
  1. 在第五届太阳能秋交会的宣传上,大美国际资讯在吸取以往成功经验的基础上,增加了新的特色。

    As to the publicity of the5th Solarfair , Darmei International Information , basing itself on the successful experiences of the former ones , has added some distinguishing features .

  2. 最详尽、鲜活、专业的ITS国际资讯信息,让世界了解中国,让中国走向世界!

    We have the most elaborate , timely and the most professional international ITS information , we make the whole world people know China , China walk up to the world !

  3. 由于社会分层、政治经济制度改革、科学技术发展、国际资讯一体化、文化内在力量变迁等一系列的当代社会状况的转型,形成了由文化领导、文化先锋和文化受众三大部分组成的文化群落结构。

    There are so much transformations on society status in contemporary era , such as social stratification , changes in political and economical system , technique advancement , and international trend of globalization and revolution inside culture .

  4. 我们亦会积极争取在香港举办知名的国际性资讯科技及电讯活动。

    We will also actively compete for holding prestigious international it and Telecommunications events in Hong kong .

  5. 据悉,这里曾是美国名流席琳·迪翁和比尔·盖茨的蜜月地。(国际在线独家资讯蒋黎黎未经允许请勿转载)

    Both Celine Dion and Bill Gates honeymooned here .

  6. 如果你不确定某个公关问题应该如何处理,可请教你的地区公关主委或国际扶轮公共资讯组办事员。

    If you are unsure how a public relations problem should be handled , seek guidance form your district 's public relations chairperson or from Rotary International 's Public Information staff .

  7. 目的:开阔国际视野,触摸资讯前沿。

    Objective : To broaden international vision and touch information frontier .

  8. 中国和中国媒体在接受国际主流财经媒体资讯的过程中,必须以积极的心态全面、审慎地分析和认知。

    Therefore , China and the Chinese medias must have a positive attitude to analysis and cognitive in the information with the international mainstream financial media .

  9. 中广视新国际广播电视产业资讯网,一直致力于中国及国际广播电视产业的技术发展与资讯交流项目。

    China Radio and TV international wideviews infomation web is committed to be on the technology and communication item of chinese & international radio and TV industry .

  10. 会员可以申请成为安康国际的产品助理,宣传安康国际的健康资讯和理念。安康国际将提供必要协助和补偿。

    Member can apply to be product coordinator to promote Encore 's health concepts and information on a compensation basis .

  11. 本文结合国内现行的和著作权有关的立法和国际的最新的发展动态,着重论述了在国际网络资讯保护中,互联网服务提供商和网站持有人可能遇到的著作权侵权行为。

    The paper incorporates the regulations in respect of the domestic copyright law at present with the new developments in international affairs , examines the copyright infringements which the INTERNET service providers and web site operators may confront .