
  • 网络visual communication
  1. 第二节对期刊封面在视觉传播中的作用进行了探讨。

    Section two discusses the role of covers in visual communication .

  2. 论视觉传播中形象肖似符号的修辞与意义

    On the Rhetoric and Meaning of Similar Image Symbols in Visual Communication

  3. 视觉传播促进了民族文化的大众化传播;

    The visual communication promotes national culture 's popularization .

  4. 时装广告在视觉传播中的性别编码研究

    On Gendered Coding of Fashion Advertising in Visual Communications

  5. 视觉传播符号在跨文化广告传播中的解读

    Understanding of the Visual Sign in Cross-cultural Advertisement Communications

  6. 视觉传播是传播的一个方向和发展趋势。

    Visual communication is one of the directions and developing trends of communication .

  7. 冒犯性广告中的视觉传播因素解读

    An Analysis on Visual Communication Elements in Offensive Advertising

  8. 进入视觉传播时代,注意力成为重要的经济资源。

    Entering the visual communication ages , the attention becomes the important and economic resources .

  9. 图形成了人类最为直观的一种视觉传播形式。

    Graphics has become a kind of humanity the most intuitive form of visual communication .

  10. 单一静态或动态传播模式转向为动静相宜的整合视觉传播模式。

    Single static frame or dynamic broadcast mode has turned to united visual broadcast mode .

  11. 摄影作为一种现代化的视觉传播媒介,很快被应用于商业的平面广告之中。

    Photography as a modern visual media , soon be used in commercial plane in advertising .

  12. 第一节介绍了视觉传播的概念、特点和与大众传播结合的必然性。

    Section one introduces the concept , characters and the necessity of combining with the mass media .

  13. 当今的时代已进入了一个图像时代,视觉传播日益成为人类传播中占主导地位的传播方式。

    Since we have entered The Era of Picture , visual communication has become dominant in all the human communications .

  14. 这也使得探讨照片的真实性,成为摄影和视觉传播学术领域中的热点话题。

    It also makes the authenticity of photos as photography , especially photojournalism and visual communication in the hot academic topic .

  15. 使人与人之间的交流成为可能,将这些能力用于鉴赏,人们就能理解和观赏视觉传播的经典之作。

    Through the appreciative use of these competencies , he is able to comprehend and enjoy the masterworks of visual communication .

  16. 电视新闻节目语言规律探析&视觉传播下的电视新闻写作思考之三

    Research on the Language of the Video News Program & The Third Study of the News Writing from the Perspective of Visual Communication

  17. 来自大连工业大学视觉传播设计专业大四年级,23岁的王月正是这些引人注目的画作的创作者。

    The creator of these eye-catching paintings is Wang Yue , 23 , a senior majoring in visual communication design at Dalian Polytechnic University .

  18. 第二章主要分析中国媒体对2004年雅典奥运会的视觉传播策略。

    Chapter two mostly analyses the visual tactics of China 's media such as newspaper , TV and Internet on the2004 Athens Olympic Games .

  19. 随着当今社会中艺术与高科技并驾齐驱的高速发展,视觉传播的竞争日益激烈,艺术在变革和创新中求生存,求发展。

    With the rapid development of both art and science , the competition of visual communication is growing fierce . Art lives on transformation and innovation .

  20. 法国的罗兰·巴特和杰克斯·都兰德二人开创了视觉传播修辞研究。这种研究主要建立在语言学修辞研究的基础上。

    Mainly based on the research of linguistic rhetoric , two French critics , Roland Barthes and Jacques Durand , initiated the research on visual rhetoric .

  21. 通过字研所十多年的创作实践案例,分享中文字体在视觉传播设计和当代艺术领域中的表现可能性。

    Showing more than ten years case studies of SHTYPE , to explore the expressive possibility of Chinese typography in visual communication and contemporary art field .

  22. 第一章主要介绍了现代奥运会创办以来与媒介的关系及其视觉传播方式,分为媒介奥运、奥运形象和视觉传播等三节。

    Chapter one which is divided into three sections mainly introduces the relationship between media and modern Olympic Games since origin and the way of visual communication .

  23. 广告信息的传播是视觉传播过程,吸引受众注意对于广告信息的成功传播来说显得十分重要。

    Advertisement dissemination of information are the process of visual communication to attract audience attention for the success of the dissemination of information for it is very important .

  24. 总之,本文力图将奥运会与媒介的视觉传播策略整合在同一框架下进行考量,为2008年北京奥运研究提供一种思路。

    If the thesis can offer a kind of thinking for the fact that the Olympic Games in Beijing is studied in 2008 , the writer will be satisfied .

  25. 公关广告立足于企业长远发展,是提高企业声誉,打造或重塑形象的视觉传播艺术。

    Public relations advertising based on the long-term development of enterprises and organizations is to enhance corporate reputation , build or rebuild the image of the visual communication arts .

  26. 报纸作为一种传统的视觉传播媒体,与我们的生活息息相关,扮演着极其重要的角色。

    As a traditional visual media , newspaper is closely related to our daily lives . It is playing an important role more and more in our social life .

  27. 在视觉传播主导媒介文化的今天,动画传播显示出了强大的吸引力,成为当下中国媒介文化不可或缺的组成部分。

    The animation communication , holding its unique attraction , has already been an indispensable part of Chinese media culture nowadays when the visual communication takes up the dominant part .

  28. 心房和公共场所,为大堂清晰的导航系统的设计,使视觉传播以及通过内核访问,以确保为所有用户完全无障碍的环境。

    The design of a clear navigation system for lobbies , atria and common areas , enables visual communication as well as access through the cores , ensuring fully accessible environment for all users .

  29. 本文主要运用文本分析的方法揭示《河南日报》视觉传播现状及问题,并运用现代视觉理念为党报视觉传播提出建设性的发展策略。

    This paper use the text analysis method to analyze HENAN DAILY current visual communication and problem , And proposed constructive visual communication of development strategies in a modern visual idea for the party newspaper .

  30. 广告的视觉传播是通过视觉语言与受众沟通的,广告视觉语言的表达清楚与否,会直接影响广告的传播效果。

    The visual dissemination of advertisement is done by communicating the advertisement viewers through visual language . So whether the visual language is clearly conveyed has a direct influence on the effect of advertisement dissemination .