
guó dū
  • capital;national capital
国都 [guó dū]
  • [national capital;capital] 首都

国都[guó dū]
  1. 华盛顿是美国的国都。

    Washington is the national capital of the United States .

  2. 不过,在杭州是国都时,曲院生产御酒。

    During the time when Hangzhou was national capital , however , it produced wines for imperial use .

  3. 他设法与两个共和国都达成了部分协议。

    He managed to reach a partial agreement with both republics .

  4. 该联盟的每一位成员国都同意采取其认为必要的行动,包括动用武力。

    Each member of the alliance agrees to take such action as it deems necessary , including the use of armed force

  5. 畿辅因为挨着国都一般都比较繁华。

    The district around the royal capital was generally prosperous due to its closeness to the capital .

  6. 但并不是所有的石油生产国都有巨额的储备金。

    But not all oil producers have big reserves .

  7. 三个超级国家中的任何一国都不可能被任何两国的联盟所绝对打败

    None of the three super-states could be definitively conquered even by the other two in combination .

  8. 欧盟表示,所有27个成员国都通过了“技术测试”,可以“基于自愿原则”开始使用这项新技术。

    The EU said that all 27 Member States have passed " technical tests " and can begin using the new technology on a " voluntary basis . "

  9. 一天,来了一个国都东郊的乡下人,声称自己有念九九算术口诀的才能,要求拜见齐桓公。

    One day , a villager from the eastern suburb of the capital wished to have an audience with Huan Gong , claiming that he had the ability to recite the multiplication4 table .

  10. 一个楚国人在郢国都里面高声歌唱,开始他唱的是《下里》《巴人》,郢都城中跟着他唱的有好几千人。

    A person of the state of Chu was singing loud in the capital city . At first he sang " Xia li " , and " Ba ren " , thousands of people joined him in sing .

  11. 尽管国际民航组织的所有成员国都可以引入“X”性别,但很多国家都无此规定。

    This is still the case in many countries , although any nation under the International Civil Aviation Organization 's authority is eligible to introduce category'x ' .

  12. 所有IMF成员国都要遵守这项政策,其执行不会受到否决权的阻碍。

    All IMF members would be governed by the policy , which would not be subject to a blocking veto in its implementation .

  13. 许多G20成员国都曾试图通过降低利率,增加公共支出来刺激经济。

    Many G20 members have been trying to bolster their economies by cutting interest rates and raising spending on public works .

  14. 本年度第二季度的GDP比去年增长了13.4%,这样的增长速度是任何欧盟成员国都无法匹敌的。

    GDP in the second quarter of the year was13.4 % higher than a year earlier , a rate of growth that no EU country comes close to matching .

  15. 国际治理创新中心(centreforinternationalgovernanceinnovation)中国研究部主任陈宗翼(gregchin)表示,其他双边捐助国都乐于由世行牵头,但中国一直不愿如此。

    Other bilateral donors had lined up behind the world bank , but China has been unwilling to do so , according to Greg chin , China research chair at the centre for international governance innovation .

  16. 但是政治分析家DanielGros表示,要寻找一位能够使IMF185个成员国都满意的领导人却并不容易。

    But political analyst Daniel Gros says finding a leader that can satisfy all of the IMF's185 member countries will not be easy .

  17. 工程勘察设计咨询业隶属于服务贸易领域,所有成员国都必须接受《服务贸易总协定》(GATS)规定。

    As the industry of engineering survey design consultation is a branch of the service trade , all members of General Agreement on Trade Service ( GATS ) have the obligation to obey its regulations .

  18. 在法国的拿破仑的军事行动,意大利各个城邦国都被其征服,由拿破仑划成一个意大利王国(RegnodiSardegna),这是现代史上意大利的第一次统一。

    Under France " s Napoleon " s military action , all the Italian city-nations were being conquered and unified as an Italian empire ( Regno di Sardegna ) by Napoleon .

  19. 古城原是强大的奇穆帝国的国都。

    It served as the capital of the mighty Chimu empire .

  20. 图书馆与地方志在我国都有着悠久的历史。

    Both library and local chronicles have long histories in China .

  21. 许多国家以及联合国都迅速给予了资金及其他方面援助的承诺。

    Several countries and UNagencies quickly promised financial and other help .

  22. 所有的会员国都必须遵照。

    All the member countries are under pressure to conform .

  23. 1991年,各个加盟共和国都从前苏联分离了出来。

    In 1991 , the USSR split up into its constituent republics .

  24. 各成员国都清楚,这是不可能实现的。

    They knew that was not going to happen .

  25. 毕竟,匈牙利连欧元成员国都不是。

    Hungary , after all , is not even a member of the euro .

  26. 每个轮值主席国都努力推动自己所青睐的项目。

    Each presidency pushes through its pet projects .

  27. 世界贸易组织执行统一一揽子的协定,而所有成员国都对这些协议做出了承诺。

    WTO administers a unified package of agreements to which all members are committed .

  28. 我听说,有一位歌唱家,经常在国都演唱。

    I hear that there is a singer who often sings in the capital .

  29. 但法国和荷兰等国都患上了英国病。

    But the French , the Dutch and others have caught the British disease .

  30. 所有成员国都合力为解决现在经济的问题而努力。

    All members work together to try to solve problems in today 's economies .