
  1. 尚品网CEO兼总裁赵世成同意这种观点。

    Zhao Shicheng , CEO and president of shangpin.com , agrees .

  2. 尚品CEO赵世诚不仅着眼于时尚潮流,也关注商业趋势。

    Zhao pays attention to trends not only in fashion but also in business .

  3. 另外赵世诚还对《财富》杂志(Fortune)称,目前尚品的客服电话每天开放12个小时,不过很快就会扩展成全天24小时。

    Customer service phone lines operate for 12 hours a day each day , and will soon expand to 24 hour service , Zhao told fortune .

  4. 尚品网2010年7月面世,主要面向中国消费者进行欧洲顶级奢侈品品牌(如Gucci等)的限时在线销售。

    Shangpin launched in July 2010 , and offers top European labels , such as Gucci , to Chinese consumers during limited-time online sales .

  5. 尚品网的赵世成也在这样做,他说很多网络顾客都是通过微信、微博和qq空间分组的。

    Shangpin . com 's Zhao concurs . He says many of the website 's customers are " grouped " by WeChat , Weibo and QQ Zones .

  6. 而与此同时,一家总部位于北京,且仅限于注册会员的电子商务网站&尚品网(Shangpin),目前也正飞快发展。

    Not surprisingly , Shangpin a new Beijing-based , members-only e-commerce site is growing dramatically too .

  7. 此外尚品还会为会员举办线下的购物和交流活动。

    There are offline shopping and networking events only for Shangpin members .

  8. 尚品对这部分中国人消费需求的了解得可谓细致入微,这一点可能让世界许多知名奢侈品品牌羡慕不已。

    Its intimate understanding of those customers could become the envy of established luxury brands around the world .

  9. 尚品的这一战略是要自主创造时尚内容,如果这本杂志的确能够引导读者的奢侈品消费,那么这一战略还是相当划算的。

    This strategy for providing style-related content could prove lucrative if it steers Shangpin 's readers toward purchasing .

  10. 有鉴于此,尚品将在9月15日推出一本在线杂志,向消费者介绍奢侈品文化。

    So on September 15 , Shangpin will try to address this obstacle by launching an online editorial magazine .

  11. 此枕质细,性温是健康睡眠的首选,也是访亲会友送礼的尚品。

    This pillow pledges , sex is the preferred temperature , but also healthy sleep visit private gifts of product .

  12. 尚品网的赵世成说,平价奢侈品在较小城市的消费者中是一种新的生活方式。

    Affordable luxury is the new lifestyle among consumers in the smaller cities , according to shangpin . com 's Zhao .

  13. 尚品已经从纽约和欧洲招聘了一些能说汉语的时尚编辑。

    The company has actively been recruiting fashion editors in New York and Europe who can also speak and write in Mandarin .

  14. 在尚品网,包类产品的最高价是5.29万元——是法国时尚品牌香奈儿的一款限量LeBoy晚宴包。

    In shangpin.com , the highest price tag in the bag catalog is 52900 yuan - for a limited-edition LeBoy evening bag from French luxury house Chanel .

  15. 无论是贵族的礼遇,还是尚品的华丽,一曲曼妙至极的欧式风情演绎者,天一木门高端设计的国际流行元素。

    No matter noble and polite treat , or supreme and good beauty , a beautiful song full of European style , Tiyi wooden doors'international fashionable elements in high-level design .

  16. “东方木韵尚品人生”,追求高品质、高性价比、专业优质的服务是我们永恒的追求和目标。

    " Oriental wood charm , for nobly and high-quality life . ", pursing high quality , high performance price ratio and providing excellent service are our constant pursue and aims .

  17. 其中包括尚品提供的大量客户服务,以及建立专门的团队来“做内容”,向中国的高端消费者普及奢侈品的品牌知识。

    These include Shangpin 's extensive customer service offerings and the idea of creating a content arm that would educate high-end Chinese buyers about the labels that they plan to purchase .

  18. 尚品网上销售的商品都被这些品牌“授权”为正品。由于中国盛行山寨文化,因此这种“正品授权”对于在中国销售奢侈品来说非常重要。

    They 're all " authorized " by these labels as authentic & an important aspect to selling designer products in China , known for its rampant culture of believable knockoffs .

  19. 这些数据表明,尚品的目标顾客可能对尚品的这本在线杂志如饥似渴,而且说不定还会把它当成购物参考。

    These stats suggest that Shangpin 's target customer likely will be hungry for the type of online editorial content Shangpin plans to provide and , ideally , buy it as shopping advice .

  20. 后来,赵世诚灵光乍现,冒出了尚品的点子。由于中国奢侈品市场的增势乐观,因此尚品的商业理念本身就具有巨大的增长潜力。

    Then , inspiration struck : he came up with the idea of Shangpin , which in itself is a business idea with obviously huge potential , simply given the optimistic trends in China 's luxury market .

  21. “尚品”二字在中文里别有深意。“尚”是“时尚”的简写,“品”代表“品味”。

    The company 's name refers to the Chinese characters for " fashion "(" shang " is a shortened version of " shi shang ," the full character for " fashion ") and " taste "(" pin ") .