
xínɡ shì cān shù
  • formal parameter
  1. 它是SimpleRDB的通用模型的第一个类实体,但是在UML2.0中没有它的对等体.这就是关联的签名没有与UML元素相关的形式参数的原因。

    It is a first class entity in the meta-model of SimpleRDB , but it has no equivalent in UML2.0.That is why the signature of the relation has no formal parameter that relates a UML element .

  2. 过程体中每当引用形式参数时,就调用形实替换程序。

    For each reference to a formal parameter in the body of the procedure , a call of this thunk appears .

  3. 它有形式参数x和y,并返回这两个值的乘积。

    It has formal parameters x and y and returns the product of these two values .

  4. 文件与RPC形式参数的图

    Diagram of document and RPC style parameters

  5. C索引器的形式参数成为相应的UML操作的参数,而索引器的类型成为UML操作的返回类型。

    The formal parameters of the C # indexer become the parameters of the corresponding UML operation and the type of the indexer becomes the return type of the UML operation .

  6. 常常可以发现bug的原因是调用者发送了类型错误的参数或数量错误的参数,或者实际参数和形式参数的次序不匹配。

    Often , you can trace the origin of a bug back to a caller that 's sending the wrong type of argument , the wrong number of arguments , or a mismatch between the order of actual and formal arguments .

  7. 普遍声逆散射微扰论与形式参数展开法

    General acoustical inverse scattering perturbation theories and method of formal parameter expansion

  8. 名字和形式参数都在关联中定义。

    The name and the formal parameters are defined in the signature of the relation .

  9. 形式参数是对要传入的值的声明;

    A parameter is a declaration of what type of value will be passed in ;

  10. 在其后必须跟有函数名和包括形式参数的圆括号。

    It must be followed by the function name and the parenthesized list of formal parameters .

  11. 导出地方坐标与国家坐标转换参数、形式参数及重心化参数的关系。

    The paper introduces the relationship among transformation parameters , form parameters and barycentralization parameters in local and national coordinates .

  12. 使用名字调用时,包含有用参数对形式参数进行原文替换的意思。

    The use of a call by name parameter implies a textual substitution of the formal parameter name by the actual parameter .

  13. 应用了一种声衍射层析术的新型重建算法&形式参数展开法。

    This paper presents a reconstruction algorithm of mixed ( transmission and reflection ) mode acoustical diffraction tomography using the method of formal parameter expansion .

  14. 在这些类图中,关联被定义为带有特殊标记的类,它们的属性代表了输入中指明的形式参数。

    In these diagrams , the relations are defined as classes tagged with a specific stereotype , and their properties represent the formal parameters specified in input .

  15. 传递数据双方声明全局变量共享,或在C++Builder中声明并通过函数形式参数传递给Labwin/CVI。

    Data transmission may be realized by sharing general variable or declaring variable in C + + Builder and transferred it to Labwin / CVI through function .

  16. 一个过程可以有多个入口,通常每个入口包括一个称为入口名的标识符,还可能包括一些形式参数。

    A procedure may have more than one entry ; each entry usually includes an identifier , called the entry name , and may include formal parameters .

  17. 操作非常简单,只需要用计算机鼠标或公式画图板输入它们的特征线和形式参数即可完成。

    The operations of the system are simple , requiring the input of only characteristics lines and their form parameters with a computer mouse or tablet-like drawing sketches .

  18. 还可以展开跟踪中的条目(单击名称左边的向右小箭头),查看函数的形式参数的值。

    You can also expand an entry in a backtrace click the little right arrow to the left of the name to see the values of the function 's formal arguments .

  19. 本文主要研究了具有线性分式形式参数不确定性时滞与多时滞广义系统的鲁棒稳定和镇定与保性能控制问题。

    This paper mainly studies the problem of robust stability and stabilization for a class of time-delayed and multi-time delay singular systems and guaranteed cost control with linear fractional form parameter uncertainty .

  20. 进行核主成分分析时,使用的是混合核函数,其权值和形式参数是通过遗传算法,以矩阵相似性度量作为适应度,经过优化求得的,这样可以尽可能的控制核函数的复杂程度。

    The mixed kernel is used in KPCA . The parameters of the mixed kernel are determined by GA , while the matrix similarity measurement serves as the fitness . So one can control kernel complexity as much as possible .

  21. 钢焊丝脉冲GMA焊最佳熔滴过渡形式的参数模型

    A variable model of optimum droplet transfer mode for pulsed GMA welding

  22. 阻尼正弦项叠加形式估计参数的Cramer-Rao下界

    Cramer - Rao bound of estimated parameter of superimposed exponentially damped sinusoids

  23. 前言:基于磁流体微扰动“失稳”的原理,建立了钢焊丝脉冲GMA焊最佳熔滴过渡形式的参数模型。

    In this paper , a variable model of optimum droplet transfer mode for pulsed GMA welding using a steel electrode is developed on the principle of the micro-interference instability of magnetofluid .

  24. 重点讨论了Kalman滤波在测深中的应用,设计了符合要求的滤波器形式和参数,研究两个测量方法间的综合,实现了过零点水深值对轨迹测深值的校对。

    The article focuses on the Kalman Filter in sounding application , designed the filter form and parameters to meet the requirements , realize the depth of zero-point proofreading the value on trajectory tracking , and analyses the information integration between the two measuring methods .

  25. 利用广义影响函数和广义Cook统计量来研究相依线性回归模型中,各种不同扰动形式对参数β的广义最小二乘估计的局部影响,得到了各种扰动形式下关于β的局部影响度量。

    The generalized influence function and generaliaed Cook distance were used to study the local influence of observations on the parameter estimates in the linear regression model with dependent structure . Under the perturbations of error variance , response variables and explanatory variables , the diagnostics were obtained .

  26. 借助泛函极小问题与样条插值问题的密切联系,得到了样条函数形式的参数化方法,即样条插值模型。样条插值模型是著名的Backus-Gilbert模型在球面情形的推广。

    With the help of the close relationship between problem of minimizing functional and of spline interpolation , we obtain the form of parameterization in spline interpolation model , which is an extension of Backus-Gilbert method on sphere .

  27. 介绍采用电空制动指令的优点,直通传输方式中电空制动指令信号形式及其参数的选择,BCU对其进行解译的方案和抑制干扰的措施及2种长距离传输电路方案。

    Described are the advantages to apply the electro pneumatic braking instructions , selection of electro pneumatic braking instruction signal modes and parameters in the through transmission , interpretation schemes by BCU , measures to prevent interference and two schemes for the long distance transmission circuit .

  28. 详细描述了系统的功能,显示形式,参数设置等。

    It detailedly performs the system function , display form and parameter setting .

  29. 本文给出了速度调节器的工程设计方法,包括速度调节器形式和参数设计。

    The engineering design method of speed regulator and parameters has been given .

  30. 不对称滞回模型的一般形式及其参数慢变特性

    General formulations of Asymmetrical Hysteretic models and the slowly-varying characteristics of their parameters