。

    To help us better understand the theoretical background of the new curriculum , it is necessary to have a review of the evolution of " formal training theory " and " substantive training theory " and the evolution of curriculum development mode brought by the change of curriculum ideas .

  10. 不同形式高原训练对运动能力影响的机制

    Effect Mechanism of Different Forms of Altitude Training on the Athletic Ability

  11. 摆放队员的形式影响训练效果吗?

    Nope , the form do not affect the training .

  12. 形式逻辑训练并不能改变信念偏差效应的大小和表现形式。

    Logic teaching did not change the size and pattern of belief bias effect .

  13. 在一学期的元认知训练之后,研究者采取问卷和测验形式对训练效果进行了检测。

    After a semester of training , questionnaires were used to examine the effects of this training .

  14. 实验结果表明,对汉语句法结构的调整及以词干、词缀等更小的词素形式参与训练可以有效提高翻译质量。

    Experimental results show Chinese sentence reordering and splitting Uyghur words into morphemes can effectively improve the performance of translation system .

  15. 响片训练的妙处在于,纠正的等级通常要比其它形式的训练低,尤其是强迫训练。

    The beauty of marker training is that the level ; of corrections are usually much lower than in other forms of training-especially forced compulsion training .

  16. 倡导科学化的教学形式和训练体系,进一步提高教师及教练的业务水平努力使教学队伍达到相对稳定状态。

    Promote scientific teaching and training system , teachers and coaches to further enhance the operational level , efforts to make the teaching force to achieve a relatively stable state . 4 .

  17. 情境作文教学法强调写作的创新性与真实性,同时这种作文形式对训练学生们的描写、记叙、抒情能力、想象能力等都具有较重要的作用。

    Situational composition pedagogy emphasis on innovation and authenticity of the writing , the description of this composition in the form of training students , narrative , lyrical ability , imagination and so has a more important role .

  18. 因此,要缩小训练强度和比赛强度的差距,应在减少总间歇时间的前提下,采用短时间、多次数的间歇形式增大训练中的运动强度。

    Therefore , to decrease the difference between training and competition intensity , training intensity should be raised and the form of intermission should be short and have more times under the precondition of decreasing the total time of intermission .

  19. 方法对陪护人员进行医护知识培训,对患者进行有的放矢的心理康复,循序渐进的功能训练,训练时采用家属与患者一对一的形式,每次训练时间30 ̄40min,每日1次。

    Methods The accompanies were trained with medical and nursing knowledge , and the patients were cared with individual mental rehabilitation and received gradual one-to-one training of functions of 30 ~ 40 min each time , once a day .

  20. 新形式的攻击训练课题,进行核对,并与国防部高级分。

    New forms of training for the topics attack , check and defense with high-score rating .

  21. 个案训练的基本训练形式是个性化训练、个体化训练、个别化训练和个人化训练。

    The basic training form of case training theory includes the training of individuality , individualization , individuation and person .

  22. 说明两种形式的力量训练对提高最大力量、下肢快速力量影响效果明显。

    This shows that strength training can improve the rapid strength , maximum force in the lower limbs significantly . 2 .

  23. 素描的确能很有效地解决中国画造型基础训练中的一些问题,如画面中形式因素的训练。

    The sketch can really solve some problems about the training of the fundamental configuration such as form factor in a picture .

  24. 跑步、自行车或者其他形式的交叉训练都是很好的选择,可以提升你的体能。

    Running , cycling , or other forms of cardio cross training are good alternatives in the preseason to expedite your fitness level .

  25. 同时还通过调查问卷的形式对拓展训练在河南省高校的开展现状进行了实证研究。

    Also through the expansion of the form of questionnaires in the Province Universities to carry out the training status of an empirical study .

  26. 用适当的体位和运动形式指导并训练患者,避免关节错位的发生,同时消除功能障碍性组织的静态压迫。

    To educate the patient in the appropriate postures and movement patterns to prevent progression to derangement and to eliminate the static stresses on the dysfunctional tissues .

  27. 随着体育运动的日益发展,音乐作为体育运动的一种表现形式和运动训练的辅助手段,已逐步被一些项目所采用。

    With the increasingly development of sports , music , as a manifestation and an assistant measure of training , has gradually been adopted by some athletic items .

  28. 模拟的语言交际情景,丰富的背景信息,图片、动画和声音的配备,多样化的文章和练习形式可全面训练学生的听、说、读、写能力,帮助学生掌握新的语言输入策略。

    All these can generally train the students on their listening , speaking , reading and writing ability , as well as help them master the new language input strategy .

  29. 学生们在高中时代(甚至更早一些)就已经接触到某种形式的编程训练,我们年轻时所经历的那种激动的感觉在今天已经难觅踪影了。

    Students in high schools and lower grades have already been exposed to some form of programming and the excitement we experienced when we were young is hard to find these days .

  30. 以训练团队的形式实施运动训练既是运动训练专业化发展的重要表现特征,又是运动训练专业化发展的升华。

    Not only is implementation of sports training in the form of training team the important performance characteristics of the professional development of sports training , but also the sublimation of the professional development of sports training .