
  • 网络Visual China;China Visual;ChinaVisual;ChinaVisualbabycom
  1. 从文化视觉反思中国足球运动的发展

    The survey about development of China soccer sport from culture sight

  2. 海南省视觉第一中国行动四年总结报告

    Final Report of the Four-year " Sight First China Action " In Hainan Province

  3. 小切口白内障摘除手术在海南省视觉第一中国行动实施中的作用

    The role of small incision cataract extraction for " Vision first Chin action " in Hainan

  4. 视觉第一中国行动眼科护士培训初探

    Primary study of nurse training for the ophthalmology department in the campaign of eyesight first in China

  5. 全球最大的防盲项目视觉第一中国行动取得了重大成效。

    The biggest program Sight first , China action in prevention of blindness in the world has been gotten the great achievements .

  6. 目的呼吁在视觉第一中国行动如何解决白内障早期及时复明与指定时间漫长等待的矛盾及除白内障以外的其它眼病早期及时防治问题,以避免由于不能及时复明或错过治疗时机而引发的一系列弊端。

    Objective To investigation how to solve the contradiction between the timely surgery and long-time waiting for specified date in cataract patients , and the problem of early prevention and treatment of other eye disease .

  7. 发展机器视觉,对中国的教学、科研和经济均有积极意义。

    Development of machine vision , has a positive significance to the Chinese teaching , scientific research and economy .

  8. 农村白内障复明工作经过多年探索,包括派出眼科医疗队,开展“视觉第一,中国行动”为农村白内障患者服务,已取得显著的成效。

    Sight restoring for cataract patients in countryside has been made great progress by years of effort , including floating medical team of ophthalmology , and " Vision First-China in Action " activity .

  9. 方法对重庆市视觉第一,中国行动2220眼白内障复明手术中98例白内障患者行人工晶体缝袢固定术进行回顾性研究。

    Methods Ninety eight cases ( 98 eyes ) of 2 220 patients in " Vision First in China " of Chongqing municipality accepted suture fixation of posterior chamber intraocular lens were retrospectively studied .

  10. 尽管“雕塑”作为一种视觉创造在中国久已有之,但当西方的雕塑艺术被引进中国后,实际上已经阻断和遮蔽了我们的造型实践。

    Sculpture as a visual creation has long been established in China , but after western sculpture is introduced into China , the Chinese practice of plastic arts has been overshadowed and even stopped .

  11. 只有置身于于实践创作中,才能真正从心灵和视觉上感受中国传统图形给我们带来的韵味,才能不断踏实地、坚定地探求传统与现代发展之路。

    Only exposure to the practice of creation , can truly feel the heart and visual graphics to the traditional charm of us can continue to ease , the firm exploring traditional and modern development .

  12. 中国现代画家将平面构成形式运用于他们的创作当中,使画面取得了新的视觉效果,中国画坛一般认为当代中国画的平面构成关系来自西方现代平面构成。

    Modern Chinese painters use plane form in their creation , makes a new visual effect in the picture , the Chinese painting is believed to planar formation of contemporary Chinese painting from western modern planar formation .

  13. 一方面,将多模态话语分析的理论应用到平面公益广告的解读中,验证了克瑞斯和勒文(Kress&vanLeeuwen)1996年提出的视觉语法在解读中国的平面公益广告互动意义的适用性和可行性。

    On the one hand , the present study extends multimodal discourse analysis ( MDA ) into the interpretation of print PSA and testifies the applicability of Visual Grammar ( VG ) proposed by Kress and van Leeuwen in 1996 to Chinese PSA .

  14. 视觉文化时代的中国动画创作转向研究

    Visual Culture of the Times Towards the Study of Chinese Animation

  15. 现代视觉设计中的中国传统吉祥图形的应用

    The Application of Chinese Traditional Drawing for Propitiousness in Modern Visual Design

  16. 从视觉传达设计谈中国日用陶瓷装饰设计

    On Chinese domestic ceramic decoration design from the view of visual design

  17. 第一章绪论部分以视觉论坛上对中国设计的探寻为起点,介绍了课题研究的背景与范围。

    The first chapter introduces genesis and background of the study by the China Design of design forum .

  18. 油画作为一门视觉艺术学科在中国的美术教育中有着较为重要的地位和作用。

    As a visual art discipline in art education , Oil painting has a more important position and role .

  19. .视觉艺术家徐冰用中国各地的监控视频创作的影片《蜻蜓之眼》近日在北京首映。

    Dragonfly Eyes , a video created by visual artist Xu Bing using surveillance footage recorded in China , recently debuted in Beijing .

  20. 水墨动画视觉语言是将中国传统意趣审美观与现代多媒体技术完美结合的艺术形式,它被赋予了传统水墨艺术形式和传统意趣审美观的生命,具有极其深广的发展空间。

    It has been given the life in traditional ink painting art forms and traditional interest aesthetics , and thus it has broad development space .

  21. 徽州村落中的水系视觉传达,作为中国古代村落中的优秀代表,具有突出的审美文化价值。

    Villages in the water system of visual communication , as a village in ancient China the outstanding representatives of outstanding aesthetic and cultural value .

  22. 如今的中国艺术家把油画人物作为一种视觉语言去把握中国传统文化的审美特征,蕴含了中国内在的传统文化精神内涵。

    Today , people of Chinese artists to painting as a visual language to grasp the aesthetic characteristics of traditional Chinese culture , containing within the Chinese traditional culture connotation .

  23. 于是,面对新工笔作品,我们发现,传统视觉资源不再成为中国画获取当下性的障碍。

    Therefore , faced with works of new meticulous brush painting , we have found that traditional visual sources are no longer barriers on the road to modernization of Chinese paintings .

  24. 视觉元素与表达中国传统哲学思想的主题相契合,与动画电影题材、叙事结构、角色性格等叙事元素相互融合,与动画音乐、配音等听觉元素紧密结合。

    Visual elements fit well with the theme which expresses the Chinese traditional philosophy , subjects , narrative structure and characters of narrative elements , and movie music , voice of audio elements .

  25. 通过汉字形象的意境美、抽象美、线条美、空间美传情达意,运用现代的视觉语言来表达中国汉字博大精深的文化内涵。

    Chinese characters image of the mood through the abstract , lines , glances to convey his ideas of space , use of modern visual language to express the profound cultural connotation of Chinese characters .

  26. 宫灯以其照明的实用性、华丽的装饰性和多彩的视觉欣赏性在中国民俗文化中占有一席之地;并以工艺复杂、做工精良、造型雅致而闻名于世。

    Palace lanterns win a place as its usable lighting , luxuriant adornment patterns and colorful visual appreciation features in Chinese culture and customs . And also it is especially famous for its complicated fabrication technology and its modeling elegant design .

  27. 民间木版年画的造型美与色彩美本文旨在讨论这一珍贵世界文化遗产的文化背景、审美意象与视觉形式特征。中国民间木版年画这一独特的东方样式记录着丰富多彩的民俗百态与审美习惯。

    Assessment of the Beauty in the Modelling and Colour Schemes of Chinese Folk Woodcut Paintings The paper is to discuss the origin , development , the cultural backdrop , the imago of taste and the features of visual form of this valuable and world cultural heritage .

  28. 本文从外语教学和翻译学的两重视觉,采用在中国历史最悠久的英语学习杂志《英语世界》作为研究对象,对翻译在外语学习中的作用予以积极正面的评价。

    This thesis integrates theories of both second language ( referred to as L2 hereafter ) learning and translation studies to revaluate positively the role of translation in L2 learning , by making a survey on World of English , the history-longest and most popular English-learning-oriented magazine in China .