
  1. 国家石油储备基地落户舟山海岛的研究

    Investigation on Settlement in Zhoushan of National Oil Storage Base

  2. 国家石油储备基地作为基层组织,负责石油储备的日常运行与管理。

    National oil reserve bases , serving as grassroots organizations , should take charge of operating and managing the oil reserve system .

  3. 大连国家石油储备基地工程储油库附近没有充足的淡水资源,只能以海水代替淡水进行水压试验。

    Sea water was used in the hydrotest of crude oil storage tanks at Dalian State Crude Oil Reserve as the supply of fresh water was not enough .

  4. 国家战略石油储备基地对港口条件的要求

    Port Condition Requirements for National Strategic Petroleum Reserve Base

  5. 随着国家战略石油储备基地建设的展开,对大型石油储罐用高强度钢板的需求日益增加。

    The development of the national strategic oil reserve base construction increases the requirement of large oil storage tank steel plates .

  6. 国家石油战略储备基地将对保障石油安全供给,维护国家能源安全和经济安全发挥重要作用。

    The State Strategic Oil Reserve Base will play a significant role in safeguarding the oil supply and energy and economic security of the country .

  7. 为了保障我国石油供给,国家大力建设石油储备基地,石油储罐数量增长迅速。

    In order to guarantee the oil supply in our country , the national strategic oil reserve bases are constructed vigorously , thus the number of oil storage tank is growing rapidly .

  8. 储罐是国家进行石油战略储备的重要设施,尤其是大型储罐,随着经济的持续快速发展在国家石油战略储备基地得到广泛地应用。

    Storage tanks are important in facilitating the petroleum storage strategy in the country , especially the Large-Scale storage tank . It is widely used in the base of the petroleum storage strategy along with the economic development .