
xínɡ xiànɡ dà shǐ
  • Image Ambassador;image representative
  1. 被誉为“中国车王”的卢宁军先生担任本次活动的形象大使,亲率车队出征欧亚,必然会引起广大媒体的高度关注和大力追捧。

    Lu ningjun , with the honor of car king of china , will be the image representative of this activity and lead the motorcade personally to Europe and asia , which will inevitably become the focus of the media and attract great concern .

  2. 姚首先是个国家形象大使,然后才是一个nba球员,这是北京所希望的。

    The last thing Beijing wants is for Yao to become another NBA player indifferent about representing his country .

  3. Fivla和Vitamin是宣传这次活动的“矮种马形象大使”,这次活动将重点介绍苏格兰一年中的各种活动,以及探寻苏格兰自然美景的贴心提示。

    Fivla and Vitamin have been dubbed " pony ambassadors " to help promote the campaign , which features a year 's worth of activities and insider tips on exploring Scotland 's natural beauty .

  4. 近日,已经退役的中国篮球运动员姚明正式成为了2019年FIBA(国际篮联)篮球世界杯的首位形象大使。

    Yao Ming , a retired Chinese basketball player , is now the first ambassador of the FIBA Basketball World Cup 2019 .

  5. 他自豪地谈到了2019年中国FIBA篮球世界杯形象大使这一角色的重要性。

    He spoke proudly about the importance of his role as the ambassador for the FIBA Basketball World Cup 2019 in China .

  6. AARP旅游公司的形象大使萨曼莎·布朗建议人们出发前找点时间,将每个人在旅程中想要做的事写下来。

    Samantha Brown , AARP Travel ambassador , suggests taking some time prior to departure and having everyone write down what they 'd like to accomplish on the trip .

  7. 无论如何,品牌就像国家一样有其形象大使。

    After all , brands , like countries , have ambassadors .

  8. 2009年,她成为控烟形象大使。

    She became an ambassador for tobacco control in 2009 .

  9. 第九届世界武术锦标赛,武术形象大使。

    The Goodwill Ambassador of The Ninth World Wushu Championships .

  10. 姜馨田:想做奥帆赛形象大使

    Jiang Xintian : Wishing to Be Image Ambassador of the Olympic Sailing Regatta

  11. 成龙、朗朗、姚明成为上海世博会形象大使。

    Jackie Chan , Yao Ming , Langlang , ambassadors for Shanghai Expo .

  12. 我们清楚地认识到,公司的每一名雇员都是毅联汇业的形象大使。

    We are conscious that everyone of us is an ambassador for ICAP .

  13. 中华红丝带基金形象大使白岩松说。

    China Red Ribbon Foundation ambassador Bai Yansong said .

  14. 酒业形象大使之管见

    Views of the Image Ambassador of Wine Enterprises

  15. 此外,他也担任了上海旅游形象大使,为期两年。

    He 's also been appointed as Shanghai 's tourism ambassador for two years .

  16. 这位是安昌的形象大使。

    This is Angchang 's image ambassador .

  17. 什么交易艾丽克丝好比一名形象大使

    Alex is like a brand ambassador .

  18. 珠海的形象大使吧?

    Zhuhai 's image ambassador first ?

  19. 海宝是中国2010年上海世博会的形象大使,他正用热情的双臂、自信的微笑欢迎来自全球各地的朋友们。

    He is embracing friends from all over the world with his arms and confident smile .

  20. 我需要的是形象大使。

    What I need are ambassadors .

  21. 被中国妇女儿童基金会评为“慈善之星”,并担任“春蕾计划”形象大使。

    She has been chosen as image ambassador of " Spring Bud " education project in China .

  22. 地铁形象大使!

    The ambassador for metro !

  23. 书法可谓我国文化中最具有代表性的形象大使。

    Calligraphy , to some extent , can be described as the representative ambassador of China ' sculture .

  24. 广告形象大使

    Image Ambassador of Advertisement

  25. 7年后,这张图片的主人公被选为中国儿童慈善活动日的形象大使。

    Seven years Tater , the boy was chosen as image ambassador of China Children 's Charity Day .

  26. 拔得此次大赛头筹的佳丽将成为海峡两岸旅游形象大使。

    The winner of the beauty pageant will work across the Chinese Mainland and Taiwan to promote tourism .

  27. 当我们向她建议担任中国之队形象大使的时候,她欣然答应了。

    When we proposed to her to be the ambassador of China team , she jumped at the chance !

  28. 不过作为这一世袭君主立宪制度的形象大使,这一家三口会产生重大的影响。

    But as ambassadors for the system of hereditary , constitutional monarchy , this trio exert a powerful force .

  29. 志愿者是现代奥林匹克运动的基石,是奥运会的形象大使。

    Volunteers are the footstone of Olympic Games and the real image ambassador of olympics , representing Olympic spirit .

  30. 成为摩托罗拉、舒蕾、博朗、洛兹等著名品牌的形象大使;

    Brand Spokesperson for " MOTOROLA "," SLEK "," BRAUN "," ROUSSE " and many other famous products'brand promotions .