
  • 网络sense of form
  1. 初步得出的结论是:管窥当下的雕塑创作,形式感往往多于叙事性。

    The conclusion is that overview the creative of sculpture now , the sense of form is more than the narrative .

  2. 形式感:比较当代的表现手法,童话与现实的巧妙贴合,似乎在梦里又在现实中。

    Sense of form : contemporary performance practices , fairy tale and reality cleverly fit , it seems that in a dream in reality .

  3. 第一行表明您只对符合条件的客户的第一个email地址的文本表示形式感兴趣。

    The first line indicates that you 're interested in the text representation of the first email address of qualifying customers .

  4. 一切归于形式感&论黄泉福先生佛教造像的形式美

    All Due to Formal Feeling : Analyzing formal beauty of Buddhist Portray

  5. 它主张创新,追求形式感,强调个性,重视工艺美术。

    It advocated innovation , pursuing modality , emphasizing individuality and industrial arts .

  6. 丰富的色彩表现方式加强了画面的形式感和表现力度。

    These color skills strengthen the form feeling and strength of the painting .

  7. 20世纪中国作家的形式感论纲

    The Sense of Literary Presentation of the Chinese Writers in the 20th Century

  8. 语感是言语形式感

    Language sense is the sense of language form

  9. 诗歌是最具有形式感的文学形式。

    The poetry is the one which emphasize form most importantly in all literature forms .

  10. 壁画是很注重形式感的绘画艺术。

    The form of wall paintings is a sense of focus on the arts of painting .

  11. 从整体上强调了量感和形式感,测电量用感应测量仪表

    They emphasize a sense of forcefulness and beautiful shapes . induction instrument for measuring electrical quantities

  12. 驾驶中心和这种运动的形式感强调了品牌的情感因素。

    The emotional aspect of the brand is underlined by the driver focus and the kinetic form .

  13. 为了表达内心的残缺,他的画面通常构图和节奏的形式感很强。

    Usually composition and rhythm in the form of a strong sense of order to express inner incomplete .

  14. 加工与重构&诠译图形设计的形式感关于不同感觉形式的。

    Processing and re-conformation & On the form feeling of graphical design ; relating to different sense modalities .

  15. 诗是语言艺术中最具形式感的文体,音乐性是其最重要的形式特征之一。

    Poem has the obvious modality style in language art and melodiousness is one of the most important modality .

  16. 他们对意象的择取,对形式感的重视,体现出异于传统文化氛围的现代主义情绪。

    By choosing the image and emphasizing the structure , they show modernist sentiments , different from the traditional culture .

  17. 从而突出画面因此而形成的形式感,人物间的疏密排列,大小安排也为画面的节奏增色不少。

    The density of this arrangement , the big and small of the characters will all contribute to the rhythm .

  18. 同时,也使得艺术的形式感更加强烈,更加富有感染力。

    At the same time , it also causes artistic the form feeling to be more intense , richer power .

  19. 你也可以把它当成一种构成因素,一种画面形式感,表现就是这样的。

    You can regard it as a constitution element and a kind picture pattern feeling , that is , expression .

  20. 于是审美理想,审美情感形式感是艺术构成的本质要素。

    As a result , aesthetic idea and the form sense of aesthetic feeling are the essential elements of art .

  21. 好的形式感是自然的美好呈现或再现,坏的形式感是扼杀自然的凶手。

    The good form feeling is natural presents or the reappearance happily , the bad form feeling strangles the natural murderer .

  22. 第三部分,从艺术的表现手法来分析研究,神兽木偶的功能美和形式感美。

    The third section analyses the functional aesthetics of the sacred animal puppet and formal aesthetics with the artistic expressive way .

  23. 西方绘画的音乐性则与西方现代美术观有着错综复杂的关系,根据主题和形式感的不同呈现不同的面貌。

    The western music painting then is different from the form feels of to present the different feature according to the topic .

  24. 纤维艺术只有跳出形式感的自我复制,才能使得个体感觉的智慧型变为对观念性主题的诉求。

    Fiber art out of the form sense only copy themselves , to make the individual feeling a smart idea sex topic demands .

  25. 正是确证感向同情感和形式感的发展以及劳动的异化,使审美完成了从非审美和前审美到纯粹审美的全过程。

    It is the development of conclusive evidence towards sympathy and form and the alienation of labor that fulfill the forming process of aesthetic judgment .

  26. 造型中线条与块面的处理可以加强画面的形式感,使画面具有自身的张力。

    Modeling lines and blocks of the treatment can be enhanced screen in the form of flu so that the screen has its own tension .

  27. 油画作为一种西洋画种,无论从形式感,内涵,绘画语言上深深地打上了西方文化的烙印。

    Oil painting as a western painting , whether from the form sense , connotation , painting language deeply hit the mark of western culture .

  28. 这是一个很自然的起点,很显然语言在真正被人说的时候在形式感上并非具有逻辑性的。

    While this is a natural starting point , it is clear that language as spoken by real people is not logical in the formal sense .

  29. 中国水墨动画的起源是参照了中国水墨画,两者的笔墨形式感相通。

    Chinese Ink Animation is a reference to the origin of the Chinese brush and ink , the ink forms a sense of connecting the two .

  30. 任何一件作品的边线处理方式都有它自身的形式感,正如每件绘画作品本身就是该作品内容的一个形式是一个道理。

    Edge of a work of any approach has its own sense of form , as each painting is itself a form of content of the work .