
shì chá yuán
  • inspector
  1. 视察员对有关学校的一切都感兴趣。

    The inspector was interested in everything pertaining to the school .

  2. 显而易见,这位视察员把我当作那个修路工了。

    Clearly , the Inspector thought I was the roadman .

  3. 他们假装成视察员进了学校

    They got into the school in the guise of inspectors .

  4. 程序的特点要求视察员公平地行使权力。

    The characteristice of the proceedings required the inspectors to act fairly .

  5. 视察员同样也也须有具体的技术培训。

    Inspectors , too , should be required to have specific technical training .

  6. 视察员批评了员工中的懒散和无能。

    The inspector criticized slackness and incompetence in staff .

  7. 视察员查验工作的质量。

    An inspector checked the standard of work .

  8. 这将让我晋升为视察员。

    That would promote me to inspector .

  9. 经查验后,视察员认可了那一项目。通过目镜观察物体图像的大的凸透镜。

    The inspector passed the item after examining it . large convex lens produces image that is viewed through the eyepiece .

  10. “那么我该罚你,”那个人说,“我是国际食物学会的视察员。

    So I am condemnable you ," then the individual says ," I am the inspect member that international food learns .

  11. 在安诺卡县,超过200名负责人仅配有3名视察员,视察员无法给每个负责人那里安排尽可能多的时间。

    In Anoka County , three inspectors have caseloads of more than 200 providers and aren 't able to spend as much time with individual providers as they would like .

  12. 中国还积极支持公约组织的工作,曾数次与该组织合办视察员培训班、研讨会等。

    China has been active in supporting the work of the OPCW and has cosponsored , along with the OPCW , a seminar , as well as several training courses for inspectors .

  13. 据研究与监督机构美国儿童看护意识估计,在明尼苏达州,每150个家庭托儿所配有一名县级视察员,这在全美倒数前十之列。

    Child Care Aware of America , a research and watchdog group , estimates that Minnesota has one county inspector for every 150 family child care homes & 10th worst in the nation .