
  • 网络southern province;Sud;South Province;Pygmy Village
  1. 这两名患者均来自该国南部省,那里自12月初以来一直报告有家禽暴发。

    Both patients are from provinces in the southern part of the country , where poultry outbreaks have been reported since the beginning of december .

  2. 中国南部江西省井冈山大学的讲师钟华和刘涛2007年在《晶体学报:E分卷》发表了这些论文。

    Hua Zhong and Tao Liu , lecturers at Jinggangshan University in south China 's Jiangxi Province , published the papers in2007 in Acta Crystallographica Section E.

  3. 伊朗南部Kerman省天疱疮患者存活率和风险函数测定

    Determination of survival and hazard functions for pemphigus patients in Kerman , a southern province of Iran

  4. 中国南部广东省报告一例人感染H7N9禽流感疑似病例。

    A new suspected case of human infection with the H7N9 strain of avian influenza has been reported in south China 's Guangdong Province .

  5. 巴基斯坦总理吉拉尼(YousufRazaGillani)表示,他将负责对南部信德省数百万洪水灾民的救助工作。

    The Prime Minister of Pakistan , Yousaf Raza Gillani , has said he 'll take charge of the relief effort for millions of flood victims in the southern province of Sindh .

  6. 第一例为来自南部湖南省的一名9岁男童。

    The first case is a9-year-old boy from the southern province of Hunan .

  7. 第二例最新报告病例为南部薄寮省一名17岁男孩。

    The second newly reported case is a17-year-old boy from the southern province of Bac Lieu .

  8. 老挝南部占巴塞省的波罗芬高原分布大面积的玄武岩。

    Basalt is widely distributed in the Boloven plateau , Champasak province , the south LAOS .

  9. 在南部赫尔曼德省,今年夏天叛乱者吊死了一个当地警察八岁的儿子。

    This summer insurgents in Helmand province in the south hanged the eight-year-old son of a local policeman .

  10. 中国南部广东省计划在年底前停止劳教制度。

    South China 's Guangdong Province is planning to end the re-education through labor system within the year .

  11. 巴基斯坦南部信德省有震感,使当地民众感到恐慌。

    The tremor was also felt in the country 's southern Sindh province , causing panic among the people .

  12. 中国南部广东省对20年来最严重的登革热疫情保持高度警惕。

    South China 's Guangdong Province is on high alert against the worst dengue fever outbreak in 2 decades .

  13. 阿富汗总统卡尔扎伊同父异母的弟弟在他位于南部坎大哈省的家中被枪杀。

    The half brother of Afghan President Hamid Karzai has been shot dead at his home in southern Kandahar province .

  14. 中国南部广东省中山市37人被确诊为登革热病例。

    Thirty-seven people have been confirmed as having contracted dengue fever in Zhongshan City in south China 's Guangdong Province .

  15. 第二个病人也是来自该国南部茶荣省的9岁男童。

    The second patient was a9-year-old boy from Tra Vinh Province , also located in the southern part of the country .

  16. 位于中国南部海南省的海口市的排名上升幅度最大,从第13名来到了第7名。

    Haikou City in South China 's Hainan Province has seen the biggest rise in rank , from 13th to 7th .

  17. 政府于4月5日宣布的第9例为南部索哈杰省一名16个月女童。

    The ninth case , announced by the government on5 April , is a16-month-old girl from the southern governorate of Sohaj .

  18. 在几天之后,它们将从中国南部海南省的文昌航天发射场发射。

    They 'll be lifted off in the coming days from the Wenchang Spacecraft launch site in south China 's Hainan province .

  19. 塔利班发言人回应美军在阿富汗南部赫尔曼德省展开的军事行动。

    QARI YOSUF AHMADI , Taliban spokesman reacts to the U.S.army launching an offensive against them in south Afghanistan 's Helmand province .

  20. 星期一在中国南部广东省的省会广州市,中泰两国举行了首次特种作战部队联合训练。

    China and Thailand on Monday started their first-ever combined training of special troops in Guangzhou , capital of south China 's Guangdong Province .

  21. 他还写到中国南部云南省遭遇冬天般的严寒,这里布满山脉和雨林,有老虎和大象出没。

    He also profiles the wintry chill in Yunnan Province in southern China , a land of mountains and jungles roamed by tigers and elephants .

  22. 其他两个这样的城市群发展是中国北方的京津冀地区和中国南部广东省的珠江三角洲城市群。

    Two other such clusters are the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei province region in the north and the Pearl River Delta urban cluster in South China 's Guangdong province .

  23. 一名出席近期在中国南部湖南省召开的一个棉花会议的交易员表示,与会人员的情绪有点悲观。

    At a recent cotton conference in Hunan province in Southern China , the mood was a little bit downbeat , said a trader who attended .

  24. 该男子最近访问了他在开罗南部法尤姆省的家乡,那里家禽疫情在2月最后一周期间得到正式确认。

    The man recently visited his hometown in Fayoum governorate , south of Cairo , where poultry outbreaks were officially confirmed during the last week of February .

  25. 柬埔寨穆斯林大多居住在南部贡布省洞里湖和湄公河沿岸的城镇与渔村。

    Cambodian Muslims are generally located in towns and rural fishing villages on the banks of the Tonle Sap and Mekong rivers and in Kampot Province in the south .

  26. 在中国南部广西省合浦县的灌溉水库岸边,饲养着3000多只从法国进口的鹅,以及1万只它们在当地繁殖的后代。

    On the banks of the Hepu irrigation reservoir in China 's southern Guangxi province , live more than 3,000 imported French geese and 10,000 of their locally born offspring .

  27. 电力不足对刚果南部加丹加省的矿业企业造成很大影响,由于经常停电,一些矿厂一年下来相当于停工一个月。

    The lack of power is hurting miners in the Katanga region of southern Congo , where some facilities are losing the equivalent of a month of annual production from blackouts .

  28. 埃及文物部门日前对外宣称,他们出土了一座具有7000多年历史的古城,以及一个可以追溯到南部索哈省第一王朝的公墓。

    Egypt has unearthed a city more than 7000 years old and a cemetery dating back to its first dynasty in the southern province of Sohag , the antiquities ministry has said .

  29. 该公司声明,必须进行债务重组的原因是现金流和收益的恶化以及成本和债务负担的不断增加。亚洲铝业总部位于中国南部广东省。

    The company , based in the southern province of Guangdong , claims that the restructuring is needed because of deteriorating cash flow and earnings , and rising costs and debt burden .

  30. 据《人民日报》报道,在中国南部广东省清远市举办的马拉松比赛中,约有2万名参赛者在到达终点后收到一个礼包。

    Some 20000 runners at the Qingyuan marathon in south China 's Guangdong province received a gift pack shortly after they crossed the finishing line , the People 's Daily newspaper reports .